Created: 4/23/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

: ffeno of Conversation betwoen*. JRtjVOIS

onrrll concerning la'ter'r recent trip to Lincoln

Onpril, the urdersVned nrt vlthHQW/oiS to

scusa tue results of

forced the writer of the following rvttcrs which he discuccea witn rcoln personnel:

ROM/OIS hasopy of the photographsGu'terwlabv the World Wide Survey row in Our-tea* la City, Mr

Jof ORR ia hav*np ooplea rv-de for, ORil/Grapnics, ond WHnd will rrturn the originals to the armyth Pa extra ecy for thorn,

b. Lincoln rwueated thaifind out how long the Vorld Wide

Survey plans to continue uorKing out of Gup ten* la City. It hra since been ascertained th't the survey is to be extended beyond the originally scheduled cut-off date ofprllriodear. Lircolnuas crncerr-ed et hevln* the pirn* in GuaUtvilrune, If the period wrp to be extended st ell. Thar writer Is to inform Lincoln of the extension of the dete.

o,hasritrr toR rvrson meet with

a*determine the best way to

rrpronch the amy to find out:

the plane and crew will remain ln Guaterela durinp th*-son {whenr-tlons ofure will heye to Eton)

the army can beecure manner,to obtainofough World Wide Surveys withoutinterest ineng PBSUCCESS lines.out from the army todry thrt er-roxim-trly half ofalready been covered by tho rrt>s'-nt World Wide Survryr

crew, althouph itrlter'a understandinghe

plane wis only boaed interns la snd wasork

in Salvador,


nlt/GrapMcs be prep-red to furnishstudies on the highest priority es rBSOCCESS rroceeds duringmonth. The writer Isa LincolnAnimun timedays will be required by GrsrMcs derending on thrsufficient aerial nbotoarpphy coverepe. However, tMs tinef Lincoln cen furnish Graphics with anthr future areaserest so th't GmcMcs can obtain.-nticip-tion ofr'-eiflo requests by Lincoln. Writer willof ibis.

rtoonn iron

press clipping service le In the hepinninR stages and study th*r-refuUy to ac if present coverage Isits purposes.

requestsartoons frond all L'tin Amexicn nrrnn


'be furnished for "idea" purposes. Writer will seeWH^F

about hsv'np field stations furnish this material, sincee in the best ros'tion toample of most current material avaiasble.

>ji Jr to Hove certain Lincoln requests sent to !'eodqu.rrters by cnble distributed r to RQH/C'IS to expedite procurement. writer informed hrt

simJlcr system presently is working ns respects security matters,security did not act onblo untilthorizedso by MK. The uritor is to recuest permission for RQM/OTSMrcoln cnb^es sluggedE (rseudo for

Mch vill be sent EYTS ONLI to Chief,RQM/OIS.

h, Lincolnt they had not yet recpived eny records. WH sent thorn b- sir freightpril, Bnd writer will cable Lincoln to telltoir recerds, since they were notifiedhc records were feeing sent on the day thoy uere dlspntc*,ed,

1. will talk toweather date problems

ke suit her research does not corrlnet with his requests forfure levidd on AMD.

Jwrs rcQuestcd by Lincoln to inform WH that Lincoln

i.rcouestea oy ^mcoin to lniorntnst Lincol

es1red togo toouple of dsys to

cquHnt herself with their needs end eneblo her to recognize material which they may not bo aware ofpecifically s he hns accessinformed the Lincoln

thought it better to tu-jjtcom direct this reouest strs .uTAn e was -erfectlv yininr. to allovsC

Original document.

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