Created: 4/17/1954

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MO" POuoe

Chief, :

. subject: Operational



Statement signed by HumbertoR0 Chamorro re rocent attempted assassination of Anastaoio SOMOZA

Enoloscd herowith ie one photostatic copytatement signed by numberto CRAUORftO Chamorro re tha reoent attempt made upon the life* of Anastaoio SCt!OZA..

Franois D. Uagoffin


Por aboTe in nine pages


Distribution: .


rybat/pb success

IWLCARAv or HtKP"rto chamorro ip! el caso del pittrado

ATOiTATXJBRnroojxritdajjbl excho sbJoh rip^TngrpE ne rkp'jdi/ca generalsottoxj.



laoa trace dias dal mes do Abril de mily cuatro onto el Capitan Jose Maria Tarcoro Cuadra. Oficial encargado deesta declaracion, oomnarecio el aenor Humberto Chamorro Chamorro,lcilio do Granada, quien siendo inforoado dol aaunto que ae trata dede suxptmtanea voluntad

Hace camce unos oche mpaes eosanedo oredaaT si faeronuevo Pablo Leal, IIego aeuscarmelarmo do un negooio de arroeespues me conto quo el habla hecho conexion on sus viajesue podia conseguir armamento para levantar ana revolucion em Rican gua, one eetaviera listo que al me lba aviear en eu oportunidad, yo no le crel, porqi crei que eran fantasias, Posterloraente talves unos despues,usc*e dejo rason de qua tenia urgencia de verme porque el negodo lba en muy buen pie, oomo estate muy ocupado no lo basque, lo mismo peso otra vee mas, Despualia el tleapo reclht una cart ita dode Mejloo en que me hablaba del aaunto re lneionario en forma vedada, hablandomeune asuo solo yolendome para quo me viera oon il, ya fuera enosta Rica porque el no podiaicaragua, yo tampooo contesto eso, pero hace como trea mesesenosegun lol senora ae habia metido doeejar reion que queria verme mat cueosta Rica, ooao yo estaba brabaja do en eoeiedad con el General Galliano Tiaaorro, yo le dijo al General Chamorro quo it aque hacer unan Joae de Coataejico si era necesario, cco-tandole todos los contactoe oue habia tenido con Pabloo qua me habia diebo, el General no ereyo en eaoa momentoa, ooao estabmmoa con al anuro del algodon me dijo -oue no hciera easo da aso.ricipios do Marco el General Chamorro me dijoia reelbido ana rason de Costa Rica do Leal en que insiatia que yon quo deela me tenia eonseguido el armamento yiue era una coaa aegura, que procurara una eportunldad paraanenae con Leal, To aproveche la coyuntura da fiestasiee el viaje. En Coeta "leaeal dos voces, me aseguro tenia todo el armamento listo qoe lo habia sacado do Mejieo con nucha ha bill dad, tenia gente lista para materia, que lo unico que neceslteba era un contacee con

come ye para que podiera introducir el armamento sin cult ad,o ria hacer on revolucion al estilo antlguo qua era meteree por las front eras, sine al propio corason de la capital, estar an una case unosreeespues un golpo de sorpreea. To me moot re rehado al prineipdo porque yo estaba anor niero por ultimo me con-nclo en vista fce la seguririad que me oue habria muy pooo dorrsmamlento deue aeria una cosaue yo noadaeterlna ve* acopt ado empese| planoaro quo ya me habla hablado al principio quo era la forma de intrcduj la1 armamento per mndlo de una laneha (iue loa toraara an una coata dele ahi tonarloa en un camion paraanagua. Asl louando vine Nicaragua, leito Chamorro pldienoole auito de tc lo que se trababa do lo que ya la haMa hnbladc anterlomente sin darlo mnchoay le dlje tambien que si habria nacesidad delberto Chamorro (su te mo dijo quo no, poroueenia con pi eta ingerencia en lao solo peraonalmente la manojeria, no tenimdo neceaidad de nigunl Genet morro le conte el resultedo do mi viaje, diclendole que yo ya habla arrehlado lo laneha oue era una de las oosas cue me habia becoaendado Pablo qne coando ya lo ra, le diera al Gerrral los hechos eonsinadoo porque si neeue ellos, ran la conexelon seria un aaunto muy largo, le hnble del aaunto de un camion que eaaitaba, entonces el me dijo que podia ocupar el qua tenlamoe en movimiento del Tambien me puse en contacto con "ayo Cabrera oonquien Pablo me habia 'icho que listo pin* prestar su cooperacion por paatlcas personalen que habia tenido oon


rfelepoo rt*as, ee presonto on oi casa rr "ranada el &aoiconyo nunca nabia tenldoel on mantoa hahler de un asunto doeguM oaondo, *aciov,1on:<'lua hr>blao-to ue yo ostaba Kndendo La conoxc'ori laAM al cuerla ir al lurnr del eabarnuo, yo tanto para croud tar, le diurvaesoo unaMnl oeman <rje* era major cm fuern alo alYocon all ae dijo "ue natMajorUTO alalii miarw ma dijoon hat-la: tnffblcn UU'ma euarla lr al

a quo Ha lr aloue me loe MKhalcho sn. -arnaiido

volrloy la ew-llou* todo* se haioazrlorio todoIncluyendo lo do laa la cual CO dJJft al tio estabar oedloyoyo na tltjo ou* era la iiiitn Elw-Men na orredo-tjo el oodla dar una caca adentro an tl xueMas del laflO* Todo arr cladorw'.io. ran* en claw dldcndo "Ue est bfl (Ada Usto an la feeK* conveea la nor ho del mj rcoloo

. ucwn encu* convcan la noohn dalreninsarla de as una mmfm ^icn que vlraotalntedo nor ad -eRore Ke^na-leoa de-"clbi la conVesta-don unoa doe dies deanuMi por el nlaao conductonieconfonna lo convenldo. Fntoneea eln lenli yoon Jeap prra traemoa eln lada eaa dla alven Ion -nntoanvenldos conloraano jral bob ^mesel lVflRr dol okpravlanenta yo habi*asorroedlo dla de Granada al ounto de oahorqiia, al aaUo con Juliantroa nue noldandolApi'.rla sn olunto de deaenbaroue en La noche del MiercoleB dew'e lo esnenrla hanla laa doa da la aadrucadaoe nora ban nor coalouiar c' pcunatanda en ewta Techa, yo volverlaeuatro horsa nasa nlnaol reaolto por'rue en ol rlaje d* Mure lea no llafajTODj yn deje al cnrilm all* poroua ae le habla bs^ado unc

-, volvlenoo daaa aals da laarea

ftteenra con las mls^uui nerennaasnarerosas do^-e laa una da la naftanaa Laner cedlaos a'si "onte cu wtla en la lancha "ra conooraonaa pueeo lr^omaroo, deheaa Terceroamialabloo'tiastro naa oue cran 'an, Juan Ktrtlnes pe}'es,lnlcanois "abuardl (rue ya no connda)* roe nas. Cuando yaeaenbarearan hoB*>roclto Uanado Virual tcovedo al oueedl nue neesvarar el hot* para ar^nurar con otro bote la descairada, yo we funif pero aljr>'an de >oa nos ya haMac- lo vlo conte sa lo llavo oara la lancha crayendo oue era ono de loo cue yo hnbinono ate diom lo mo eVabnn desenbnrcpndo no oran fr!.tales a'.nonus,esolTleronones 'tisr^inVM con nosotroe,tarlo una tcc ou* no heM-ra pell.-rao de ou*dodr el/ro. :hv>do el car-Ion, la a, ya aeaal'nos para'.ente te aoomodo on loa do* Jeep, lan eta l caslon oue renla tipadopa lo nlaoo quan al camionnia. onia aanejando unaKaoo Fertolo Tacha^o, ai raa rei'la Chona "ercero no ne los otroo, an al Jeep de PayoTeniaablo, Ha ok Pcne vanla on an Jeap Land Tober, pro no recuer-do conoelnes Boa. Hos ruslnoa ananafTua, pooo sntea daai-yo laaablo oueouadarnoc an el nonte rvraenla laio on*lpltana, en el cn<-ino hahlamoe rvblarto da la noaiaHldad delpero yo los dijc nja- r: habla oue pa'ar loa cor'-ales paraan Jeronlno, tan* lan oan ad* lante en'a" dalldas, vlendo si al duo*lo de alla> el aa^or Carlos BaeK hbbia dado ilminanhalurar disponl^la,lsfosto haas rcnap dijo oue el nanda-'or no tenia n'n/unclera abaurdo porous habia nucha gen-


te, tea ton ms raaolvlnoa InnLb quint* El ^al radar, donde Uegmmee antraaeve da la aarnana, deomno de fctravesarnos toda la olndad. Ia clanad la crusauoa, por la calle da laha-ta la eoquin* do Las masayaa,a iBCXttana hasta llegar al Inflerno cogiondo La calle dal Haalres Goyena 7la rrisera avtiidarues dal Corona, hasta ologlatoo recto la call* Colon hasta eelir do Menage* sin hacer parades do ninguna espeele, llegando al panto do destine que era la quinta El Salvador, ahl dajanoe al camionente oae matin an la easa. "wntro de la easa Pablo ne dljjo quouerla que eea mleno dia tuvloramoo una reunion eon el "on-ral7 eonnta principal quo saMa de este movimianto,e dijo quer-erun-tarle alChamorro para ver en one lngar ee podria tener esta re nice. Keanarua en un Jeep one era de Payoa caea del noral Chanorro, lo iapase del remeltado dele la petieion one hacla Pablo Leal,o dijo quefarm on rate one eler en que lugnr se podriapara que les aviaara. Cuando me levante que foeaa doe do la tarda, me dijo one ol lngar eecoglao arm Chula vista una quint* donde viveoreano Tnonpeon,visarles aqoellos qoe la renaloaaa ocho de lae rerrosa dea easa del Generalas ocho llegantos alii, el ren-rel Chamorro, Fernanda aguero, Ermeete Soloraano T. que estaba en su caaa. Doctor foriquerarfan, Pablo Leal, Manual Cones, Dees "one,(oste asuvo un rato porquo dijo one tenia queeapoes de oaludoe dela-tlcas get*-rales abordo pablo Wei pi aaunto de oone aeperer, el GeneralLas dijo que al no tenia nlngme plan, aino que leexponerlce eran elLoo, entonceo Gonen, exnuao oneoans lanwrtanto era ataoar la nana, ror-que de nada aa-rria eetar dando pooaanco golpee, tenieudo vivo el Onartel Principal rxn-queelloe no tardea aaaaa swamarqae auflelante para poder reeistir una co-sa larga, one el tad* eaal eegurldad que oon mn golpo de oorpreaa era fact!hla lade la Lom*j7 qne para eeo deMa preeederne sin pardldger eler descmblartoe, one para eso ee neoealtana nnoe doeeientoa baibrea qua si se lee podria rroporelonar, al General Cfconnrrr la maatlafseto qua aunque ara nn pooo contra el cacao, el creia one oi one nodrian oimwoguii-ae. Dna de las cocas quo Gomes obeer-vo'eono do primordial imrortancla eraajor dieho tratar deadeaser el ataoaa no eetaviera el Preeidente Somoaa, on la Lena, porque era mucho mas angora la reaisteneia iiotonien la antntonceo alguien da laa preaerttae, no reeneroo quien, dijo oaa al dia aiguiante Sabado oou aegurldad, elSomoaa eetaria ea la fiesta ee) la fcsjasa Rabajad* *aertcana qne oeria una aae* nifle* ocaaioa para proceder al plan propueeto por Coaaa. Leal dijo que estendo al General Vooaa an la Mabalad* era faetlale qne al podria eallr dergan'ear ana reelatencla oaa to mad* la Loam, pero Comae La dijo quo eee ee podia soludonar, dajando una patrol La para qneo puttiers aalir deaa aeri* una magnific* oportunidad para qoe ronunclare ante el Querpo Dinlooatieo, ese Plan fue aeeptado pore eetuvo dlsoutlandoorma como llegari* la gente 7oa armaria porouseal deedan o* neeeeltaba darlee una ligera instruccden an elo da el laa, en eea ultima parte no seada concreto porque eewino* que la Quinta El Salvador ara tmy peouena para eee propoeito, qosdamoe en que al dia eiguient* am precararLa ccnaspuir alguan lugar apartado donde poder hseer estam Enea Bona se habia vanido, depnea al general Cnamorro no reeuerdo al oe fue con Lecayo Farfan, un pooo antes venire* llego Fernandoit* Chamorro, no reeuerdo ol llego este muchaebo Cabrera,eaea serun eon uno d* alloa porque*anage* oon el Doctor rnrnaido Aguero. Al ala aiffulante en la mahsn* hable aon ala dijo qne ae estaba poad aorta an movimiento paraa gente nuevo sail paraen cairo eon Tito Chamorro oon qui an haul* quedado an la hocha que nearaar naad caaa. ta Granada eetave en asuntos parsooales da ad napoolo, reereaandoas taea do laa easa del Generall


nue yar. mo fomia oue ersreo wef- -

rn" dcin piln, el'i vinoa nu^?firfa1 ler dtft nldioej.-rrro*.

no neein*no co'leafia* Cfcl"im"no


lento y

or If*

naa al setaba ee-

" e* wa yf A >



reosictitudi,erann lne'..lido oona-

r ler. re enntaa.

una resolu-C s. Co a' e-mi eneV.anor 'tar i'.ii anarlOf no tutlaniwel ILns-occlon



lion" roc Los'*>rlat

r.onu*t ouo moKite*al, /o

ado, eon'"-tprtd-mp nue iin

y ye"id ala var Ita csi'dar.oTa civ* da," y o iasi ha- eento,o ell "it*ib sels de lr.nrAmJ<j

- . 'ieftTn



al'b'ano, den uef.cichasas. rooc la au'je tntaeel aboouo twb'vllclnarl* y r mm* si-toresc* CmoB'abonec ordn Tueo ouaaaa da lo quo ha

bla hecho,la dado toda lol n oe tonax enoue nor la n'nna cona d9 cue ontos sedc*ep no** habla oodldo nrapamr ?pnto con IrdeMdaocado perar-ul cerra den l ya no llaraa no os-viroV nr yo enMondo ouo or-tan ^oporandora llefiar ataa a "alltTrda, klaEpraoluero,ndla de la nocha, e ' o habta ca-.'u; oue hab'a llaraaV' nas rento, eat'enno -tuc n- pew1 on da clncuonte onue-'e unlii vlue lle.-aron l>leto Padre,Jonouln "hanorro, "ecolllo 'llvnfM I'ontalbon, 'octor Rafaellalo -ue ae -ana atadotaba unJorsn, pantalon,cal Tito* caslrat annrlUa, our fue al unico oue no coned do loa qua pete banando yo en La tianaca1 Jo cue eon eaa fienta erahacarcon la Lonaa oueer al en el tranacurto de La noche llrraba naf rente do acuerdo con lauee traaniti delanorro oue por la noche rodrlanar nas, Hahlo n* idlo quecai'rar un botalla delfro ooe comer, nful con Ppnuindo Aruero al Versa Ilea donde suture* laeedla,antracoe lo qua habia ocsuir do.ltas hora de la noche lm once talrea, na llanoeriljo que par-da que ya nolarar nas rente, ereo oua cn todo sa contaba eon dan personaa de Basere. no di Jo ?ahlo cms este nneuelto caa'dar el plan, enjj^.


reclgr*clon de Hubert -

la "ona beooa resuolto loner la eiitdad provecando un Irvantaaiento rorulsr por-nua es Intto cue rodenontuemosouna wi nuoterernog de la Lou, Be preg-mto cue al crela quo la pentew'er, yoe ent.raha entreihlw, pero que no erarrtre no ouedabavcion porque no rod lan pro 1

-aa "ritu'.cion, "tie lo rue no dobla hncor "raa gente mtuviera li*is ;v>ensaba haeerxlos lss hora? doealCherwrro io ryeydijorerada, "ioono ordiendo en lasue n rtii dfiTMprari de plane?ero oue orooblaa cTaro, no 'ie"ior*rjnnr-ocoder al 'la Blfuler.'e enmailana, cueue Al aim'.ue noda ne qu'.tarnla nisaiainvr>-ovee* el "ijoa oue. lo ireao no dojnria con oue ioe-1rue f'frana cowa ur"ente, 'e el,'j; Callf-rnin, mer. la henecaellosobre lc

-linns r o me ouedo aieri re ac do,onair a'.odee-uos de un incidence ue hubo coneLla-noftoeron laen el pecho,ltenprano "lerlan"-B eliteclerant'na bulla cue hreiendolla bcepa aie ov.taba doldos, diclendo ae leMa aa 'do iti him reeseneogun dl-Jer-vt ^elo I'nue cs'aVc a* li so llaewba Vrdro 'able Klcartgua* Pwi-ueenateadel ^oct"rie 'acayo Marfan, alii tomele? eorouae lon*bia- ectaba recoen ear ei'a para lo oue ftrc nvcnJ'vite "ra orpnnlwr la naniefeatecicai.-or 'afe' r'iolo lo encn'.rf, ne rerreBo'a la ca--i*uintaii ri aaajjnploPE oen esa oa nta,lii cataban todoo to ii-'Mannfor^la, 'rrl-jeive lo /'ante 'aiaencer nda en oln -etoa-Ma'idoy meaMo quo habla man'.ado en Irt me ronnrun aa <htlio Chamorro la caaaue eate ha-

r'-arlaso to era de fil, oue ceio era lan o'.el asceraor, yo le dlje nue ^flbla una pnerta en eln^nnjalifin eon"*ie dornia un nil-'adorraobiendo pori Ssiandole- "rt esealeron ca ix>dria abrlr, ne dijo Pablo que coaoo,f'^ noe andardo algulrn de antenano, qoe ooturiera lletoa'oa.Io. idloe fueraa one losao It.sta nitnaeionni loui nuevamente ee' dor* nr ?anoyoien manlafeete lo nu* ouerl*freclrronCoro a onco de la mar eaa ne Pnirador Jre*nte on un nervi'>slsno,hiblaVea do que el plan'roiuo el, hnie mcnento aupe yo que Baczrr.o nl pm.-untarleue horos loan a'"I- Mr araulft: hnH*acaruna comielon ya,le rre-e 'nie clasolslon era, ea oue mo nandaooe"Vwe al18 -amr al hna'-ra si acaso ra pare Honteibaar, oatabalen Lan ftercedee, leablo ccajo sareo:

ot'sh un* cviionoU me t$ dijoo habia virto, en'l'o .'ilfaro ylas mi naa* dlscuci-Mieo boIt* elv-Motdlo-ile- nanem do e*i se rot -ltfia operar que*v ieii ileros larfifj.. v.'a bah*-i j> 'e Irsoueai<'ee, ^itriicos Io In er-sipio rime Xontea,

y f,uero'i docir, yBone If cont.ento due cl no era

rrr ijo mo a'avrue no era ni-

o c ol.


Itoa. nlnndo* dpuloron en la mlnna dlseuelon de lo oua on debia hncer, Leal, ordono cue carfsren oi canton; pero antes Daex Hone le haMs d'eho anue eeo era ono nllJMree, noa dojara de andarooandsr-teteaakra elmo, ya resMwano* lavje 1dhatda oaa ser leallo, 'a"lo tdrs'.reatanto aa'aba fuera - lallnmea dlje esto sononi.-ndo nuy poll roso, ror-ij* yarlTalidades entre IVIs. niamoa, yo lee"ue cual era la iouaido haeer Raet lone,Mernnntn arenVr* rruyacar alrun denaruleado, ontoneee el no dijo one aVl! haUl rartfadotu* eratiea so eat rnadni tarn en sua funcl onesfdlja one y* hnMa"enaaledo, mm yo no era partonando imts dono "staban'.nn'nlf ma a) *llor.. lre'*hci-ar nue I'rm haeer, no ar-cia ftjn* yo nc "raoa yca, dondeonaanosi ewtar cere* do o'loa, blen.n eser--rudo el canionPablo ordeno on* subi-rwi unos'-on'-roe acar 1 era el cueaa amen. Tone ol carro owe andab* ooo eralrrrfan, yfuiir**rba dceid* ful d*a Voce,cor cdy ne dijeron rue no hetdn llnredo del 1'ar, mc lie Kid*,el rjjrtes, to llewbe la rdra de ouodamo am, -too*ai hania,

Jlnotepa, ee mopnoar ror la can* deanolanente,e of redo 'ti trt^o, eaorur.ocwuchachadijo "uo habln btanoxaaa Oslleehabia(Tunrdlffe, yo loa aeilora de laue rsinrJaTC ay at latar-Wor,eie no estaba lao el -efior' ni-rto(eordo)plat!"ando con mly qona

Alejandro 'Ms paraneforlooi, cuando lav-*lte,rc Mo

cowl cna no lavjoto anteey ne* dljedaj-* Jandro, sntessMfi el la ne ovlico one hebia BKnrtniento#'rie helrlaban deo nuetwddo un ncu-ntro con la .mardia," la, mm ne*ue cle mm yu andabn artidon armlnc, na^lme oue ncea.'if'iiB, eo dijo nue ooatetanuor Benitoo'oion llegO ,lufo rilnte tJecipo- orartlo ropR pano dijo one lometioojna fine*nru nlo-tras pasftba In cosa, yo le iillaves dele ru iioue nue lcen su caea*,ne snrneo'te unyn* acho d* Loeines de e'les, donde peie nuare dlas on los cafetalee,ie lo--re nandsrlen ro^r'no nlo un1or "uleee, hljondo 'Tharorro,r con los"uices oue neaer con a rerantias

^utndo le ln'onno al "en*ial "bt-orro, ouealen'.redo al pais dccualea fueron Iss raL**bmi 'iuo hubo antra atrbos ?

"ecnordo nue el no dijono crela en eoas nosan nornue ya nntoba aturrldo da ruon-tos da esaohnbia un cuonto alro feo d* "ablo oue contala Fa-do "alio, le prcrjnte, cualneavlo 'Ice QUt Bablo lo freRO, noctamenteo my mm dejar cor-era ver al hay elffuns rcnlMll >ad, ee dodr dejar las nuertaa aMartaa,

"ai *sta ocadon, le -wntto ,ld. al "nore! -hatarm au* e'*octoes'o er lo& psetoe ?

ho, no nrapante n- 'a de aaa*

I'd. se dlfj-imoftta rica, que inetr-icdones lo nio elo?



P. Prlnero quebservera, toe ni voo 'mo es alruna eoaaefl-idtlva,re-teme pnro eatablecere dijo one fit que to hiclera; pan llevabe sapllns pcterea pararraelar oualquier coea sieanrs que yo viera que are conreniente

P. rneuoata "lea,Ud. al,-jn <'inero paralruna. La proprnte oobre esoeral dijo cue estahan reunl- odolo qua Loalgunasarda, talvo* lla-uetodavla tu aya, ai acaaoandaya, yo te lorar para que lo antPURues en caso quo tu ereae que dsbaa entrerorlo, eata dinero ao lo aando ctando yo aya.

P. Pot donee efectuo eueate Por la via aaroa de La Hie*.

"P. lba alruna o'ra pers-nanandole T

lo, al tn"I'.ego unosacer oca ras pnra una hlja qua se estaba caeando.

P. Dondo so hosfdo Ud. en Coata Pica

aa la ensa do 'boo rolaftoe, altos de la. al norte del Banco de Coe-ta Pie*.

P. KI aenornocia de estos noalraleTTtoo ?

** aflor Bolahoe noa* saner* de rbaafios le pad! yo an al aTopnarto al dia cue aa verla cue cualnuler tele raaai que lelia, fi do por al aenorn relatlvo aaunto* de natrt*ordo, aa loablo Leal, por qua tenia on aaunto con el, sin darlo exnllcecione*

P. Coal es laillaclon politlca de aste. onsarvaeor.

FV Ooalas aon las aetivldados do este seftoro oue vivo en Costa Hicat It, agente veodador dadeoaarcialee.

bus reladooes

P. CenoeU ud. al aenor aolaAds antee deoetaualao han aideloraanta T

R. Si la wad a. Bono* eonpadres, soy padrlno da ana hi J* da He,

P. Pecaerda euanaa ae fee ee Kicaraaua el aeficroata Sanaa. Talven unoe done aro*.

vlo 0d. en Costa 'lc* por orinar*ablouo cenveraaronll**u* al dia anaalenta d* ni lleanaa lo vi 7dl rac taoent* dalal vinje, naa yeer ai era naa realldad lo on* dad* enaueque ee eadia con tanta ins' etenela,m dijo one tenia liato on arsna intod* uma JCOoe habia lorrado nater ana parte do eaoa mmnuchaorrienderlesftos, habia que tenido oneachonor lasuerando naa canUdad alii on Coata Ilea 7fraia oaa poHi* r-or todo*enes unoe traeciantos, yoragunteara el plan ds a, antoaeee ae dijo que estaban eetudiando varlaa reel bill:?Tne si Lorreban am'er elna sente que si trala eepeolalianda andtoaae anas sin qua sanearta, aaria amy faoil dar un folpe dopornua al ro astaba da aeuordo en Inane* dae nrafunt* que al an sutv> ee- raba ha caror el lado da ^ras comdaado con al da Manama, eonRoberto Hurtado, entoncan a* dijo que ostaba an contacto eon Hurtado ytenidoplat lean aobre al particular, pero te ae un viejoa nsnera oue ro

Hoelaraclon d* Huwberto

lanraetlcable el tratnr con Si,rexunte por Adeno exoreao nnydoiclendo oue era hcrnbreaba perdldodeue no ae le podiaaan el prlnerVo estuviera tanando loontar, desnuea aupe cue teniae un dlgusto personal entre elloa por una cue.-tic* de un no Rod o, le prer-into con oue Rente cntaba,e dtoenoa todoa taacoc loe oueua ya antes hado, denies el ne estuvo pr*-untando sobre la poelbilidod d* hacer el trayectojqua eo -li-uo amerlorn-iit* para la traida do lasabueno yo le dlje ouen cue fonoa ae podia tratandoae de lo ee lba hacer * yo le1 oue oiieris ver li>r- anus, ae dijo (AM si qua eeo tendrla que ear en la noche para evitar cualc lerrtrana, al dla sigulente an la noche fulnoa por ol ladoIsidro ne foronado en una caalta notlnos al J'^epa>en Lu*n ana can* ent&ba Cftbuardi n alto oue no ae alre, mm eaenaron rifles, naoulnss eonooa be a, no puedouantofitahan enn cajaa, neromnto al no habla -levfido dln*>ro yo le dlje oueero que entaban mcodendo, tie dijo one lo que necenltabo para ae-Ur eran conorelnta nil colon oa,as bimb, estuvinoo un rato do de la noche hadendo losdel viaj* cuean tv ra noterauadamos de fljar el dla en quea'lr un "la antes de oloitty1 dla antes do verlrne ya f'Janos en definitive el dla de se'.ida de ellos de cya oua ere el Marteoblo ne urplo el aaunto del dinero ncia qua el loo no turleran stranoa en oallr,bloe Fayo rabrere de qua ar nuslera encon Feesue el le nandarla raror por aparte para que ae buscare. Le pragwite que cono habia hecho mra iener creno dijo oue ya habia canblada varies voces deenlan que tenor nucho euldedo aobre todolo que habia pa-eado eon Cardenas.

F. Relaten* au entrevleta oonerala sua Kana/ruaconte en prlner rm* neistr>>do en oie di cuentade todo lo que habla nlatlcado con Pahlo, aaias conoadonea quo hablalalja del traslade ds lasaaclmdole ver. Isoue habla de naajdar eee dinero qneon-erdr la eaaaro asia anuelloe de que todo estaba llsto, eobre el tlnaro que habia Idocrao habia oueddoestaba un poco dlfldl la reaoddn,P*ocuoaria de eeena eaaa queas indleado ore quo laFayo Cabrera,uedo del queestavieran lis taa

para tnieoner el radloRrana didendo oue estabaroa lintoa, habient dijo mm ear-rare mi poco para poner elonouatro dies dsezues ne dijo nue ya nodla ponara el radio puea el din are ya ae habiala case estaba consepulda P. Onlenee fueron las pereonas nuehula Vista ?

J Gen-ral Chanorro, Fernando Aguere, Lacayoblo teal, Manuelnone, hablnron sobre el ammto do laue habia sldo facll laue ya se onddereba el dneuenta por dento del exlto eon aolo eeo, prepunto el Ceaeral Chanorro, qua cual era el Plan que tenlan,o Pablo, que el lee habian fornuladolanoa, pero nue el aaa efectivo en el cual eataba cat pi *taai ante de lleno Greet, era el de ela Lena, Octaetamcnerles el Plan para qua roan la 'actlhllldnd. Cones d'. Jo queSCO hoabresen oanoneeuddomba cad se^uro el exltollos tenlan Wonue conocian bien elsideraban queif'* sOTpreaa repreun nuabro nayor, pero yo est!e oue ran noder hacer esa ataque, lo aejor es queeste elaosaorqiie cpt^ndo alll, eat* ponte "odda rar-morne de lcucha con nas CO raj prerTiiBrononteabrian nanejar lasl conteato ououe no creia "i* fuera amy difiell el aprenner ul nanejjo, hablarcj re ha da rarenstruction, en oue lur.*r, e* ha bio dal Rodeo, lo

'Velarwclcfi da Romberto

dasheeharoe porqua era u'o*allrroso el atravecar La ciudadljeroo que todo tenia fue aer por elue al dia sl.'iilente buncarian unan lugar enpara poder dara Rente, la reunloo dureeroe doe 'eran, priaero aa fue Baaa Done raw est'-to cono mn tree caartos de hora, de^ruen ne fue elC. wo to enn lacayo i'arfan, oono einoo alnat.oe deepuea aeeal, nalienrio yo por 'ilUaio que vine oon Aguero

oe cuanton oonata, ao le infonaa del privile.rJo do an pilar au dalcaraa Ida que la fue La preaantea encontro confonaa, la ratlfica y

nufiberto Chamorro,

urn mii

Joae K. vercero.C, Cap!tan, Gn.




In th* city of Managua, onh ofefore Captain Jooa Maria, of the Third Com;*By, the official la cnogge of taking this declaration, Mr. Humberto Chanarro, taarriedj of ago, with raoldaac* ia Oranada, appeared. On being informed of th* matter that is being investigated, b* willingly said th* following i

About eight monthsannot say exactly if it waa sight or nin* moaths ago, ratio Leal oan* to Granada looking for He talked about som* rio* mattors first,and than ha told no tbat h* had mad* son* connections on bis trips and that he could get arms toevolution in Ikearugua, Ha told aa to be ready aa he3 ne at the first opportunity. idi*v*houghtll hia imagination. Later, perhaps oaa or two months later, hs oan* looking for ne in Grenada and left word that ho was very anxious to aae ma as his business waa going very very busy at tbeid not look him up. Th* asm* thing happened another time. Afterot* from hin, from Mexioo, in whloh be spoke of the revolutionisguised manner, speaking of th* lumber business, whichouldand urging me to come to se* hia, either la Mexico or Costa Rica because be oould not com* to Nicaragua. idn't answer this letter either, but about three months ago hs oan* to Nicaragua and according to what he told ay wife, ha was lagogalto and left word again that ha wanted to see me, to go to Goat* Rica, as working, in partnership with General Kaillanoold General Cbaaorroould have torip to San Joae, Costa Rioa or to *exieo, if aaoessary, tolling him of thaad had with Pablo Leal and what ho had told no, -ho General did not give this much thought at the time, as ws wer* concerned with cotton problsaa then. B* told tarn not to pay any attention to all this. About th* first of March, General Chamorro told me that ha bad received word fron Leal from Coat* Rico in which ha ins is tedo to see him sad also told him that he. had received arms and that it wasure thing. He repeatedhould find aa opportunity to go to San Joae and see hia (Leal). ook advaatua'* of th* following holidays and made th* trip. Za Coat*aw Leal twice. Ha assured me that be had all tba am* ready, that be got than out of Mexioo skillfully and that he had people reedy to use them. Tho only thing be lacked waa oontaotarson such as X, who oould bring in the ams without difficulty, because he did not want to start the revolution in the old way, which was to comethe frontier, but he wanted to com* into the very heart of the oapltal and stayome for two or three days and thanuddaa attaok. as reluctant at firot because of my

bunlneiHB and nyut aaeuriag na that ther* would b* llttl* bloodshed, that it wouldick thing andould cot be involved in scything *lsa but the Introduotlon of tb* eras, be adegan to plan with hln. He went over the nanaer of bringing in the peopl* and arms. They would be introduced by boat w. iob would take then to shore of the lake and there they would ba transferredruck whioh would take then to naaagua. id this andaa* topok* to Tito Chanorro and asked bis for hia boat, explaining what was bains don* but without giving him too nany details. lso aaked hln if it waa necessary to speak to his father, Xlbarto Chanorro, He told na that it was not aa the boat was hia. Be also stated that he would nanage it personally, thereby aot naediag any other engineer. old General Chanorro about th* result of ay trip, tailing hiaad already cade arr*3jgeneBtcoat ea Pablo had aaked nt to do beouas* if we waited fir then to nake the arrtuujenenta, it wouldatterongis oa tbe natter of the truck thatd*d. old ne that we could us* th* on* that w* bad to ship thelso got in oontaot with Payo Cabrera. Pablo,ersonal conversations with his, bad learned that be was ready to lead his coper at loa. id this aad fro.earned that Emilia Stathageh waa aleo ready. During thia lapse of one or two days, the ex-lieutenaat Adolfo baas Bone, cone to ay house in Qroaada. ad never had aay friendship with tvis nan. aa soon ae ba arrived, he began to speak to naumber prohlan and later got to the basis for all thia. He told as that he knewad bean to Coata Rica aadas making arrongeasntsoat aad that ha waated to go to the place of embarkation, ode aa appolntaent with binew days baace andrecaution, considering what be had toldhought it best that he go to the landing or unloading place aad not that of enburknent. onsulted with General Chanorro and he told na that it would beuggested, that be go to the place of deberkatioa. Thsa ba told ne that thereoung nan who wanted to go to tha debarkation site endhould take hln. This nan was Fernando Soloraaao. Base Bone returnedold hiia what baddecided, ftnee ftverything was arranged, Including the arrangaieentsouse. Qty uncle, through Payo Cabrera, told ne that It wasayo told eat waa the El Salvador Villa and be alsothat ha couldouse laside tha Rodeo, called San Jeronino, which is located on the bank of thc lake, with everthing inent the radiogram notifying then that all was ready for the date uet or for eedneeday Bight,t* Tbe rsdlogran was seat to hnria de Bolanos whoicar.-iguaniving in Costa Rica. It was sigsed by ny wife Magdalen* de Chanorro. eceived anew days later through tha sane channel, tailing ne that the plans confon&ed. Then et daybreak oneft for Rio Grande with

Payo Cabrera by Jeep to get aha track, return lag tbat sac* nftaCaoon to aaat Fernando Solorxano and adolfo Baas Bona at tha places designated. We than left Tor tha landing plao*. Previously, oah of Huron, att Tito Chamorro fron uraa*da to tha place of eaberkmeat. Ba left with Julian Salevarry and otherso not know. old hinould bo at the la ad lag place oa Wednesday nightould Walt for binn tha normiag, Thursday, and that if they did not arrive at tola tine for ooneould raturacazra later at the sansjlthour. This waa done as they did act arrive oa Wednesday'a trip. eft the truck there os oae tire was flatid notparz, eturned toing -gala at six on Thursday afternoon, with the saaa paopla. We waited. At approximatelyidnight or one in th* morning tba boat can* and wo proceeded to disembark. Tbe people that eaae in th* boat war* aboutn number, accord lag to what they told me, ofnew Chens, third Lackey;anual Gomel and Pablo Leal aadeoogalzedlrgllio Vega, Juan Martlaeiealclean named Solar, Rlvasuis Cabuardi, Baaaa aad others, When they had begun tonail naa called Miguel Aeevsdo, oane up. o help n* aat tha boat afloat with his boat and thereby hasten theett there, but when sooMOn* who had already us loaded saw this nanoat, be thought lt vas the boatad brought. As tha man saw that that was being unloaded was not baaaa. but people and arms, Pablo and decided to bring hia with us, to later free him oaa* there was no danger that hs could say ant>thing. Ono* the truck was loaded, waor Managua. Tha paopla used th* two Jeeps and ths trucks covered with canvas. ane ln tha truck with Rlvas tontea. Zt waa driven by the young nan oalled Bertolo Leehado. ha back earn* Chan*on't kaoawwhenths others were. In Kayo Cabrera's Jeep came Manuel Gomez and ratio,Baas Bone oane ia hia "land Sober Jeep. We headed for Hinanjna. Before reaching Sanold Pablo that we should stay ln the moon tela until night, but be insisted on going oa th Managua. ant through Tipltapo. Oa the way w* had spoken of the possibility of tbe "Rodeo"old than that It was very difficult to cross by day as w* had to pass th* oorrala before getting to San Jeronlno. later w* stoppedtavern" to see if any word had been left by Carlos Bscs aad to se* if the place waa ready. But according to what Baas Bon* told ant, the meatanger did not have any worn" and b* said that th* place was absurd as there vere too nany paopi*. Then w* decided to go to the KI Sal red orhere we arrived between eight thirty and nine ia the moral eg, after crossing ths oity. We croe ed the city, along th* "nomotoubo" up to the corner of the "maaayea". We turned and -ant to the very and, then took Ramires Qoyena Street and creased the first paved avenue after Goyena, until v* got to the Boulevard and then ve venttraight down Colon "treat until v* had left nana jrua. Without making any stops. W* arrived at the point ofh* PJ Salvador Tills. We left the loaded track ther*. el* got off and wanto the house . Zn the

Zb th* boua* Pablohat h* waa ted tos at lag that vary aft-moon with General Cbaaorro aad adth tha principle people that knew of tha noveneat. old blaould ask General Cbaaorro to ae* where v* could hava this seating, aaa to Managua In tha Jeep owned by Payorer* and went directly to General ChaAorro's hose. old hia of tbe result of tba trip aad ofetition, he told as toittle, thai hego lag to eee where it could ba bald, ot up it was shout two in the afternoon. He told aa that tha place selected was Cbula Vista, Ernesto Solosano's villa. eat to advise then that th* nee ting would be held. at the aforementionedeturned to Managua, to General Chaaorro's hone. e arrived at the meeting place. General Chnmorro, Fernando Aguero, Eraeeto Soloraano T, (wbo waa in hisDoctor Entxlque Lacayo Far fen, Bablo Leal, Manuel Oomex, Bees Boa* (be onlyhort while becuue he said be bed to go to linoere present. After the usual greetings and general cor. verso Uon, Pablo leal brought up the question of how th* operation would be carried cut. General Chamorro told then that be ao plan and aald that thsy should present It. Tee* Gone* said that as far ss he was ooaoernad, the noat Important thing was to attack la loan, beoanse Ite worthwhile to nake aaall attacks leaving th* Pried pi* neadqucrters, becaua* thsy did not have sufficient ana aor aannnlttoa toong affair, that he had the alaost positive aaaurnnce that by aeaasurprise attack the taking of la Idem. vu> possible, aad la order to do this, we should proceed without loss of tia* because of the danger of being discovered, that for this oparetioa about two hundred nan were seeded aad asked if they could be seoured. General Cbaaorro pointed out that although ital ait the gaae, ha thought that they could be secured. Gas of the things that Gomes considered of prims importance was to fisd oat or, better, said, to try to sea, that President oomoxa was aot at Ia Lena vhsa ths attack was launched, because resistamo* would be mnab greater If ba una at Lassen. Then season*on't remember who, said that oa tha following day, Saturday. General Somoaa would surely be at the aaarioaa embassy festival sad it wouldagalfleant oooasioa to proceed with the plan proposed by Gomes. Zeal said that with Oeneral lonosa at tbe Knbassy, It would bs feasible that be could leave there and couldesistance even if La Lome was taken. Gomes aald that that could be solved byatrol there so that be could not leave aad that it wouldsgalf leeat opportunity for bin to resign before tba Dlplonatio Body. That plan was aoceptad by all. The nanser in which the people would arrive aad howould be armed was discussed. Gomes aad Leal said that it was aeoeasary to give them same light insons on bow to handle them. Ua that nothing concrete, was arrived at because lt was decided that the El Salvador Villa was too small forrpoae. We decided that oa the following day soma local or out of the way place would be found where we could carry out this operation. Beet Bone

left, later Generalan't reetember if with Laoayolttl* oofnaado Solorsaao and Tito Chnmorroaal and Gomea came with on* of then, ame to Managua with Dr. Fernando Aguero. On th* morning of the followingpoke with the Oeneral and be told ne that ht uas getting reedy to cell the people that he nas going to lead. Abouteft for Granada by oar vith Tito Chanorro withad aade arrangansata the night before to inks a* to visit ay bone. Iapent nost of the tin* oa ny personal problans, returning about three in tbe afternoon to General Chanorro'a hone. sked bin what bad happened oa the problen of th* people and the place where thsy war* to go, h* told ne that they were already on their way and that should be approaching th* California by now. The California was tbe place that had been secured for son* of tbe people. Tb*elieve, were to be taken to tb* El Salvador Villa. sked bin If w* were going to go to th* American Embassy and he said that h* wasout lt but that he was not sure, but in aay ease, he would leave there and was nowecisionouse to khlch he could go to bide during th* affair. About flv* thirty or six ia the afternoon Fernando aguero arrived. eat to the California vith him. There we saw that there vere very few people ther. stuzasd to Managua and told the General. H* told userhaps while* returning, more vere arriving, because he bad boss iafomed by various officers that, as It vaa Saturday, they had not been able to locate the people earlier aad that some said that they did aot know wh*r* th* place waa located. He told then that sons of than should go on an inspection trip. s to leave two Jeeps sear th* house ia ease people came ther* he could send them, aa set off ta look for Rafael Cabrera Chanorro, who is the sameeferred to before. Once we found him ve left himtreet mart to the one oa which General Chanorro lives. While va were approeehlag the house we aaw four man near the houe* as if waiting for sceaeoaa. On* of them madaa attempt to enter th* house.ppro*chad him and aaked him what be wanted, he asked a* if the General was las ids and if he had someone with him. old himidn't think so, sad asked hiaere oorreot inthat they were looking for the Individuals vith bin. He saidsked hia who bad sent him, friend of ours". old him to get laeepalked erouad to sake certain that they did get Ik. as agaia at th* Geaeralboa*. old himas going to California to see if more people had arrived. "Very well, he aald, He told me to go and let him knowad learned. That was about six oa Saturday afternoon. rrived at Californiaound myself at the neeting place with Pablo Leal, Gomes, Zavala, Angus tin Alfaro, Rives Mantes, Ernesto Solorsano T. vho vaa oa one side vith Fautlno. hink Cabuardi wason't remember exactly. ound them very alarmed becuase the necessary people needed for the plan proposed bad not arrived. After much talk and deliberation,esolved that if by seven thrlty ora suffloient number of people hud sot arrived they would le*v* the

attack for morning, eturned to Managua to tho botw ofto inform hla aad to tell hla that those aae*the sea froa Costa Rica) were displeasedemembertold me that he oould not do more than bs had dome, thetgiven all ;oealbleut that we bad tofor th* samehat these sea did not, it badimpossible to prapare theenough in advance. Thav* sunt order* to every plao*and In Managuae tldnd if they haveit is not rv fault, but they ara going to get there.iderat-inding that they are wilting for nlghfall tounnoticed.". eturned to the California, -with tho It was about oeven or seven thirty at night. Ihenot fundamentally changod because although there were moredon't think there were more thantayed therewhile ud saw various persons arrive. aw Heraan hobletoJott.;ula Chamorro, Baoo Ibarra, Emilio Alvarez HoatalbanRafael Gutierroa. At tho tuble, where what is calledoung nan, in kaki trousers, half bald- withow ahlrtho wss the only oneidn'tI wus in the hanrock Pablo Leal arrived and told ne thatfaw people lt would be imposslblo to do anything at Laverwere going to wait to se* af during tha night nor*thla was in accord with the ideaent hlnChamooro that perhaps during the night more people Pablo asked ne to go toottle of Whisky andeat. ent with Fernando Aguero to Versallea. rrivedeight Uubtty. We returned to the CaliforniaaveI hod bought. a'a hour of night, perhaps eleven,ne and told ma that lt looked as if no more people hink that counting every one there wer* aboutlo said that this natter ooa not be prolonged, anddecided to change the plan, instead of attacking La Loandoolded to take th* city, provoking an uprising amongbecause this la the only way that we ooa operate

ourselves ln the proper places Before the sttaek fron La Lgna. He asked nohought th* people oould reapond. old bin that he was dealing with the possible, but that it vas notercent. They aald that there waa no other possibility left beoause they could not prolong this Situation indefinitely, that what should ba done, was notify the people of Managua to be ready, aa this was whet lad been decided upon. eturned toold General Chamorro what ve* happening and told hla that these people wero dftoperate, that they acted es if theyurning nail ln their bands andould not be surprised if they changed their plans again. But, ironad gathered, they would not celuy the preceding to the following morning, that consequently it seemed appropriate tbnt he leave the house that very night, then he told me that It* was going to do that vary thing and be would leave the address of the place to which he would go with his sister and to look forly if it were an urgent matter. eturned to the

California. a tba haaaaook aad tbay coatined about tha aaaa thing. Faraaado guero cans backtayed thara on tha hnoaock. oil aouad aalaap and didJI't wako up until after an Incident involving Fautlno are llano,which be was threatened and later shot through the chest because, fron. thelaaiBg,h* bad wanted to gat the people out/of there. Atan waked up by the noise that Cornea was nuking ae he fron the cellar which was ln the back. He aaldan who had bees looked up bad escaped. They began looking for him. Aooordiuj, to what they said aad what .as on tbe list, hia aame waa Pedro Pablo Nicaragua. Aftere tuned toent to Dr. fcnrlque Lacayo Farfaa'a house. ad ooffee. Pace Ibarra and Fernando aguero ware there. old then what was at band| and that they should get ready, to begin organizing the uprising. ent by Hr. Diego Manuel Chamorro's bono but didn't find hin. eturned to the California house, assed ths KI Salvadorbserved the noveoeat of care andtopped at the villa. ntered aad saw all the people that had oome froa the California, Including those that had beenemained there talking and exchanging impressionshile. Pablo told ae that ho bad asked Julio Chamorro for the Pallas house but that he bad answered that that waa not up to hie. He asked no how to enter the Tarrasaesides by way of tha lift or elevator. old his that thereoor in the Garage that waa opeaad by key and that tha caretaker apept inside and that hy merely going up the elevator aad coning down tha stairs lt oould be opeaed. Pablo asked aa how this oould be arranged. old him that by having econtoa* go ahead aad having the elevator ready. Pablo asked me to to go Managua again to tell the mea la Managua to make these arrangements. id thla. ent to Br. lacayo farfan and told hin what Pablo wanted. Ihey offered to arrange it. About eleven oolock la th*ent to the El Salvador Villa andound that all the people wer* vary nervous, They said the plan waa impractical. new then that Bees Boa* was outisiion, beoause Pablo said that they would head for Managua as boob as Baas Bone arrived. sked hia what kindission Bass Bona was on. he said that they had ssat hin aboutilometer* away to stop the nan if be was going to Hostsllnar. There was an did man who saidt"But the President is ln the He roadablo aaidi "How doBeobua* my aoa,whoruck, told me that he had aeen hin there". - At that time Adolfo Alfaro arrived aad they bugan the aam discussion over the plan, alfaro saidhey should leave there anyway or if they decided to begin thet should be Immediately. bat nonentoss cam* in and began toot hesdedly. He said that nothing had been done. Oa one of my trips into the room where th* Staff waseard fines Bon* talking and then Rlvas Hontea interrupted hln saying:o abridge what you bav* to aay". bees Borne answered that he

waaicaraguaa aad that ha didn't hava to latarfer*. Rlvaa Hoataa aald that although ba waaaesreguan ha waa axpoalag hlsnslf aa aueh aa ba waa, Otoe they had calaad dova they continued tha aaae discussion oa what should be doee. ?heu Pablo leal ordared that they load the truck, but before thia, Baez Boae bad told Gomez that he should st-j- deallag with caiilian commnsdsrs, that thisa allltsry affair and that he should take connand aad that "youill resolve the situation", hives Mostes said that they had to be loyal to Pablo. Meanwhile, Pablo was outside glv lag the order. alled Pablo aside, sad told bla that the sltuatloa was becoalsg vsr dangerous beeuaselready see that there are rivalries aaosg .you". aked bla what -us Ikies hose's mission aad that he shouad renenber that heery violent can aad that he was capable of cainalttlng aoae rosb not. Then ba told mo that he bad very moderate people to oosnand aad that ther* was so danger that they would go beyond th* limits of thoirhen told binad done nor* tbaa enough aad thatas not goiag to takeas not playing aay rolehat If they were going to that farm to think or deliberate oa what they were going to do, lt seemed to n*ould not be of aay value to th*n,as going to go to Dlrlacba, to my brother's heme to await the bap, eslags and yet be close by. he t. Id n* that thisood ids*, by that timead loaded the truck end Pablo ordared that abouten get la the truck that was goiag to carry the arms. ook Dr. laoayo Farfaa's ear and started on ny was to Dlrisaba. Oa thetoppedoca. oy fhoutyay brother asd be told ma that he had not returned fron the Mar, that ba would aot arrive until Tuesday. hought about staying there, but as there waa no oasontinued oa to Eiaotep*. ecided to pass by the boa* of the Pulces boys asd found the woman of the boos* there aloe*. ent la and she offsrredrink. About five alnute*irl came ia and told a* that thereiot la th* street ssd there ver* movements of guards. sked the woman of the bouse*to investigate. She weat out herself. At thathile the eenora was out, Mr. Carlos Ernesto Tapla (fat) came la. bo talkad to m* about generalities, that he had come in aearch of Alejandro Ruiz about same rice business, "haa the womanad never see* her before. topped and told heranted to leave word for Alejandro. Tbaa she explained that there waa son* agitation. She heard then speaked truck that had bad an oacountersked her to help n* and explainedna mixed up in this matter. She told ne that all the roads were closed off. See told ne toittle. Dr. Benito Hernandez aad Kufo Flint came la at that time, ihe woman gave ne son* clothes to change into and told me that the meet practical tc do was too one of their farms until the natter was orer. ate fear the Keys to the car and asked he to keep them in her bouse, lepthile.tent to their fam. pent nine days on ths

coffee plantation,anaged to so ad aby cae or tho Kuicesephew of mine, ac* of Ednuado Cbaoorro. *esterday, he aaat word by th* sane Rulees that ba would try to bring Silvio woaxalez by to meat no.

,uestloa; When you lnfcxoed General Chanorro that Pablo Leal had entered the country incognito, what were the words spoken between you?

Answeri enwmber tbat he told oe taut he did not believe theae things, that he was already bored with tales of this kind, and Favio Cello was telling aa ugle atory about Pablo. sked hla what this story waa. "Favio says tbat Pablo bothered hin . on't know the exact details, but on* nuet find out if there is any truth to this, that is to say, listen.

question: On this occasion,did you ask General Chanorro what effect this would have on the pacts?

answeri Bo. idn't ask hln anything about that.

wueetloni Whs* you decided to go to Coeta Rica, what instructions did General Chanorro give you?

Answeri First, to listen and to observe. sked him If,aw that It wa* something aerlous orhould offer to establish oontaot. Head wide enough power* to try or arrange anythingaw that it was convenient.

Quantlorn In your tzip to coat*id you take any money with you to give to someone?

Answeri sked General Chanorro about this and bs told ae tbat ha waa collecting lt and that be would send itew days. "It nay arrive while you are there. If it does arrive while you areill have lt oone to you ao that yon oan give lt to thee if you think you should . The money did not arriveas there.

wuestioai How did you make your trip to 8osta Rica? Answeri By la Bloa Airlines.

yueatloni Did anyone uooonpany you?

Answer;est alone. My wifeay or two later to shopaughter who waa getting married.

Wuestion: where did you stayosta Rloa?

Answeri At tba hone ofalance. Un la Asturiana,araa flnrth of tba Bank of Coata Rloa.

^uestlom Did Mr. Bolanos knew of thaae novameata?

Mr. bolaaoe was aot in th- capital. ent word to Mrs. oolasos froo tbe airport os tba dayas leaving, that if aayCaie to ny wife, relatiag to wedding natters, that it should be glvss to Pabloadbusiness with hist. old her thin without giving ber aay explanations.

.uestioB: what ia Mr. Bolanos' aotioaallty sad political afiillotion? Answer: Hicaraguaa asd Coaaervatlv*.

wuestloaj What are the activities of this bob lOlaAos asd how does he oars bis llvlsg la veati Rica?

Answer 1 lisalesru for conraerolal houses.

Qusstloai Did you know Mr. Bolartoe before you went to Costa Rica? that relations had you had with bin before?

AnsBsrtnew bin. we are oldr. the Godfatherr of one of his daughters.

AisstloBi Do you resHjnbsr whea boleros wsst fron nlcsragua to Costs Rloa? Answeri Perhapa twelve years ago.

Questioni When did you first see Pablo Lealosta Rica and what did you talk about?

Answer: On the day Altar nyaw hln. We talked directly on the reason for ny trip. olr binane to find out if what he had raid shout baring amseality and why bs waa so insistent on ny eooiag. Ue told ne that heot of ams readyittings, that he had secured sons fron Mexico with skill endot of danger. He had bad to glvs out nuch aonsy for outs, he was buying more in Coeta HUo* and be thought that he could gather otore. sked him what hie- plan was.

!i" told imcy were studying various possiblilltes, but if they were able bo bring la the arse and people that bad been trained La the use of these eras, with out being discovered, it would be very easy tourprise attack. Be waseliever In mountain sklrmiehea or struggles. sksd him If this plan included Rivus and Oeneral Roberto Hurtado. Then he told ne that he had contact with Hurtado and that be had various conversations with hin on this natter but that "bsresy oldndI consider it inpraciteal to deal withsked hin about ndan Vales. Be spoke very sadly about hin, saying that he wnsan to be trusted, that he was lost oa the question of drinking. Tbat he would tell all hs knew in tha first place he couldrink. ound out that heersonal grudge against hin, brought on by aoue businesssked hin what people be was counting on. Thea be named nore or less ell thoae that came end thoseave alreadyater he asked me about the posalblillty ofroposal oa the bringing ia of arms and people. old hiaould, and presentedanner of carrying it out. old hiaanted to see the arms. Be told ne that that would have to be done at night, to be unnoticed. On the following night, we want to San Isldro de Coronadoittle houso. Ue put the *cp sway, entered and there were tbe arms. Cabuardlall nanid not know wore there. They showed me the rifles, machines andrombs. annot aay exactly bow many there were, because they ware in sacks or boxes. Bo asked mead brought the nonsy. old hia ao, but tbat it was being collected. He told as that be seeded aboutrhousand eoloans before leaving. ad seen the arms, wo begun to draw up some plans for the trip that would be made to bring ln the ana and the people. Ue decided to set the day on which they woulday befcro ny return to Managua. Oa tha day prior to ny oaelng weefinite date of departure for then,h of March. Pablo repeated what ha had aald about the awney"so that thsre wouldn't be any delay la leaving! oke to no about Payo Cabrera. Be told ae that he would contact hia separately and tell hin to get in touch with ne too. aked hln bow be had bees able to hide the arms and he told ao that he bad saved three tines and tbat they had bean vary careful especially after what happened to Cardansa.

question i Tell me about your interview with General Chanorro oa your return to Managua?

Answeri old hie first that they bad searched ma at the airport,ave hin an exact report onad discussed with Pablo, as well as the connections that had been node for the date set for the transporting cf arms end people end ,ulnting out the necessity for send lag the money that they had requested end forouse, In order to notify then that ovorytaxag was randy. About

tha noney, ha aald that It had beca impossible to aaad it aa itittla difficult to collect but that be would take care of this natter. La regard to the house he said that it would be best if Payo Cabrora took care of that. He told ne that he would get in touch with ne whan these things were settled soouldadiogram telling then that everything was set. alkod with bin again and be told mehouldittle before loading the radiogram, ays later he told nsould send the radiogram as the money bad been collected and the house aeoured.

Question i What persons arrived at Gbuln Vista?

answer: Generul Chamorro, Fernando aguero, lacayo r'arfaa, Pablo Leal Manuel Cornea, Ernestoeet hone. They spoke about enterrlng Managua, that it bad been easy end that fifty per cent of the operation bed been accomplished by that. General Chamorro asksd about the Plan. Pablo answered tbat they had formula tad various plans but that the moat effective one, whith which Gomez was ln accord, was the one advocating aa attack oa la Lome. "Gomez is going to present the plan so that you can eee itsooes said thaten advancing rapidly in trucks on Ia Lena he considered it an almost sure success. That they had studied the plan well and they knew the terrain. They believed that withenur prise attackuch greater sua* sr. aido,in.matin; ths attack it would be best if General Scaaoxa were not there, beoause with him there, the paopla oould reoover from the surprise attack aad fight with acre courage. They asksd the General if the people would be reedy and if they would knoev how to handle the arms and he answered "yea" and that be did not think it would be vary difficult to tench then to nanoge then. They discussed the manner end how this instruction would be given, in what place, etc. They mentioned Rodeo but that was rejected because it was too difficult and too dangerous to cross the olty ajain. They said everything had to be done from the South and that on the following dey they would lookilla or plnoe in tbe outskirts to train the people, tha w- eting lasted for nor* or less two hours. General Chamorro left with Lacayo Parfan. About five minutes later Comas and Leal left. eft after that with Aguero.

Humberto Chamorro

Original document.

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