Created: 4/28/1954

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Smbl U

C3 _

O Uu- Room

PnESarii Mr. Wiamr, Mr. Bftwrtl, Mr. Barms, 3

" haasrs. T - -i

Mr.apoka first, saying thatave the full green lightgo ahead." Thia aaa in regard to policy and he Indicated that he

ttnot addressing himself to operationaleration*. With regard to

approach,t le all in the affirmative. Ha mentioned that

COnay be oporational consideration requiring that tha program be

forward from the present date or other changes and the ataff

should bear In mind conetantly the importance of maintaining aof flexibility in their approach to thia thing ao that the program

can be adjusted to fit the need.

It was strongly rocommnded that none of this relieved ua ofpons lbty we owe to our government and ourselves to ao conductthat there willdtdmun possible ehanoo of it. officially and conclusively and ao aapoeal-

bility that when the blaas gate around to being placed, such confusion will cmclst ae to who did it that it can't be sorted out.

Mr. Wiener did not think raise trails had been sufficiently developed.

Mr, barnos stated that he considered himself hare largelyeadquarters representative. He brings some of thathinking here and will take beck there from time to timehero. He stated thatbean chief of operations

and will continue to be but that he,arose, will help in any way that he can.

C henery general briefing covering most of the aspects of PBSUCCESS in gamral, reserving for various individuale directly concerned tho more anociflo aspects of KoJIOOK, KUKIRE and KUOOWN situation.

Mr. wlanar stated that tho Director ia always going to reserve the final Judgment aa to when to pull the last switch. Ha haa to be satis fled that we have sufficient elements of strength and etatua of readimas. He is interested only in the auc-eaa of the operation. He ia not Interested policy-wise. There is no operation regarded aa being ao important aa thia onoo BfMTatleo on which the reputation of tho Aganrv inat stake.



o "tn**have what it take*. Hr. Wlenerthat ba did not anticipate lengthy delaje bat tbora might be operational considerations which LIHCOLB would know more about than

nf^Seated thathaa aomethlng really good, Hoedguartere ahould be told aboutit for the boas'

doou*nUavailable at UNOOLM ahowing

the Internal utrangtb and what the oppoeitlon la. Ha aUtad that Head-quartera had neverlear and core lea eUtement of what the plana era with respect to what takes planeay. Ba bad thought thatartere had thia bat apparently if they do no on* can find it. He asked forage* on this subject.

no detailed taetioal plan had bean oontespUted


Mamies, then proceeded with tha general briefing, townlng

briefly on Regjou-^ and. LWCOLs set-up, .to. and stated thi fact that security ia bare being usedrationally.

iener aakad for inform tl on about SCRAKTOBEHwooo, ooersanioatione between r nth*Poet and station was raised and diecusaed made that two lines of oommnloatloos will behroughand through ths

diacuaalon waa reeervsd for afternoon diaeasslon .

tntalligsno* breakdown of RUPUS net was dlaonsaad. larralopment chart was dtaplayedCand explanation, glran re progress marked on BameOT

WUQBr onaatlonad what should ba told tha Charge in Guatemala

about reporting onwhen lt goes on the

tjat wa have the capability of rwaobing operational readlnaas during the month of June. Lots of factors nave bearing on that and certain operations say not develop aa planned but we are aware

of tnat. Though welan Laid out, we know there can be changes snd are prepared to be flexible.

esked that the KUHOOk briefing be Left till last In order

tnat it oooxa ds properly seen in focus.


asked to explain tha PP operations. Ka stated that

tlislr mu,ia SHERWOOD andays programs are already taped.

Issue was raised about possibility of substituting tapes in order to provide ourrent ooverage of any OovelopmatB of interest, r" mentioned that RUFUSanood radio to loa whoa they proposed to bring up and train and then send bank for use in Just auoh instances. C isapproved thia plan because it ia planned that no indigenous piwwumx, xvom the CALLIG3U8 group will be used at the alta. Kr. Wisrrar felt that tha use of tha radioary iaporant point and ita effectiveness and impact ia proportionate to the speed with which it aeta. He cited aa an example Radio Free Europe. iscussion on this subject bet-een Mr. Wiener, Mr. Biseell and Mr. Barnee and C llowed.

informed by c f the possibility of using

Marine Air Force for special flights to Panama. Mr. Vtener aald he would go to work on tola when he and Mr. Bieeell returned tond

that be vouldn notollow-up cablehia.

to be on tha air two hours adayaaoflMayandthla will be lengtheneday. Thereoaaibllity of plugging this station's program in on aprogram eventually.

c_ he military paper now being published. The artlelee in tnie are being prepared by army offioara on RUFUS' staff. Mr.DACID) waa concerned with the possibility that,if tha tone of tbi* paper were not sufficiently modulated and if the paper ehould be believed by the people to be published by an underground group within the existing uuateraalan army, it might cause an early purge of the Ouateaalan army.

could not happn because the army paper

started in toe exiles' paper and the articles are signed by the true names of the people writing them. Toxto have so far been restricted. Tempo has been gouged to the time and now articles are moderate.

CRUZ War was brought up and tha program against hia, with ita results, was discussed.

T ryhat plisuccfcss

El Heboid* ia being published again. " program la in action. nc. wiener aug-estad that Headquarters should propagandise thacampaign and ARBSSZ' reaction to it and tell what" meana. Thia should bo circulated. "ARBETO is arresting patriot* who are io favor of keepio; out foreign interveation."

... tod Umt currently ruaore are being circulated. iTesenuy tneroumor in the rural areas that government leadara

s3ss ta"

. hat ^Pl'Sencouraged now. Our reasons for

T^.lTJtPt The political plan "Crus ybutleet utf slrf c favo?

- !j lt, lna7hat the idea of want to include the Plan of Tegucigalpa

thrQa ?Jd8tlon3 troubling hiat 1. What would be the Qroup'il "tl-*rbera"ti^cm-unlst offioara gravthv ball and prematurely take orer the government? What would theattitude be in such an event? (Mr. "laoer said wa wiU stay on his .Ida. He is our 2. ROPDS is worried about the approachlne elltioru

2wf a thia and hs ia worried about the local SStS* tl1*flbout biarained metnow la ie'sji's? ! iirtua1^no control until he givon tho battle cry. The town i* full of Guatemalan agenta. He ia worried about


Mr. Wierwr auggeated to Mr. Biseell that with help free

ut to hia

-reoxclusiva of the PM aspect. He(mr. Holland)

anafetalks about assets

it.^oS SSI i^sij

te^Wiflnor sPo^ of economic assistance,

it onrlft?the new government, making statement, *what wo are

t UUdWS9 not0DACnibe keptsiii osouthing to tide this over. rivilege for ODACID to be kopt informed,ight.

al utter

was asked toinutes informationie gathered.

He scjl ^ 8flkod tohort briefing on lt "vnow


Mr. *ismr questionnod if ve ware getting anything from the militaryin tho target country-. If we wait till the last ntnuta to ask tlmt they be withdrawn, they won't do it. He requested that LINCOLN advice what was desired to do about tivo mission. Is it desirr.ble that steps be taken now to prepare for its vit;>drawal?(aboutHay). The withdrawal si.iiId be so designed that it can be played cp for propaganda purposes. it. Mr. Peurlfoy said that tho Air Mission haa not been doing what was

Jstated that wn are overays behind on black flights. Ha feel that we should have an extra aircraft added in order to make up this defirlt. AMD, last week, assured him thoy ware able to provide this aircraftaximumays. This would be plane and crew. Crew would have to use the same covor story as thre. Mr. "lenor was concerned with tho security angle with regard to extra crew rather than the plane. He said he would take this matter up on ;ils return to hoadquartare. He would favor sr. extra plane rather than the erew. It was requested that at least tha plane be procured since we are pressing luck in usingircraft.

Thereeneral discussion of the labor situation. Thewants to know everything. There ia friction between tho unions. old approach to tho head of the Steel Workers Union.

brought up the fact that we have spotted and cleared an Aprista down there. Ho will work operationally through C 3. The mnwas chosen was cjosen because he knowe tha field and has the necessary qualifications. Originally this approacn was to be metot toirm

Mr.requested infprmtion on tho deception program with thoangle.hadollow-up on thla and woold brief

bin after lunch.

isner said h*vorvono would agree that it wee veryC have the talk with C find out what is not!votingabandoning tho ahip or is it that he feels he has done all that. Jwas requested to assess his reasons. Find outls that has caused him to take this novo. If ho is getting out becauselost confidence, find out why. If hln answer is negative,inal answer} koop the issue open. Toll C Jtliot

hove,o back and talkthe Oroun. iio has had Ids feelings hurt. C Jwes instructed not toreak the conversation finally.Mr. Muesli suggested thatC- o tret C Jto postpone the dated riven for severance. C JsaldC Jhad put on paper several incidents welchfter his trip toot chiefly the fact of his poor health nrnapted thic wove.

ing ad,iournrdt with Mr. Roborbon sclieHuled toriefing ot DiOO.



Original document.

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