Created: 5/12/1954

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Doc.herwood programs


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are the two latest summaries ofof radio programs, as recordedat safe house D. ummariesMr. Phillips ^ J

A ^


comments seen by Mr Phillips.



PP Files

SHERWOOD programs

f- ra

Hoile Noe:

Afternoon: "Miacelpnca Musical del Aire": TMp record showroken uperies of ehort comments and Jokes. The repdins of p. Hat of chronological events5 which proved effilietion of government leaders vith Soviet principals. The words of the Anti-Arberz SOTJg were Tivcnin, ee on every broedcect,ew line each cay.

"Kuestre Ceapana Radial": etailed snalveis of the attempt on the life of the Preoident of KicoroniB, implicating the Lerion de Caribe. The historical beckground. The eeeociptiin ofrente in Sunt ^overnr.ent and Coats Rica. The end of euch essocfetion in sisht, the traitor? are trembling in their boote.

"Oomunisino al Desnudo'l The effect of the Pastoral Letter in other countriea, the support evidenced bv thouaards of sympathizers, and the realization in other countries thetet headindeed if the Archbishop wee called on to naketren?of policy. An analysis of the latter and what it mesne to theCatholic-ia an anti-communist.

"Laa Patria"l Firsteries or womens'-programs, with female voice. Whet liee in wait for the Cuat woman'underomparison with xmrnama the wenan's state in Iron Curtein countries. Row to avoid being pushed into organizations which were thi'nnly veiled fronts.

Al Son Que Ls Toauen'i Disk jockey show, sponsored bv Cruz

Wer'e Beauty Parlour, where one can set ell sorte of (torture)

"Roctplendo Las Cedenqs": Devoted to theuild-up of Caetillorue soldier who had to flee to re-tain one, end "who represents whst. every soldier must be. Analysis of the Amy Code, ehowine that he who bowe to foreign ideas is not worthy. Cot on the bond wagonou ean, soldier.

'Quedonde Vemoe": Justice for Guatemala. Whet itof. The juetice of Arevalo and Soviet can only destroy the true national <uctice thet la due Guatemala. rue Juetice will msan, thepride with which it can be view as nstionsli correct bv the citizen.

Pro.^ra.T. Content

Rolls Nos: . 55

Afternoon: "Mlscelanea Musical del Aire": Music, interspersed with further chronological Sra* details of Guat affiliation with Soviet advances. Further unwinding of antl-Arbenz tune.

"?Cuestra Campana Radial": The "foreigners" who are helping Arbenz spread Communism from Guat. History of the two recently questionedonfirming their Red activities. Description of these "doves" that Arbenz is letting fly through America.

"Comunismo al Desnudo": rogram directed to the fa an kzbxx worker. How the unfair land reform is spoiling the chancesecent and fair reform which is the worker's due. airadministration would insure the farmer's future for his children, while the present Is already errupting (Ermita) to his disadvantage.

"Laa Patria": Por the women. It Is not not necessary to takeifle, but women can help byt certain things. How they can influence the thinking of salesmen, servants, neighbors.

al Son Oue Le Toonen": Refutation of the

Government's provocation.Explanation that Radio Liberation doesn't want people running around foolishly, only to be aware of the situation and prepare for the day which will come, but is not here yet.

"Bompiendo las Cadenas": oman's antl-communist manifesto, fclnbarraslnquestions for the authorities.

"Quedonde Vamos": Truth, as one of our principles.How the lie Is usedommie tactic. How fortunate we are that we can battle with the weapon of truth. tfacnajB Examples of aovernment lies to the people. Their use compared to Soviet use of tho big lie.

Original document.

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