Created: 4/19/1954

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Request for Technical Counter-Sabotage Guidance by tbe Jj Govnrrccnt.

weeks ago Aie^aeAca* Vlllauerequest fron tbe Chief of the JlForce for tbo services of an Air Faroe technical specialist us f_ r Force in combatting sabotage prob lean. The matter was referied toForce and lt vas determined that under tbe existing treaty the United States Government was not authorized to offer tba serviceserson with each capabilities to thegovern* meet.

A prelim nary exaarlnatlonssets revealed that tbe Division does noterson with tho qualifications available for ths asslgmamt. In view of thia, thewas not given further attention.

It baa bseome apparent in recent high-level meetings with the Departxant of State that Project PBSUCCESS nay toe cancelled, or, aura probably, brought in consonance with current State Department thinking* This revision nayather positive Impact upon our relations with

If we pull out of the peramllitary effort suddenly, and It now appears toat we might do Jus* that, it would ba well to have eooething to offer the

3 goverrxasnt to indicate at least that we arc

. The thought occurred to ne that the Director of Training mightInenior raenber of bis specialised sabotagea' eriod of fron four to six weeks to go

J under an appropriate cover end provide technical asafet-nnee and guidance wnleh tbey have requested.

5- Admittedly there are many detalle to be worked out prior toof the proposal suggested in paragraph four. These proposals which first come to mind are.

a. Da-terarlnatlon as to the availabilityualifiedthe caliber of

to. Selectionover facility for the technician.

c. Drtermi nation and resolution of any special problerm relating to tbe otbar sexvlcee which sight arise.

6. If the foregoing proposal ls cecal do rod to bars any nerlt Inthe extresrely precarious position PBSUCCESS finds Itself st thisdesk vlll bs very happy to Institute action with Director ofany other Interested persons. It Is the niter's opinion thatof good sill and support auch asregoing sight bspalatable toparticularly If decision at high

level results in the ssssnAassaasi uX PBSUCCESS.


Original document.

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