Created: 5/13/1954

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historical reviewIf '

: Chief/Air Sterile Pilots For Phase Four Operations

In I'icv ol' &> ecisiont ii Stronglyhai Chief Airediately take action to recruit "ourpilots. pilots).

In addition tc above, also recon-cnd that the four presently availableickers be replaced by. personnel (due tosociation -ith RODA for oast year, it ishat these kickers know about the Conpany snd could blow our story to the nev replacement pilots.

new sir crews (four nen eachotal eight) he hired

for CAUIOtRlS. >ien to be contacted by C J

only. e employee?en ting CAi: x'^sar. tc hire <meri.cans irork for him for sixty days. ay touly).

U. Guarantee pilotsU.S. for these sixty days plus travel required in connection with job. Any tine over sixty days to be prorated leaseder month.

rgo0 'J.S. for sixty days. - above ror r':

The Osief Air Support personsllyilot who iiftsbeen thoroughly trained b Mm in tho art o: black flight aerial resupply into droj- zones. The Chief Air Support can and will personally guarantee thatlot can do the job. In fact, he is considered the*beste business.

Estirated cost of air craw to perform required 'qisalonsncludingpenses.

5. The pilot referred to ins; nas

beer, security cleared. Wis present location is believed to be Hawaii.

?. sufficient backcrou-id ond ex>>erierce"

rr?wi- this euttiout eV> xcept for eC J

Inri'(3could beo dofcould hire qualified personnel in Hawaii -nvi fly

his cr-*ws alrect to any place.

Ve would provid" C tth, the .two7 aircraft and "inVe necessr-ry ^rrc-nj nents ulthL. Jt= use StMTOSET. 'e would write cover storyicsto that aircraitcelong to CATlICfiRIS. (Copy attached,)

If above plan approved, plan to mOO presentlycrew chiefs to perform -round maintenance of aircraft. These tw^ nechanica will not fly on aircraft (note one of these ojechanics isnan. If this objectionable *ay be able tc have Kaguirc brTtg on*his crews.)

In view "TSstrongly rsccmend im.-leiw*nlatlor.ii'.atejy. Only thirty days remain between now and "D".


Chief/Air Support


a. Proposed Cover Story

Outline ackgroi rd

of Phone Call


Original document.

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