Created: 5/5/1954

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MeTDi.rar.dun Tort


Poeelble Attacks against 1RBJ1C

le believed thet the moat effective attacka that can beArbenz axe thoae directed at him personally. To utilizefrom without tha hemisphere would Indicate:

etwork of world-wideie Inconsistent with tbe overt aaaetta of the CALLIGERIS movement and would ba highly suspect.

b-lot had been hatched by world-wide forces. This could readily be revealed to Arbenslot and indicate to him tbe serious nature of tha personal threat thus making him look to the Communists as his sole mans of support.

four of the reference carries considerable merit In tbat itwith the experiences of the Latin American and Guatemalan populace.

1 It plays upon their first-hand krowledge of greed and oorruptloe. la high

onsistent with the pending departure

of political leaders from the oountry.

following la suggested in way of Implementing pars ia

tarting pointampaign to indicate Arbenz la preparing to flee tho oountry tho recent open letter of exiled trade union leader Rubenoro to Arbens oaA be exploited. In tbe letter which waa publicised ln tne well-known Mexican newspaper ultimas Hotlolae Villa toro asked Arbens

- Don't you see. Colonel *rbens, how your very collaborators forebode evil? Don'T you aee how your principal functionaries take their money out of the oountry because theytrong popular se reaction?

Tou yourself. Colonel Arbens, why do you have your family inSwitzerland? Ia It not true that you are not sure of what will happen?"

< 'hatto have- thla letterjwldely circulated within Guatemala giving it tbe legitimate source and utlllzlne

TBCARPit extensively elaborating and embelliahlng on the story le. transfer of monies to Switzerland from whence the Arbenz family originated, transfer of prized personal possessions etc.

8hcVjd be conducted, again utilizing the Hexlean article

aa source, eot neceeaarlly Villatoro. Additional sources for the information of tr^nsfar of Arbenso Switzerland could be tbe ICFTO fro- which the ^icana and VUl.toro could off It. ThU laet, the ICFTO source ie only for rumor purposes since that organisation might deny anything of


autnenticlty to thef

To Implement Ab the following Is suggested)

That tho activities of tho Argentine lebor attache In Ouatemala/be usedeg* It ehemk be pointed out that while those unions in contact with CRrr-ICPTD bare not been allowed to function openly le: tbe unTL, those being supported by the Argentine Embassy andbe Peronlst labor international, continue to function utTaoleeted.desplte theurpteats of the GTC.*The lunnMnn^nhirMirl heiTnn.Tt la obvloouaeoause Arbens needs the eupport of PeroruLasjuUdxlaaiaraxx and Argentina as Arevalo did before his) inorder toafe haven for hlmaeirTAnother linecould be that ARBENZ hopes to use the Peronlst unionsucleus of support At the time he believes the Cosnun'at Issue becomes too hot to handleis the Army. The long stay of Arevalo in Argentina prior to his ascendancy to the presidency can lend authenticity to thia line.

The source of this Information could be an ATLAS official disenchanted with Peronlst manuevers. The present disaffected state of many ATLAS leaders, which is well known in labor circles, would lend credence to the source. SYHCARP could carry this bell through their contact with UNTL leaders in WSKOQFS.

L 1


hWxioo. DJT, April*

Mr. Preeideat

of tho Republio of Guatemala CoIomIbeas Omtenela City, QwUmlA

Z mm before yoo.ia thU letter setexile earing foron't seed it* oao to uk yon, la name af ay eouatry, unjustly sacrificed, thatwteamlam aad freeldent of tha Hapublic, pot your aaargy aad late Hag eaee to tho exclusive servlee of our oountry. Tou, Coloaal Arbaaa, oan have tho absolute assurance that, for thla patriotic tank jou oaa count oa tba aid of thousands of Guatemalans who today look with deep sorrow upon tho dark future that threatens the oountry,

Z, Coloaal Arbaaa, aaaa of profound Ideas, and you, who know na, know tbat wary wall, I amaaoorat that does not waat to saa hia eouatry subjeoted to aa iron dictatorship, by positloa ia like that of nssy who surround you but are incapable of presenting yourank and hosest observation ao that you eaa aea where this tolerance with whloh you allow tbe ooessunlsts to participate ia our internal af fa Irs can lead our oountry. Z, with many other guatetonlans, also democrats, cannot offer aay reasoa to Justify thla eosaaialat interference la our efforts toward social progress. The oomaualata, Coloael Arbeaa, have one objectivei to oppose all that signifies progress, beoause they are forced to spread misery In the countries which they plan te conquer, ia order to Justify tbe implantation of their systems. This you (now very well ea you have read much ooesnunlat literature.

The Cesnsunlsta pretend to be your friends, while they grow strong "under your protection, but they are la tbe serrloeoreign nation, for thla reasoa, they deserve tho repudiation of tba people aad you should also repudiate thaa| but far froa this, we aae with great Borrow that you offer them all your support, as if they were indispensable for tbe functioning or livelihood of our eouatry.

Ton oaa wis tbe sympathy of tho democratic world, with, the aid of all the bob of advanced societies, but you need to eliminate those bad elements tbat only causa difficulties and loee of prestige for you and your government. Zt ia also time,

Coloaal irbaom, for you to rootify your poaiUoa aad gold*toward progress, but oa firm bases that nay

tha faith of our people,riag taa laat few

I, Coloaal Arbeas, Uiteat, front llaoa tha revolutioaary struggles, aovarthalesa, oahat tha eoaamalsts vara taking ooseaad of our labor movement aad war* dlrectiag It along path* contrary to thse of our country, wo orgmaiied tha KATIOHAL UXIOI CP IBB KffSEBS, with tha firm purpose of giving the aoa-ccauBualst worker* aa opportualty to fear* ree orgaalsatlea to which they could baloag. This did aot please tha communists whioh had infiltrated our goveraaaat, aad, after a earlos ofas .saizadonaaoaas subjected to tortures worse hat thoes we had fought agalast, aad as expelled froa the country, after being stripped of all ay olothlag by tha police. These abuses are oomittad by Jackals that haw* infiltrated the public off!oaa of the goveraneat aad who oaly oauae lack of prestige aad aversioa oa the part of the democratic aaa of America.


Allave suffered is aot sufficient to nala aademocratic faith,. Iou, Coloaal Arbeas. oould see to itpolitical paaazam of tha oouatry is changed, dlreotiagalong truly democratic paths aad preveatlagfroa draggiag it dova to the depths ofthey have tried to do up to

X ea aot the first victia, Coloaal Arbeas. Other aaa of daaocratio faith have also been victia* of eoasnualst iatrigua. Iou have had knowledge of some oasee.

The fcoasuaiete are taklag over evarythiag aad everyone. Colonel Arbeaa.aad for that aeasoa fear aad dlatmot ia the oouatry baa spread. Iou kaow for exaaple, that Abel Cuaaoa. who la aot erery aided by the qualifies tloa ofuataaalaa, la lasulag appeals to th* people to begin; the slaughter, aad yet you tolerate hia. eoaferrlag oa hia oaa f tha poeitloas of graataat raspoasibllity ia the fiWeUriatef the Ooataaalaa Instltut* of Social Security. Abelho la aots tryiag to destroy the security ad the traaquillty of our people, Iou have many other cosssoalste -of this earn* type la your goveraaaat to whom it makes ao dlffaraae* that our country aay perJeb, because it is aot their'e, aor oothey have aay reasoa to hoaor or respect it.

lou ralaUla, Coloaelthat your government la mat communist. Terrooept that It Bay Met be. bat why de you tolerate tbe eeaBBialata who go ta sxtrsasa ia eadaagerlag the stability af year government, areatlag am edrerse ataoepbere la tba lateraatloaal world? aad for what reaeea de yon confer the positions of greatest roe poms lbllity oa these fnaotloaarlas of the comma 1storalag the collaboration offered by boaeat, capable aad dcsoeratla eltlaeaaT eaaatthat yea bare aay cosiproaiee with tha aoaennlBte that could surpassthe saored latersata of our oountry, nor elieve that you fled yourself helpless or usable to Improve your govoraasat through your ova laitlatlvs. to eose te this oomoluaioa would- e dieaatrous far you aad tba eotratry.

I aa wall aware that when tbe dictatorial gyeteas were

overthrown, aa era of progress aad wall being followed, but carefully aad dispassionately examine tbe national situation aad you will discover aa unfortunate situation ia tbe economic, political aad moral spheres. Aad history. Have you thought about history, Coloael Arbeaz? Ia your bands lies what history will say tomorrow about your government. Would you like It If tomorrow'b history would say tbat you oould have saved the oountry but because of a whim or becuaae he wanted to remain la good favorinority of 'fatherlande let it sisal late the oba ear-eat ism of many years? Aad your ehildrea, Colossi Arbeaz, what will they say about thle accusation of history?

lou have ia your hands, what oouldeautiful page, bat on your decision rests whether that page willeautiful oae or black aad bloody. I nope tbat eooa, reality will show you theesire to see ay country free, prosperous aad happyill, sotow tbat prosperity, that liberty to be turned to oppression aad fear through tba faultmall group ef individuals for whom the word patriotism does act have aay bunaa significance.

If you should fall, who would replace you? Would yea like -it. Coloael Arbees, If our ecdatryransformed'iattf e. frightful slaughter house? Would it please you to have brother fight against brother, that the roads be covered with the bodies aad tbe blood ef bumble workers aad farmers whoa yon have promised te daf aad? And what of all the women aad the thousands ofbeadoaed ehildrea la the to was aad la tbe country, inquiries; ae to who was the euase of their misfortune? Aad all this,

tw-rT1*taaadfnllaaa without 4 oouatry

that do aat aecerv* anything bat geseral rapodlatloaj

... oar oouatry, Coloaal Arbeas. should ba la tha toadsha Ooatoaalaaa. Ia toot gnvaalt there ara aeay forelga ciaanslito aad the ladlgeaoua oaa ae loaa-er baare reaouaocd their aatloaallty. be Qoateaalaae oaa Jell stop, our ova fetor, without forelga Uterfer-.oe, or perhaps, Coloaal Arbaaa. too oaaaot do thia for yeureelfT Perhaps you flad yourself uaable te aot dna to ooaaualet Uflueaoe?

Iouoaa be eure that ao saae Quataaalaa opposeeislatloa. We do aot oppose tha labor Code, aor the reglaa of fecial Saourity. aor the Agrarian Rafor*. What we be applied eorrectly aad beaeetly. so that it mayool tire beaefit for the people iad aot beolitloal ara le the heads of oasorupulous aadtrio tlo people.

aofspirit, agree that ve should

d.faad the aatloaal petrlaoay. that we would etruggleelllgMtly .ehler. the eooaoalo liberatioa of our oouatry aad -hat tha eoadlttoaa aad ralatioa* uomg th* varkare la the

** cooatryut froa this patriotic etroggle that ve all eupport giriac th* gr**toet oppoeltloa to the communist party, to th* othmr eitr*ae of aakiag thi* pataictlc effort of th*elltleel fl*.?


Through fault ef the Conmualste. the oouatry. far froa*^eogh aa acoaoaio parallsto. Naayur fMbeaa closed, other* flad tfaaaeelTee ea the Targe ef this,I* for thia reason that yea hare eeea ttouoeads efwithout breed, liaed up ia froat ef the preeideatial lad, that Coloaal Arbeas if the seeial work ef theyon aad that offer you thair eupport, but ea aa*iagdaagar will abaadoe you withont .ay

ggArbeas, bow year wary eellaberatore

JV ee* how your prlaolple fuaettoaaries

1 *

Tou your self, Coloael Art* as, why do yon have your family Ie it mot true that you are met sure ef what Aad nevertheless, v'ny do yon grand sueh toleramoe coanunlate that are the cause of all the evils that the

lou sse how crime, disorder, aad terror lea has increased la tts last few years. The ooonuniats tall you that the goveraaeat la strong, but ao govarsmaat is strong whan lt la incapable of keeping order ia the country, sn&sasa se wham its strength oonea soesult of crime and terror lea. Zee can eee how your polios rob the prisoners, assail stereo, insult and despoil openly. And all thle cam beemocratic regime? Bo, Coloael arbens, democracy haa disappeared in Guatemala due te the influences around lt, but there is still time to retura te normalcy and to put tha democratic ship of the oountry back om the right oouree.

Act mow, Colonel Arbenz, before our country ie subjected to the blackest and most despotic dictatorship ia the nation's history. The international panorama ia sow unfavorable to It aow, but ittle decision oa your pert, It oould be made favorable. It la never too late whoa there la time, Colonel Arbesa..

ope this letter gets to you through some means and tbat ithe iron curtain that the communists have formed around you.

I greet you from exile without aaimcalty,

Babes P. Vlllaboro

President of the national union of

free Workers of Guatemala

Original document.

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