Created: 5/4/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

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Tactical Intelligence Garrison Locatione

X. Information la urgently leoded concerning tha locations of tho in eaoh of the following tounoi Coban, Zacapa, Jotiapa, Maaatonango, ^uaaaltonango. Quiche, Puerto harrios and San Jose. By location la rasant tho exact address,mail tap indicating the location witn respect to tho nam square sod pablic baiMuige would be helpful. Also of essential Importanceo tailed description of the comreanloations facilities inrlaon town. It ie requested that you forward this information ae soon aa possible, snd that youiopatoh for tho next pouchhow much of thiss lxredietoly available to the Cf Li,lG;JQS organisation and how lom? you estimate it wUl roquiro to obtain tho balance.

2. In tuls connactlon it is requested that you imnad lately Inform LiSCCLW of thoa toe of all HEIs in your possession. Thisis of vital importance for our oparatiens. Aaave already been informed it is desired that all infomatlon now available be pouched at once. These answer* can be keyed into the question fcimbors on Wo ESIs, and It is not necessary to forward themsolvea. It is bollevod that much rf tlis information can be furnxhed byhis or poraono in ilia organize uol. The Ju*tenala City station isoked to pass the questions ino static end slcakt, imsmnoh as thla appears to be the nost rapid snd secure channel to thanu

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Original document.

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