Created: 5/12/1954

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Stat on, OuatooaLa LINCOLN

PBSDOCBSfl, Bsecquartero

Chief of Station,


oiraro of Provocation


W S2

1. Ho ara forwsrdlngopy of the third script prepared for SHKRWOQD. Like the first two scripts this vast not be shown to soy agent! it le for your nee and guidance. After the story has been broadcast, it will of course be advisable ft any other outlet Take it upbat this direction should not cone directly frca you, In order not to show any aeoneetleo with shkrwood.

?. Ve would appreciate receiving any comments whioh you care to oaks about these scripts. Please let us hare also any suggestions regarding other topics which night be off nee in our broadceete.


JCD/ EFT/ egwayOAT i




(Beware of fro vocation Attempts)

The Arbenzietee snd their ccsrtunlst allies aro gotting more snd more panicky fror. day to day. lhe inexorably rising tide of popular opposition fills them with dismay, andornored ret is tbe most dangerous sort of rat, wo see the ruling clique attempting the most desperate taotios to keep Itself in power. He shall toll you therefore todayns of these tactics so that you may be forewarned snd that we can avoid unnecessary losses during this last phase of the Soviet-ArbenEieta dictatorship.

theanon end the meet insidious ofactics is that of provocationwhether aimed at individuals ot et the entire population. Bye understand any kind of move, trickery, manoeuver, by which an autocratic or dictatorial regime trios to goad Its cotuel or suspected opposition into statements or actions which they do not really went tc oaksor et least not nekP at this time. This facilitates It obviously for the dictatorship to discover ite enemies, to arrest or exile them whenever it suite the regimein other wards, to fight ite battles against the opposition at the time, in the place and under the conditions meet favorable for tbe government.

Individual provocation may work like this* you sitailroad ooaoh, oxus, ortrangerolitical convexeotlonor, if be is sure skillful,onversation whioh may be already under way in th* direction he wants. Be asks questions' "Don't you think this government is Intolerable? This law in really outrageous, isn't it? Somebody really ought to do something about it, don't youore likely than not, he will find somebody who doee agree with him, who starts saying frankly what he thinks, who shouts "Aroens should be hanged, Fortuny should be sent beck to Moscow" ox something of that sort. Whereupon the stranger turns around, shows his badge of the Guardia Judicial and arrests the man who did not conceal his feelings. Or pherbaps somebody

elso amnp those present turns out tont. Or, possibly, there nay

bo no ircredictc nrr ut ocmo dayo orcoe weeks later, the aan may be arrested and may be charfor hi* oaroleeEin that railroad coach.

Therefore, under the present conditions of creeping dictatorahip ana secret police activities, do not expreas your dissatisfactionhe political situation careleoaly in front of strangers) ervoid boing dream out about your political vlewa by unknown personal if youtranger oaJcc irresponsible and possibly provocative political renarko in puDllc, go sway ox keep silent. This does not apply to regular political nestings where you con still insist upon oxpreeeing your views freely. In accordance with our constitution! but even there, be careful not to use noodloaoly strong end violuot wurde, especially vorle lUlwIaUlt bo.illy ham against govens-ent officialswhich si^hlly- to throw you in jail.

More intricate aothods of provocation say be used against yao* if you are playing (or have played, or are .warmly suspected ofnle ln the opposition against the ArbcosJcvlet regime, If you are loader ofntl-cocBmalat group or for any other reasons consideredarticularly dangerous individual. In this case, perhaps, you will have one of these days the visittronger who brings yon greetingsriend in exile, orall-anovn opposition leader and who will ask you to do something for the causepreeuet-ly sosa thing dangerous, perhaps ssnggllag arse or firrrrtsMng reportslasdeetioe radio atatlon or whet not.

Obviously, the terror and the reprisals applied by the dictatorship which has usurped power ln our hanoland force the opposition of tbe people to use clandestine nsens, toot if free broadcasts are being prohibited and independent broadcast stations dawanllahed, we obviously need clandestine broadcasts, evading Arbenzillegal oenaorshi If the police underat officers stands ready to aaaah any open ease rally of tha

/ opposition, we east obviously have secret

meetings end an rganlsatton oo" popular resletenoe wrdch escapes the clutches of tbe


Hut If you pertiaipete in our clan .ostlne resistance movemtntmm xm hope, you willyou aunt not fell for tho trlake ofstranger*' you vill Halt your contactsery fee pereoun whoa yon either know personally very well or who hove been identified to you byhaole esnmsmVmnai which we oan for obvious reeeone net discuss In any greater detail over the radio, "intrust strangers who oome to you with either oral aaasagee orritten letter whose signatures are not ocqpletely familiar to you, who don't know the recognition aigneli which here been (or will be) given to youespecially if their nesBages involve eras, explosives or imritetlon* to bloodshed or other violence.

Therefore, wbonerei yonisitor ef the type just doecri^eu, tell bin to go easy, that he suet he mistaken, that you don't went tc have anything to do Kith things of that aort. If yon receive byisergo welch you strongly suspeot ofrovocation, destroy it (or neil it back, rnfuee to accept it) immediately* becauee if your srimplrton is correct, the polloe amyew hour* later tothat meseege in year bonne end to arrest you for it. ou are In doubt whetherisiter wo* genuine or not, send bin away in any cane, but inquire later by whatever seJs maene you any find from the man mho allegedly sent that visitor to you, whether this le "above board" and ariaugeecure oonteete in the future.

hwen aore nefarious, however, than such trickery aimed against individuals or small groups ere provocation tactics cwhich the dictatorship and ite agents attempt to engulf masses, the populationity or even aa satire nation. We have bad several such attempts already In the last few days and weeks. The Arbons regime tried to asks cur broadcasts as well as opposition leader Cel. Castillo Annas

personally responsible for the Incident in Chia, alleging that ve had been asking for an lamediate uprisingbut all our listeners know ti -it thisross distortionhat we really soldi norvovar, the Muster sarins in the provocation department ol tbe government overlooked the staple fact that our first broadeaet went on tho airay. while the incidentjoalMila oocurred on j- Aprlll

ust expect much mora naaoivo and outrageous raanoouvexfi duriraj the days and weekse. use night, the government radio awry announce that an uprising baa begun in acne city,ne pert of the oountry la order to provoke the gamine opposition elsewhere to show its hand. Groups of Ooneranlste snd of other gcveraaent agents awry oven stage riots snd local actions to foroa ths tend of the apposition. We cann soae phony dlscovurlee, perhaps an arasunitioo depot or packages with subversive leaflets "found"inca of the United fruit ocsBpuay, to charge our an tiona l. liberation larraaeut with beingwithp*rlnll*ta% or the Use.

These devious ewrthods of suppressing popular opposition by lice, deceit sad criminal provocation have not grown cn cur native soil, nor anywhere else In the anericas. Theae methods bear the trademark of the Russian secret police, free where Bosoow'e agent* in Oust amain, the Fortuny, tBitderres,eoolved instruction* to transplant thea into our WSfortunete oountry. nybody with evenuperfioial Imowledgo oi wxiorn Russian history and politics snows, provocation was the favorite infltruaeit of tlie secret police already under the Tsars snd has been resod further developed7 by ths secret services of the Soviet Dictatorship.

, Id thecentury, when tho Russian MihlUsta started assassinating Toarn, Grand iXikas anu Generals, the okhrena, the Russian secret police, placed its agents among these terrorists, stimulating sore assassination attempts, ln order to arrest

tha terrorlets store cosily end to prove et thetine to the government the paramount value o: much en alert police, fho Russian revolution5 started. provocation whan tht. >lico agent Oepon led hungry masses to the Tsar's poloco where troopo opened fire,risly bloodbath. he Soviets continued this "proud tradition In tbe fights between stelln and Trotaky, for instance, Stalin's ssoret sgente practiced provocation to uncover followers and sympathizers of Trotsky. rTOvocatlon playedeading role in the blood purges which took place Inuring which Stelln ordered the assassination of thousands of old ocssmmists wheat he oormrt dared as poaalbly dangerous to bis absolute onf-mnn rule.

now you know what to expect. Of course, we cannot predict every single tactical move the regime may aakei ve can only giveew typical examples end explain to you the underlying motives, These provocation teotioalear elgn of Arbons' weakness) we shall answer the mounting hysteria of the regime with calm, end methodical progress of our liberation mcvenwart. We shall fight, when we are ready and when we consider the moment Boat favorablenot at tbe moment, when It would pleeeeo.

We urge ell of you! let yourselves be neither intimidated nor provoked] Continue- with us to struggle against tho dletetorwhlp which threatena our hcewland, but beware of enemy agents and follow closely the watchwords which will reach you vie this radio station and through the authentic channels of our resistance organisation J

(Conraiolat propegando ettonpta to dan/ tea athalatto character of ita system, nojnUng at too rcoponliigau churches in Kusnia, too porUotpaUoaaw odaguided <ilerey*en tn ocasaniatpropaganda aud alndlar aanpajnaa, etc. rtowarar, tha ocensialsts have not changed thairwhioh ther* la no apace whatsoever for apiritual value* and In whioh rnllgion ia corrtwsnnr] aa "an opiate for thanor have they oeesed to pereeoute tha Churoh aad Its ftfflirlailn wherever the Church doc* not bow to tha demand* of the coaaunint dictator.. Educatlca wider ecoanaLat rule cent! rise to be entirely without and against religion. Perhaps aoat important, the ooaauniat youth organisations, lad by the VS&XBL with itell-lion aaabera in the Soviet Tnlon, continue to inbue youth with ea spirit of soil tent etheiaa.)

Ii aaaaWB tfa> ffilfflkT ME new*

(Dlaleotieal Katerislisa, the philosophy devised by Men and further developed by Lenin, declares aaa to beroduct of hia ecc-noaio enaattiooo and denies that nanoulree will, lo-cordinely, the individual, his vlabee, his baaejneaa end even hie very life ere of oo concern to th* Soviet rulers. She inhabitant* of th* Soviet Onion ere actually state slsveo who ouat work wherever their ooaauuiat aastera order then and who eea even in their spare tiaeonly the aeeaer piwhioh th* Soviet only th* stags pleye and soviee of whioh the only the hook* end newanepera which have pas*

aaa listen even only to music whioh has been found to eonforn with the policies of th* all-powerful Soviet state. UU under rmi*iirial la therefore la every reepeet diametrically opposed to the beaio tent**

of Chriatianlty.)

he fete ofChurch in Russia.

(Purine th* foiaaiea rwvoluttonsst. Chnrohea war* destroyed, th* regaining one* turned into "auaeuaa of atheism7 or dseeoreten lor other ooaamnist purpoaee, aany prisate killed or forced to flee for their Uvea or bed toew lifeew nea* inregion where nobody knew then tc be ordainedhi* condition re-sndned without aajor changes until World war Hi then Stalin found to hie dismay that his subjects did not want to die for rosamlsai, that th* Red Amy soldiers surrendered by the hundreds of thousands end that thepopulation welcomed the invading Gerenn amies as liberators. Zn this desperate situation, stelln wae forced to give the Ctthodox Churoh at least aona saablaaoe of freedom eo that priests could do what cqsawrtat propagandiate had been unable to eohlevei exhort the people to defend

their frf^liwii But even than, Stalin made sure that tbeChuroh was occplately controlled by tha Soviet stats, ssrsens aad other Churoh atateaanta and documents had to he oaoaorsd in advance by tha secret police, otc. After tho war, Stalin used tbe Orthodox Church also for propaganda abroad and some of It* leading dignitaries undertook extensive travels to saay countries, uaing religious affairs to cssouflege theirfdaoieno. Thereill no rail gioua education for ehlldren in i'.uodia, tbe Church has no inflneeee oaara permitted or daniad entirely for political rseeonst see, for instance, the ban to merry for signerthe all-powerful KOeJOMOL with itsillion Bashers, ths communist youth organisation, eeoond In Importance only to the oon* snalst party itself, continue* toigantic seohiao spreading alii taut atheism.)

(i*nds, coc&inlr.te proton. U: ne^ar ol cardoter atciate do su oAstena,eflporturo do elgunea iglcoloo oo liuais, In parUoipoclon do tClgunasxtrcrU+Sor on lo propaganda dcexecidaa'danpfiins, etc. Sin embargo, loatstAtT no haa oecajieda su dcotrin*.en la ounl no hoy oepecio alguno parea la oual la religion oatfl oonjsnouo coao "un oorcotico para le guntc"ni hen oooedo decue dlgnetRrlo. ea todos los lugoreecue la Islcsia no noas demands* de loo Uifltadoreo oost<alstaa. La eduoocifla halo el aendo ooBunlote continue elendo eotoraaeriten contra do la religion, xulxa lo nee jueportonte, la orjenisaoicn -isuventud ouwdhiote, diploids por ol KfiaMO, con suaUlaaee de partidorloe en laertdtloe, contlraiana Juvenual un inflexible eoplritu de sdlitente aUlsno.)

a Ccrsui4saoa atenidsui del Bcnbre

(dureote la rovoluoion Huesa aayorio de los Igleslao fueron dsetxuidai el res to so uouvirtloron en ^useeo douaroa prcd^oodoa per otroe nropSettosnuhoo etcardotoa, otroe toviaroa oue scliro^oaoado una asm via* boJo uo ottevoen urn reslnn anade aadio leerdenados aeoerdote*.coniiclon conttnuo sin nnyores oombioe oesta la Segunda Guerre Haadlsltnlln enoootrfi para so ^ren ccoetoroacldn qao sue eubditoti no ^etebunorlr por ol ooonnlano, oue los eoldauoe dol ^erolto Hojo se soBstdan porue In poblooidn civilabs le bienronlde coaoos ojeroitos laveooros alonanee. En oata situcoldn ctosospereda. Stalin fuea Igloo in ortodoja par lo nanos un olnulooro do Hbertcd pare que los saoerdates logreron lo que los propagaadistas comunlstes no pudieron cooaecuirtoefender apatria. reroso see aoooato, .'JUlin hizo oloro quo la re-establecide Igloala ostoce oooplotajoote oontrolada por ol ostedo ^ovidtlco, lostroeooumentoo tsoXen cuerados por sdolarAaaa por la pollola secrets, eto. ifcepues do lo guerre, Stalin usoa Iglceia urtodata para la propaganda fuara dellfc-anoe do loo dignotarioe sds deatacadoe emproxylioron largocuai-oo

rlfilieeo ;la fflosofla ideada pareeerrollada per Loaln, declare qua el honors es nerooentc ol produoto de sua oondjolonooiego que ol bonbre teoco unibra clbedrio. ror lo tanto, el individuo, aus oeeooa,aste su propia vide osreoo do Isnortonola pore loe ^ocoxnaotoo iori/tiooo. lee hshitentos de la Onion aeeiStioTsaQ actualneate esoUvce del eetado oue tlanea qua trahejar uendo aus anoen su tlompo libra eSio pueden dlsfrutar oo los atnopon plocoroD cuo el elsteno 3ovictlao loo preporoiaan, ver eolaainte las oorae deoliculaa aprobadsn por el gobierno, leer flnxoawnte loseriodic oo qus hen pooodo par la censorsecuchor soleseate la adaioa qua coocuorda con las roglao del todo-poleroeo ootada tfcviitleo. to vide bale el oonunlaao ea por lo todo so todo reepeoto oiaaetraloentoos dogmas bdsloos del CrlstloalfiAVi.)

psiaoa, usendo los aaunta- rellt^oso:oou;.rir aus clrxcoos polltloaa. a no exist la olucaoioh religiose para loe niLoa oa ftusio, la Ii Ionia oo ttene lailnunola ol^uaa en los ijatriaon- jglos cualoa soneno^adoaazonot' poltticasi por ojeo;4o, la leyctrliwoioa oon tfKtranJeroey el uon suelUones le perfaldfirios, la OT^anlsacloQ de lo Juvenuid ccounia-u, aetuudo ea ljaporta/.ciaartldo oosunletavilendo unator oaropenan-io el Militant* atainato-

Original document.

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