Created: 5/18/1954

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No.: -

Draft for Broadcast re IJFCO strike


title of person to take action and that of the originator. Place consnnnts thereunder by numberednitial in center of page andine across the page and forward. Each recipient is to repeat above procedure until action is completed and ready for filing. This cover sheet must be retained with enclosure.

I advise most decidedly against using the approach shown in thc attached draft, evenra handicapped by having very few data on eithe: thc strike or the psychology of Guat labor. Two facts, however, stand out :

LACK cannot be used under alland for every arbitrarily chosen purpose: it must be somehow "possible". This idea ofhich falls into an only too well known CPor absolutely no logical reason at all an "anti-CP manoeuver" has little chance to be accepted even by primitive listenersbut the majority of owners of short-wave sets in Guat are probably not too primitive, either. Fight against UFCO for both material and national st motives has been conducted by CP and applauded by majority Guat workers for years now. Thereistinct danger that they will not only dlsbelievi this particular broadcast, but doubt the veracity


thc broadcast isrun then the risk that the workers acceptas "approved by the underground"andeven cause those workers to strike whohave stayed on thoir jobs, or atonly reluctantly. We iriightsome confusion,to be sure, but thcwill beigger and better strikereco.Tjnend that ue follow- at least for- the course suggested inables: getting more info and fi-ninrincaction via STATEI do not

believe tnat we can escapeal dilerana simply by an entirely unfounded blacknce we know more, we mighttatement, also approving of the workers demands, but along less phantastic, more believable lines,






Original document.

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