Created: 4/13/1954

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Air touch



Western Hemisphere



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Luis A. Konge returns:

Luis A. Konge returned to hia work as Secretary General of GRIT after touring nine Central and South Aaerlcan countries, lie feels that cotsaunlsa is increasing in some countries, effectively aided by obstinate national and foreign enterprises which do not wish to help the worker and which put pressure on the governments so that they cannot carry forward social reforms or economic improvements. Konge is alarmed after speaking to many of his democratic friends who aro on the "road to comnunlflm" and who bellevo that. does notwish to fight cannuniflm since It helps the dictators who protect tho Communists and does nothing to aid the exiled democratic political leaders. Kongo believes that the Caracas agreements regarding communism were iU-concoived since the greatest protector of coranunist syndicates Is Col. Perez Jimenez in whose country the Caracas Conference was held.

A letter from Belice states that the Union General de Trabej adores iscot in its determination to obtain complete independence from Great Britain. It denies the charges that the L'GT encourages cosnunlsm. The UGT declaredCatholic androgram of moderate reforms in Belice: betterment of tho worker's laws, invostmonts in hygiene, schooln, homes, and industrial devolopnont through use of the agricultural and foroat resources of tho country. The UGT will unite with tho PP (Nationalist Party) in power and expects to win.

Konge got ths impression in Santiago, Chilo, that tha Peronist ATLAS (Asociaclon de Trabajadorea Istinoamericanos) will entereriod ofsince it appears that trcs. leron'a government will net grant it more subsidies. Konge est Don Toms del Fielsgo, ATLAS Propaganda Secretary, lookingob in Chile. He also received confidential information froa his friend Karcos Hirigoycn. Tho information originated from Perez Vidal, Cuban Pcronist leader and resident in Buenos Aires who passed it on to Hirigoyen. If ATLAS is liquidated, ORIT would bo alone in its struggle against conmunisa and would bo able to putettor fight.

Original document.

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