Created: 5/16/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


Acting Chief of Station, Oaatoaela


KlBOa^maoaa acUtorlal materials

V'XaWo oro forwirding horeeitb. too following itena for editorial nee, aa specified belowi

Article froa. Daily Worker, London (CP dally neve paper) -inrft eating that the cause of Qpateaala ia being promoted by the Cossoinlats throughout the world (see also, for Instance, the virtually daily broadcast ctorlee on Ouateaala in Radio Hoscow).

Article "Bqilotacion de las Mujeree por los cammintafl* froa La Republics! ve suggest that It be reprinted or rewritten without Indicating the source, especially without naslng the British author. The article It almostyears old, but the basic facta given therein bare not changed.

0 Two reporte on the persecution of the Catholic Church in GesBHinlat countries.

Three itena on the fate of the peasants under (kasranist rule. Including one article quoted froa SZABAD hep, central organ of the Hungarian CP end two radio speeches, on Csechoslovakia snd on Bulgaria.

Two reports on forced labor In Communist countries, Albania and Bulgaria.

8. We lesvs it to your Judgment how to utilise these materialswould like to point cut, however, that item "cn nay be given to awhether through ESSENCE or through SUPERIOR and itemsdsfc* he nw*^fthrough the aame contact through

"nicnto BtPAHCIAX or sraCTA-OOR,

whichever you prefer and consider better feasible. In order to account for ths obviously foroign origin of thia material, your conteet(c) nay either



simply refer to "friends abroad" or they may oven specifically referto be in Hew lork, as the intermediary who sent

3. Itemsandcorrespond to three of our top propagandao reach tho audiences of the Catholics, of peasants end ofnd should therefore be givan to the boat outlet available. Items a and "b" aro perhaps not substantial enough to make alono Ixproeeivo

,A? MOuld oe advisable to combine them with other, looolly available material of the same generalorn the thomo of the International ties of tha Guatemalan Communists, foron the Question of women and Ccmuniam.

h. Please advise when you have been able to place those materiala and

the articles will appear

in rxuillcatlons which we receive snyhowl in thisrief ref erenne

(aa stated above)

ay locjj

uat 2 ash IHC 3


Original document.

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