Created: 5/1/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


i .ma V


Rolls Numbered;

Very First bay)




Kay 1st

broadcast mornitib of >Uyevening of liayooruingrd

brobccast morning ofh

ckeculed uornlnf Kay 7th

-cheuuled iVsaifig of Kay 4th idiedulsd mornlcj, of5th Jchaculeo evening of May 5th iichsculed ooniicjiy tthth

AT. fl


icir^;t'th -tbauuitdoy Jth ivhedoisd Homing h


i 34

pth -chedu.-.h

The change in night frequency is first announced in roll

With rollcglr. the new night frequency.

The iilfiouncomnt of the cancellation of morning asaur broadcasts, to be held in afternoon instead, iammms. begins with This also

announces that night program will be two hours instead of one. These two changes (frets morning to afternoonours at night instead of one,ke place onh of May.

The extra hour in the night,h Hay,usicalpointing cut that iisterners should stay tuned for regular program, so it is not import if it is not announoed in graphic aiilarior materials. The extra program, however, means that broadcast must begin0 and continuenstead of previous program0 Afternoon program is00

A reeume* of the deil" broadcssta of "Radio Liberecion, Le Voz de le Mbertad". The programs bec,en on Saturday, let of'".

Saturday, Hey let

Thle inneufural program wee originelly ocheduled for onealf hours, to be re-broadcast during the day several tinea. pecial ecript introduced the atstion, explaining ite function and outllng the croert-i* which would be heard Ln the following broadcasts. It promised listeners that it would 'sing Ita song of Liberty'e eecret loeetion somewhere inside the Rcpdblie until it had unasked the present traitors holding power in the country. It ertnouneed thet ite inception waa the reeult of the consolidation of thescattered forces ef opposition; that it represented, however, the profeelonala, workers, etudenta, wooer, everywhere that hsd decided thet the hour hed cone to expunge once and for ell tiae the disgraceful Red web which had been spread over the country. Ideal* were outlined, end enemies identified.

'rfhen lt was learnod that the first day of broedcaet would he on Kaypecial Labor Day program wee produced endart of the above. Itrc-constructlon" in the atudloeescription of thetaking piece that dav in the capital. Thla waa carefully deeiirned not to insult the intelligence of the aotutc listener, but it was not so carefully identified that thelatcner might not accept it as the real thing. Three interviews were included! en Ignorant worker, who did not know why he waaovernment official who clained he waaommunist, but reflecting Connnmiet ideeo; and an intelligent busineeenan who was heeltant to eey whet he thought, feering reprieel. peech by Gutierrez wee heard, but it was interrupted by the announcer who foreceet that the speaker would come cut with the cuatoeary cliches, frm time to time the announcer wouldreeunod bystander to "watch out for thetc. Sound effects were used to olnulete approachIn? and fading bands, groups of workers, etc.

All possible facets were taken edvantspeof in tha script. That the workers' day hod been taken over by the Conmurilste to further their own idenle, that many of those ln sttendance did not undTotandhev were bcin? used at pawns, that thla celebretionad reflection of the demonstrations being held in Iron Curtain countrier, andockery of those who really recognised the true risrhte of lebor, etc.


Efich hour of broedcastino contains two bseic projrenw: "Our Radiond "CorrauniPr Unclothed"-in the morningBroekinr. the Cheins' end "Who Are We end Where Are Wen the oftcrVMffhe following is on outline of the principal thoraee of these proar-me during theayfresdeast, end future ldeae.

During the two brosr'costB there are other prodromeinat ell possible targets, ueuellyumourous way. not corstcinod ir. the following resume, aa that? "'illpcide from single

ie- I

Sunday, Kay 2nd

Hsdiooutlined on this opening program the neod

of etrons action, andmedia, such as thia redio etation,

"Comnunisratrong attack on the Agrarianprogram, putlirs It In its true light, with pointsthe different types of people uno were touched bythe Chains" or. this broedcosteniferto

lo the People, defining ideslo snd motives.o Are We arid Where Are Weegative attack againsttitled "Why We Can Overonmuni3tsn. This opening proercn li-id the beei? for contrtet with the positive attacks to follow in later pro-rerne.

Kay 5rd

Radio eccription of tbe wretched economic

condition cf the country, pointing out that mistcanegewent by those in power bed led the country to thc verse of ruin. "CoTaunism Unclothed': tatement of Lr.lty of the Opposition, of X'fiesolidarity of ell who could no longer stomach the situation. ontreslii? expose of tha unpopularity, which musl nCcefeerily increase, cf thofficialse responsible for thc present situation.

the Chains": Why should juetarcelans allow their

country toeach-head of international Coemunism in thetrategic point working for thc benefit of Ruscialho Art Weern Are We Revelation o* the political machinetions of thoee in power. The result of their efforts has been the reason that we have come into being. Their works clearly show thet any path opposite to theirs mustogical one.

Tuesday, Key 4th

Radio Campaign": Thc lebor field. Pelee promises made to

"orkraen by the Compile leaders. The lost of citizenship for thc worker of factory end field under the Red yoke. The training of labor leaders in Marxist aekools in Mexico.


"Cocnunism I'nclothed"! Custaisals st thc point of civil war. The twieted apclic&tiorad lane reform, the bloody encounters that heve resulted, the plundering nf the or.ee fertile land- esult ofd hie cohorts.

"Who Arc We err! Where Ars We Soinj?" e political, economic and sociel ceteristicn, and how it has resulted in ourlarion call to present endpe5 te exert their always peered never on; duty to ;oin with us to asve thareelvco. "Sreekinr the Detoiled recapitulation of thc acts and 3taterremte which arc. proof of ths Ooraiuniat sffilieticn of the 'overrent.


i f icp* ior of the Soviet brand es the

inly trvs type of intervention.

"Cor-'unis- "nc lot bed" i TV pccsibilty thatinteresti L r:r

r.cea .

the Chains": Gall to Combat, exhalting the people

totMiorant of liberty, Juetlce, etc.

Are "we end Vhere Are Ve Golng?"i The cethode of CenrrunLem ir. Guatemala, snd how they must be fought, not luet 'defended Bgainst". Thet Conmiea are fenetlce, that wc nuet be fanatic

in retaliation.

Thursday, Hey 6th

Radio Campaign" i Uraesklng of thoae who poer at frlende

end defenders of our country, but in reality are trying to entrench Cmnunlee. Especially the caaee of thoae free other


Lnclothed'i Reiteration of the corruption lnenC politicalthe CheinBni How the Army, with ita passivity, has

betrayed theit takes Block at once. The Paetoj-e!

Letter of the Archbishop end ita marking the refuenl of the OfiurcK tc continue paeeivity.

"Who Are Ve and Where Are We Going?" An analysis or tho general BituaoHlon, end how others, in other countriea, think of the country.

Friday, Key 7th

Rcdio Campaign-! The collaboration of theleast

bv itathe Commie carapsign. The resulting lowering of morale end lock of purpose felt by officers snd men. "Cooiuniefe Unclothed') The preaent mloory of thedirect consequence of the acts of the Government.

the Cheine11! The lose of freedom of expression and

the constant attack of the government against thoae who apeak the truth. The caee of Radio Internacional,ackground of past incidents.

"Who Areand where Are Se efinition ofrue anti-communist le. Principal Ideas of the political plan as etreaeed in Plan of Tegue.

Saturday, Hey 8th

Radio Program"i Identification of our plene aa civic ones

and why the explanations glibly giVen bv Government must be refused .

"Communist Unclothed'i ^hst la the Interest Soviet has ir.country* Must it not really be to their own ir.tereet,secrlflcc of our eoverigntyt the Chains*. Freedom of expreaelon end thought en-

dsneer, with specific The fears of the owners of radio stuifans snd newspapers.

"she Are We end Vlhere Are We OoingT'i Continuation of the political program.

Sunday, Key 9th

Radio Program*i The spreading of Communist power through

5uat oabeieiea in Central and South America, and how that fact will co-iell^nt- diagrace of the people. "OOaCtunlem Unclothed*i The Soverlgnty of Guetenela, as threatened byhlch in turn Is tolerated and eided by Governnent.

Evening: 'Breaking the Chain*"i The trontfbraation of the peoplesought by Comnun'isni, end whet the people will have towith if it io succeaful. How the government itself iadigging tlie grave of the country with theirAre Me snd Where Are we Going": Wc are the people of More of line, and how it rauot be implemented, withthingsof present officials priae object.

rrogroma in Preparation

Ev cning:



10th of Hay "Cur RedidCuapaifin*: Our weakhet we have dona tothia eituatian to cone about-

'Ccamuniea Unclothed" i Thec, Weapon of Communism. Thc J2 ond how to spread it. What it means, rfhat theopposition to itconscience.

"*ho Are ae"here Areoing?': The detaile of the Bpnlfcsto recently iaauad by Caatllo Armas.

Tuesday,f May "Our Redio Campaign": Our week point* as far ar personal

conduct iawatching what we say *nd where

wo aay it.

"Ccnsunisx Unclothed*i Waiting newspaperBreaking tho Chalne": *ymbol of how we can make all aware we are on the march.

"Who Arc Wo endWhere Are We 0oing*i Passive roaietenco techniques. Warning that patience le neededhile, thatfon abortive attempt now would supply Government with excuse to tlghtan up. Warning ageinet possible Government inspired "Salamae" for this reaaon.


Original document.

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