Created: 5/14/1954

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TO : Chief,_ -j

FROM . Chief of'station, Jtafo, Washington


Transnittal of Enbaasy Despatch

Attached for Lincoln onlyopy of Despatch, "Politburo of Ouatenalan Conrunist Party Says D.ailed at Carao*B, Warns of Continued Tntarnnitioniat Attempts"*


Encl| as noted








Politburo of Guatemalan Coauuralst Party.

Failed at Caracas, Wama of Continued interventionist Attempts.

Tnere areranslation and tha Spanish taxitatement oo tba Caracas Conference adopted br the Political Coaaiittaa of the Psrtldo Onatawalteeo ill Trsbateuatemalans ComunistTarty.

Thia document, which sets theowards Guatemala's relations with tha United States at tha present time, purparts to enow that tha United States haa used inter-Americanat ions for Imperialist exploitation of Latin Aa erica, that In the present Phase of history the Latin American people arelnst this exploitation, and that tho United States therefore had to resort to blackmail andto hareatered down "satl-Communlst" resolution passed at tha Caracas Conference. However, dcapita this victory of the "ant1-Imperial 1st" forces, the Political Committee warns, the imperialists will continue their efforts towards Intervention inand an organised struggle against suchemst bo maintained.

Will lam L. Xries Chare*.


Informal Translation, PGT Statement;

Newspaper Clippings thereof.


In^orsa! Translation, Statement by the Political Coaalealoo ot tha th#Ubop Part"^pulsr?


Conference took plaea froao

Kerchn tha olty of Caracas, Venesuela. Io other event inhiatory in recant years haa bean followed with aa ouch Interact by the Guatemalan people as the Caracas Conference. The pelitleal Centralof the Oaateaalan Labor Party con-eiders it aeeeesary toa belanee sheet of tbe Conference.

4years, ever0 whan the foundationoS8 UJ*>American Union,

systea has constantly served ae an instrument of the

e^analosOat foreign policy of tbe Government in Washington forsralstod by the. aonopolles. It ie not strange that TaiiemVmaaopol-

iS^SSSS bm Weara<SAmerica since the craatlcm of the inter-American systea, or rather It is nothat theerlcan systea waa created and consolidated slaultaneoualy with the %VJX Si?nkMinyaetaaats which have resulted in the loss of Latin American national independence. Iaears, froa 1M?9

J^.ft^fSHla recent years/la only

aa la only two years,0hey increased another thousand ailllon.

^-rtaent of State hamate?

at the Caracas Conference that direct Xaakee invaetaente in Latin

? dat*and deaanded better teras fron our countries for Increasing those Inveataente.

y*ryoae knows what these thousands of million* hare signified for

backwf4rdof Latin Aaarica is in the strong lp of the Taakee aonopolies which obtain aUllons of dollarsountries, while the people of Latin America sufferconditions under the heel of bloody despots in the eerrieTof foreign capital*

pointed to by .eshingtonnodal of

internationala an "example of the solidarity and unaaln-

wU-taow phrase, which has no

foundation, that "Aaarica is tha Continent of freedom."

. domination le not everlasting, and lt hasnt.ined la recent years only by overcoming growing*difficultlas!


Thy fight for national liberation b, Latin American countries ia being strengthened, headed by the Communists and the working elase of each country and even, in soae cares, taking in sectors of tha local bourgeouaie which ia alao desirous of shaking off the. yoke.

In recent years, the movement for national liberation haa taken on particular importance in Guatemala, which, for thia reason, haa earned tha hatred of Yankee imperial late. Everyone known of tbe plana and threats used by foreign Interventionists in an attempt to overthrow violently the patriotic and progressive regime headed by Colonel Jacobo Arbens, In place of which they wished toovernment of assassins who dream of bombarding the peaceful cit icons of our eitles with napalm bomba*

The Caracas Conference waa planned, than, at tha time when Yankee monopolies dreamsd of increasing their direct investments io Latin America,ime when patriotic opposition In Latin America to tha dahatlon of Tonka* Imperialism was growing, andins vtoam Guatemala,ightening rod. waa attracting totorm of Imperialist intervention threats plotted with the tyrannies of Central America and tha Caribbean and with the traitors who headubversive oovemeat in our eountry, falaely called "sjiti-Coautuniat."

eh. ff!rr^lC^tenalahave consisteatly denounced the many plots planned by foreign intervention against our country, also denounced the Caracas Con farall ia advance (on, claiming that It would be used by Washington tooraairfrom the

Awfrlcantarventlonigsinst ou? toa Conference resolution which would condemn Ouatenalathroat*olldority and anearity* and would oblige tha nations of America to adopt measures against the alleged 'throat."

On3. Covarnment aaked that the Caracas Conference discuss its proposal onCommunistin tho American Republica." Tho Tanks* proposal waa nothing more or lossey to open the door to the intervention resolution nen-tioasd above, and thia waa soon confirmed by nany publication* aad

ot longother public atnd reports revealed the difficulties encountered by the Taakea Imperialists In attempting to ensure beforehand ths support of ths Latin Americanfor an anti-Guatemalan resolution. The extensive solidarity withight, the unanimity of ourejection of possible foreign intervention, and the flramsas of President Arbens* Government, mads things even more difficult for. sponsors of local conspirators.

t wopened lt was apparent that the

Latin American* principally concerned with theirkM dooination has been tightened to such an extant that even Governments usually vary subservient to Washington


wore anxleus to attend to economic problems. Troubling, stammering they woro forced to present tbelr economic ^robleae In some wot. under pressure fro* their people.

For its pert,. delegation was little Inclined to pay etten-tion to eueh problems and during the debates loft no aa for doubt as to Its real lntetione.

The "Hem Tork Tiaos" eorrespondont wrote at the beginning of tho

ne country eouth of the United States has appeared satisfied. It isto add that now that tho Conference is oyer there are otoq fewer reasons for satisfaction with that policy.

In order toiscus si on of aoonoalco esaantial to the countries of Latin. delegation, heeded by Mr, Footerypical representative of tha bated "big stick policy."

prepoMl the'

principal matter of theroposal directed against any coomtry In which difficulties might arioe'witband in pertioulsr, at this tlae, against Ouatemala. Froa the beginning of the Conference,. delegation deaanded that ite 'amtS-Caaennist* proposal have priority over any other, and aade it very clear that Hr.

fl* th#urpoee ofavorable

vote from the majority for that proposal.

ww?1* Dullea fore ad to prolong bis stay in Caracas smre than ne aaa anticipated. The Latin American delegations were not tt&anlmouslv disposed to be led docilely by. shepherds. There themace of shameful pressure and blackmail. The Latin American delegations were consulted one by one at tho American Embassy in Caracas concerning the proposal to be presented by.roposal directed opoaly against Ouatemala. Mr. Dulles received aooiiaal that he was forced to emend his original proposal substantially, con-attho Conforonoo * dtr#ctedOuataaala would not succeed

But even with the aodificatlone wlilch wore introduced, the lankaa proposel Stillifficult eouroo to follow toward final approval. Faced with pressure from the people ond the firm denunciation of the Guatemalan delegation, ell the delagations wore forced to affirm inr. mother their "faith" In the principle of non-intervention, and several of thea presented serious substantive objections to tho lankoo proposal, particularly the Mexican, Argentine end Uruguayan delegations.

ffttP Clearly and in contra vert ibly eat-sblishing itsho position which the democratic forces and

have maintained toward the Xanfcee proposal-suggested that, in tho firstefinition be given of what the

l?Dalfld; waf,aa' define tho abo-

lition of anjoat prlvllegee enjoyed by foreign companies! lobar and


agrarian Legislation favoring rural ana cityheof oil Undo; tha pro-peaee campaign; and any campelgn for the economic and aoolal improvement of tho people: any effort to achieve complete independence; the desire of colonial peoples to win theirand independence, etc."

The Quatemalan delegation's question aroused the moat Insignificant (mines) delegations to define, each after Its own fashion and not on* in accord with the other, what they considered the worn out phantomssoin isn" to be. Thef agrees eat among th* various dehgetlons la eloquent evidenes of the extent to which th* dirty banner of "aatl-Conisanlan" Isnokescreen2

After days of debets the Yankee proposal waa approved, with Ouate-aala voting against it and two Inportaat countries of Latin Anorlea -Mexico andbstaining* Days before, the "lew York Tinea* correspondent, biting bis nalla because of the concern he felt for thef th* Yankee proposal, wrote from Caracas that th* "salvation" of th* proposal would b* poaelble only through "energetic action and the application of economic pressure." Tha facts snow taauhat extent black-nail and "economic preaaure" ware uaed. Bolivia and Chile wereolution" to the serious condition: of their principal products (tin and copper,ther governments were made similar offers and tha Ecuadoran Government was informed that they would not be grsntedillion credit they wereor in the United Statea if they voted against. proposalI (After the Conference, as paynent for Its shameless subservience to Yankee denanda, Ecuador received the credit.)

Expressing the sentiments ofew of the delegations, tbe Uruguayan representatives stated, after approving the Tankee proposal: "ho have added our vote for this docunent without optimise, without anthuelaan, without the satisfaction of believing that we wer* Joining in the adoptiononstructive, progressive measure eapsbls ofanyone in America but tha Governments.* The nagasineccoatodating apokeaoan for tha Yankee Department of State, reportedelegate to the Caracas Conference had stated that "tha Baited States cane out ahead once more. They wanted an antl-Comnunlat declare-tioo and they obtained lt as tbay wanted it. ao-sr* tired of serving aa the plaything fornternational and domesticnd the "Nov York root" fto cite only one newspaper, said that Dulles had left Caracas "leaving behind him the ooeds for anatesSo verbal victory obtained by us (adda the newspsper) can conceal our profound Ideological defeat."

Vhat remains of tha Conference If we subtract tht "antl-Cnnmmilot" resolution? What attention and what aatlsfectioa was given to the essential esenonlc rohlaee of Latin America* hone I The eountriea of Latin Aaerlca were cold-bloodedly deceived once again. . dale-


stlon which employed all oea euros to achieve unanimity in support of ts"snti-CeeBsumist" resolution, suceoaafully opposed with all its night the solution of economic problems, kith the precise language of

buaines.aen, . delegation auamoc upoeltlOB ia thetcrmai "In political questions the fundamental concern lala economic queetloas It. la "desaocratic"disagree."

Tha aaat that tha Latin American aatioae could obtain la connection with their primary concernaeolutlon callinguture moetwMlaietere of Flnanea or Economy. In tho "Whereae" clauses ofesolution It le recalled thst tho Ninth Inter-American)eoleloa of tho tie do Janeiro ConferenceT# called an Economic Omafaronoo of theat loo of American States at Buenosonference which after six rears boa otlll not boon held and shows no signs of being held om amy epoclfic date.

The Ouatemalan delegation presented several constructive proposals to tbe Economic Coaaaieslon of tho Conference referring to the "flood for


traatoolng stable Markets and reaunerstlve prices for raw materials,products and somi-atanufacturedAgrarian reform aad economicleeessity for prohibiting the economic boycott in lnter-AmorleanDiversification of production and Industrialisation, eeoential to the proeroea of AmorlcaoInvestments byltil an<JMlt leflgf aad "Monopolies and economie> Ouatemalan euggestlons followed the general position ofaas, deaocratlc government, uf thea ell, oidy the one regarding the Agrarian Hofora was approved, while in response to ths other proposals the Conferenceesolution entitled "Investments of private foreign cepltel end economic developaont" which contains the monstrous resoansndetlon that our countries adopt tbe aoaeures long demanded by. aoaopolles, aeaaures which go eo far as to include the elimination of tax psyaeats which the resolution qualifies ao "discriminatory or unduly onerous." This very language has always been used in our oountry by the United Fruit Company!

Lot ue proceed to aa examination of the "anti-Communist" andionJet" resolution adopted by the Caracas Conference wader thetitle of "Declaration of solidarity for the pretervetioa of theintegrity of American states against Intervention by international ^oasiunisau"

It goes without saying tha this statement repasts the oft-repeatedliee which appeared in the bogotl TiM) end) resolutions, and the samehrases about the "peace and security of the Aaerleaa Ststos" and "the faith of tbe lacrleaa peoples in the effective exercise of representativetc. *hst was added to this deceptive smokescreen was the etateaent that:

f the political Institutions of any American State by tbe International Cemmualvt movement which might result ia the extension to the American continent of aa extra-Continental power, wouldhreat to the sovereignty aad political Independence of the American Statee, endangering the peace ofaod would require the adoption or appropplate aeaaures ia accordance with existing treatlee*"



Vhlcfa arc the treatlee referred to by th* tfeclarationl Tba text do*fi not indicate, but during the debatee it wae clearly established that the reference woe to the Inter-American fceciproeal Assistance

co,BB0Blyh# Wo de Janeiro Pact, signed in 'apt

Thle ia not the occasion to re-examine that Pact, supposedlyefensive nature bat In reality one of Yankee imperialism's instruments for lashing the countries of Latin Aaarica to tha esrt of theiradventures. The Pact obliges the American States to reject uaani-

against any one of thea, but Us clauses aresad Insidiously written wit such vagueness and in such general terns that its application under orders fron Washington, is extreately dangerous for our countries aa proven by tbe Caraeus Conference whore the Bio do Janeiro Pact wae eslled upon to trample the sovereignty andof any Latin American State which might annoy the governing circles in.

f the Pact states that If "the eoverelgnty or political independence of any American Ptate is subjected to aggression otherZSffionflict either cxtra-orlntra-contineStaTT oT^ St flgy gtber act or situation which might endager peace in America. Ue ton sal tat ire Body is tona ad lately in order to agree on the aeas-urea to be taken In support of tho victim,ay case, tho aaproa-

itaken for the common defense and the maintenance of Continental peace and security." (Italics ours, POT)

The aaaauras which may be taken by the Consultative Body areInf the Pact: of chiefs of alesioniof diplomatic relations; bfeaklng of consular relations: partial or total interruption of economic relations or roil, see, ar, postal,telephone, radio telephone or telegraph communications, and the use of srmod force."

. aforementioned aeasures are obligatory for all signatories to the Rio do Janeiro Pact, "with tho solo exception that ao State is obligated to oaploy arned force without its own consent." inally, tho sole requires*at for the adoption of the above aeasures is the vote of two-thirds of the signatory States.

. Declaration, proposed by IaUIsb and approved

by the Csraces Conference, the true purpose of wnieh is concealed by the reactionary press,onstrous threat against theMd Independence of the Latin American States, alone the Govera-aent of the Omited ftatea, dominated by. aonopoilee, could,by the Declaration adopted et Caracas, calleeting of the Consultative Body under the pretext that the Oovernment of Ouatemala hasctroi or domination of the Communists, and. utilising at will the votes of some dosen lackey governments in Latin America, here any of the measures Included indopted. Seedless to say, the ruling circles in the United States have insisted that the Government of Ouatemala "isie whichiven moment



can ba invoked tc aet tha Klo Pact machinery in motion, with thaaupport of th* Declaration adopted et Carecaa.

Tha Miniator of Foreign Rel&tloaa, Lie. Gulilarmo Torielle, ia the name of the Guatemalan Government, declared at the Caracas Conference that the interpretation which woold now b* given to th* Rio de Janeiro Pact is an "interpret ot ion which ettesmLa_tj^yuYert the measure* established in that Treaty into collecTWeTK^o1 internal affaire of AmericanJtate*." Ho added, -be sake th* emphatic statement, end to thia highly important natter we call tha attention of the Americanthat wo can accept no new interpretation of the provlclone of tho lie d* Janeiro Treaty which attempts to convert that Treaty into an instrument for Intervention in the internal offaire of American States."

Foreign Minister Toriello alao ssidi "Guatenala rejects anyintervention. Individual or collective; intervention comitteddemocracy or intervention carried out under the pretext ofit. Our position la clear and lo not subject to Interpretation: and tho Oovernnsnt of Ouatenala are not prepared to allowby any force, any political international organisation,within or outside th* Continent, aad for noolitical or economic, unilateral or collective,denounced before tho Organisation of American States and theof the Baited Nations; and It will find Guatemalansnative coll inch by inch and prepared for any sacriflc* innotional

In tho final record of the Conference, th* Guatemalan delegation aet forth the view* it had maintained during the debates. The Mexicanalao put into tho record it* views condemning emphatically th* Declaration proposed by Dulles and approved in the manner w* have dis-

delegations Included statements revealing theirnclination, under viporous popular pressure, to lend then*elves willingly to the application of Yankee imperlallsa's plans agalnrt Guat.-mala aad against any other Stat* which nay earn th* Ul will of th* noaopollea which dominate the Government of th* United Stat**.

Moreover, tb* Conferenceo-calledr"Caracas Declaration" the provision* of which are radically opposed and cootrsdlctory to those or the anti-Communist resolution. Tho Governments of Latin America, aware of the seatleant of the peoples of tha Continent and their firm opposition to any intervention against nay State, and la particular et th. nonent, against Gustenala, felt obligid to insist on tho acn-Sterven-tion principle as aa axien in th* relations among State*. That is why several Latin American delegations, although they were In agreement with the intervjnUoairt resolution proposed byDull.i, we ta^JvoTof S.c*'. opeclaration reaffirming tbe principle of

ofr-*lT' without foreign interference, oa their internal affaire.




Caracas Declarationeal el of tho Oullosaad It will ba ths task of tbs people to boo that it pravaila lo tho future.


An examination of tbe Conforenoe provideo the following coaclu-eloae ond flxeo the poeition whlcb ue euggeet tbe nation asauae ia defeace of daaooratle freedoaa, sovereignty and national independence.

l.-Tho Caracas Conferenceeavy blow. policy which continues to consider Latin Aaarica ae tho "book yard* of the Unitedas, an expression used without nine lag words by several newspapers like the "lew York Tiesa.' lower. policy been the object of eo auch criticisa at an Inter-American Conference, thin standpoint And froa the standpoint that the Declaration imposed by tbe NorthIs not all that ths Yankee leadore would tisve liked it to be. since they would bare liked to put Ouatemala on trial and eondeasa herthreat to Continentalt can be stated that the Comes* Conforenoeerioue reverse for tho leading clrclee in tho United States.

everthelees, it wouldangerous llluoion on the part of our people to judge that ell threst of foreign intervention against Quete-aals in disappeared. The dlfflcultlee encountered by foster Dulles In advancing his proposal did not prevent hla from forcing the approval of the aajority of the delegstlone. The Conference did not approve the proposal ss originally advanced by. Government, but it did approve an interventionist declaration under the title of "Declaration of eolldarity for theho political integrity of American Stetes ar.elnst the Intervention of International Cooamnlaa."

This Declaration is frankly interventionist; ithreat which hovers over our Ration and over the heade of all govarnmeate la Latin America which nay decide te undertake en independent policy In harmony with the denands of thslr people. The Declarationrutal violation of the right of self-determination of nations which, in using that right, can give themselves the regime which they liave freely chosen,ootaunlflt reglne if they so wish, aad noshould have any aut orlty to Intervene aad molest people froa exercising their rights. Under the pretext thst "control or doalnstlon" of en American Government by the Communists "wouldhreat to the sovereignty and political independence of Americanhe Declaration "authorltoa" foreign intervention easiest whichever country. Government eight indicate ss being "doaineted* by the Communists. eclaration of this type not only violates the right of self-determination: it also violated ths Charter of the United Notions, the Charter of the Organisation of Aaerlcen States, and the Ihamen algnte Charter which has been sighed in tbe UN by ell American statoo. further, the application of thowould violate the Conatltutlon of manyf not of all -Since there letate whoee Constitution does not eetabllah the sovereign right of the people to govern themeclvcB end live without being subject to the dlctateeoreign power.


Declarationod by th* north Americana at Caracas twistsinterpretation of tho Rio do Jnneiru fact, placing it at thof Interventionist plana. Tho Communists ond tho worker* of Guatemala denounced thlo Poet at tho tine oo on lnntruawnt. poller. Ouatonola aignvd tho Paetooult offoreign policyto tho national intoroote and impregnated with tho faloo ldoa that "nothing eaa bo done sgalnet tha viehea of Wsahington." At that txavo no onoo pay hood to tho vole* of tho Coauuinlata and tho working clasB, but now it would bo dlffie It for poraona of democratic idoaa and

totrlotlc sentiments not to understand clearly that thefilo do Janeiro act cannot rooult In any good for Guatemala and that, on tho contrary, lt con ho utilised by tho forces of International roaetloa to tb*of th* aeplratlono of our people.

t la oaeontlal that one other fact of great importance b* poi tec oat: tho vigorous mobilisation of peoples sgi.ir.at the domination of the foreign monopolies, demanding thoat Ion of the principlean-intervention ond offering their aolldsrlty with Ouatenalaactor of groat weight which could not be Ignored at tha Caracas Conference, The attitudeoodly nectar of the delegation* waa tbe result not of tha fact that thoy war* anijaatod by democratic convictions, but of the fact that they wore forced to conoid or public opinion In their oan Katies*.

ecant announcements, publications and etatcaant* by thacircles in the United Stataa, lead ono to believe that. policy will not in tha future becoac more favorable for Latin America; on the contrary, everything indicates that they will continue toolicy of greater extortion of our countries, aggravating our economic problems and tha condition of tho working masses.

he muatemalan Labor Party believes that the Guatemalancondmat at tho Caraeoo Conference wao good; it followedthe lino of tho democratic forcoe and the Oovernment ofbeni and for this reaaon the people give them their firm support.

Tho conduct of the Guatemalan delegation woo In Line with th* orientation of Guatemala'* foreign policy In recent yeare. At tha moment our country'* foreign policy is conforming mora and aore to tbe Internal policy of President arbens* Oovernment, that it, it le conforming more and moreolicy in defense of democraticnd nationala policy which takee into account the national intoreat and which la,ore anti-imperlsllst.

people of Guatemala should be aware of thehey cannot relax their vigilance and falter In their patriotie struggle against foreign intervention. . imperialism ia mot slackening nor will lt elaokoa in its aim to destroy the revolutionary novsnoot In our country. Tb* Government of tho Unitedovernment of1 monopolies, at all times acts and will act with relation toand all th* natlono of Latin Americe, aa imperialism acts and has always acted to stifle the just aspirations for national liberation on ths port of oppreaeed peoples.

This is oat to bdj that foreign intervention and tho collapse of our people's revolutionary struggle ere Inevitable. Inperlallssi is

of nillione of beings finely resolved to order their destinyindependence. Guatemala is snail and week, but it Is notis it

The fight for the unity of all ths people in the defense ofof democratic freedoms, of national sovereignty and peace, must continue and gain greater and greater force. Tho political CosnUesion of the Central Committee of tho Ouatemalan Labor Party once mere calls on all patriots to units; all those who, above their political, religious or other difference, ean fight united because there burns in their hearts tho flame of liberty and love for the Fatherland.

In this fight the working class has an outstanding rols. Theclass, which holds in Its hands the banner of notional independence, of democratic freedoms and of peace, must to an increasing extent become tho hard core of the united front of tho popular Guatemalan wassea. low that the Caracas Conference le over, the Guatamalan people suntuitable reply. imperialism, the only reply in harmony with the interests of tba nstlont we reject all foreign Interference in our internal affairs; we defend and ws shall always dsfsnd tbe right of our people to give themselves the political regime they want!

Tho Political Commission of tho Central Committss rooffirms on thia occasion what lt etsted lo our Programi

"The Ouatemalan Labor Party puts Its confidence in the ability of our people to neve forward. The future belongs neither to the feudal exploiters nor to the imperialist enslavers. The future belongs to the PJOWi who arc marching toward their notional liberation. The people of Ouatemala. In whose hand* alone is the achievement of tbelrfully capable of achieving the teaks they have set before them."

"In this beautifhl and relentleas struggle by the people for their happiness and welfare, for national independence and peace, tha Ouatenalan Labor Party hopes to occupy the combative post of vanguard."





pr 54


Durlnc the month aiDce the Tenth Inter-Amerlcan Conference adjourned, comment In the Latlo American press has pointed to widespread dissatisfaction with the results, while official conneots have dwelt chiefly on the personal triumphs of the various delegations. The reactions seem based largelyeeling that Latin American objectives were frustrated at Caracas.

Latin American delegations arrived at Caracasthst virtual unanimity of theountries could force decisive action by the United States to solve some of their pressing economic problems and hasten the end of colonialism in the hemisphere. They also believed that Washington's sntl-Commuoist resolution could bo cleansed of "interventionlan" and sltered to take note of the economic basis of Communism. Their present dlssatlsfaction apparently stems mainlyeeling that none of theso aspirations was achieved.

In addltioo, many Latin Americans now see the fortnight devoted to debating the anti-Communist resolution as anmonopolizing of time which might have been spent oo other pressing matters. The decision topecial economicat Rio de Janeiro in November also appearsess favorablo light in retrospect.

This general sense of frustration may explain in part the unexpected praise sccorded Guatemala since the conferenceroup of Brazilian congressmen, and in an oblique fashion, by the presidont of Ecuador. This praise, as well as that from pro-Guatemalan groups in other countries, was inspired by Guatemala's championship of nonintervention principles and of economic reform.

The bitterest comment thus far, and the only non-Communist attempt to pin blame on tho United States directly, has como from the normally pro-American foreign minister of El Salvador, Roberto Canessa, who shortly after the conference adjourned, publicly termed it a complete failure and accused the United States oflack of lnter-Amerlcsn spirit" in abstsinlng on the snticolonial votes. "Dislllusipnment" with the outcome of the colonial issue has also been expressed by semiofficialnewspapers, as well as iu the press in Colombia, Ecuador Panama, snd elsewhere.



Varying degreea of dissatisfaction have been displayed on tbe anti-Communist resolution. For ezamplo, both Argentina, which abstained, and Uruguay, which voted for the resolution, have indicated uneasinesse positions they feel tbe> were forced to take. Pride pine pique at the American failure to support tho Argentlno acticolcnlal resolution aro believed by the Aeerlcan embassy lo Eucoor? Aires to have floured infinal vote. The Uruguayan delegatlou, on the other band, felt obliged to issueol" of Ite favorable vote.

Latin Aeerlcau coutnt* economic roeolutious parsed at Caracas has been leac specific than that on other majorpossibly because the eaue topico -ill come up for discussion agalo at tho impending special oeononlc conference. The prase has, however, laneolod the "postponement" of economic dcclulons, one conservative Peruvian paper mating, "Just ss the chiefof Berlin was Geneva, eo tbe chief result of Cmicts in Slo de Janeiro."

Unequivocalor tho Caracas conference has beoa United thus far to the Dominican and Nlcaraguau pteus, and to tbe self-servingf sons of the delegations. Typical of the "sverage" reaction is this statement to the prats by tba chief Ecuadoran delegate: elegation behavedhe conference did ootorward step, but neithert slip back, its resolution, lace decision."


Original document.

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