Created: 5/9/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


of Station,

INTOi PBSBCCESS, Headquarters



Newspaper Materials

. 1. Attached are the following newspapers!

LA KACION, Panama, Sk April (Article en submarine In lower right-hand corner, p. 1) opies

LA ESTRELLA DE PANAMA,pril (Item on submarine in columnrotest concerning prisoners in Salama in columnottom, bothopies.

o) IRE8TE DEWOCRATICO, Panama,pril (Article "La Socisdad da Amigos deolumns, p.opy.

, 2. The items concerning tha unidentified submarine ought to be used inwith whatoTor further developments radio and news dispatches have been carrying in the moan time snd are likely to carry in the next few days. Treat the entire gubmarino affair as additional evidence of the aggressive Soviet plain in Latin America* closely tied In with tbe aggressive foreign policy ofontrollad Ouateaalo and give it as such every possible publicity, but avoid carefully any Inference as If you had anything to do with thia affair or as if you would know anything aore about it than what you learned from the newspapers snd radio*

. 3. The story about the "Sodedad de Amlgos do Qoatemsla" might be used aa further proof that Ouateraals Is now the center and focus of attention of all communist activities In tbs Western Bemlephere, implying that this irfil get Ouatemala into troubles with all other Latin American countries, unless thia is stopped in due tins.

iu Hay we remind you in this context to pouch to us) copies of all press products, whether controlled or Independent, whioh you consider worth bringing to the attention of our outlets elsewhere in the region, pouching at the same tine Qh^edequato nnnfeer of tho same clippings to Headquarters for distribution outside

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Original document.

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