Created: 5/21/1954

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l-'oreii;naxe As sis tint- lo Distributing Soviet Anna to Communist Shock Troops!

he just received from one of our local observers the following information which confIras our previous report in which ws told you that moat. If not all of the arms which the Arbens regime tried to sneak secretly Into our country from the Swedish freighterre meant for the communist shock troops and the band picked police of comrade Cm* Wor, not for tha legitimate armed forces of this country. Here is the information!

On Friday,pril, two Com info in agents, using the names of Anton iiefregier and Asa Zati, arrived in Guatemala City. Alfonso Orantes, member of the Central Committee of the PHO and one of the directors of the communist "Casa de la Cultureho haa been known to us for quite some time ac belonging to tho inner circle of the secret sector of the Communistelcomed them and arranged for them to live at the Boarding House Queroult.

The two. passports which are as phony as their names i but our police, so clever in discovering anti-communistnaturally caver dared to doubt the documents of Wobcov's spies, vouched for by an important local Stalinist like Or an tea. Jtefregler registeredainter and Zatsriter, but we happen to know that his profeasional writings so far have been limited to the espionage reports which he is writing for his superiors in Prague and in Moscow.

Soon after their arrival, the tvo agents were contacted by Jaine Dies fiossotto, the communist leader who was made Secretary General of the "Partldo Iienovaclon fiacional" and keepsatchful eye over President Arbcna himself, in his second role as Secrotary Oeneral of the Secretarlo de la

iToeidencla. After having Terlfled Rossotto's identity, the alleged Iiefregier and 2ats inforsied hia that thay had coaie to supervise the unloading and the distribution of the arms ehlpmenta from rtjland and elsewhere iuid that Uiey would then instruct the loaders of the ccaeninist shock troops, as wall as certain hand-picked police officers, in the most effective use of these weapons.

When the ALKHBX with har cargo of Soviet arms steamed into the harbor of Puerto Barrios onay, Refregler and Zats were among the selected few who knew in advance of thia carefully kept secret and who had therefore traveled In time to Puerto Barrios to oontrol discreetly the unloading andof the valuable freight*

We expect that our story, as ua have juet told it to you. will put an end to the nefarious work of those two foreign agents (who may bave to fear punishment from their Soviet paymasters for baringee bit careless, talking too much around the boarding houao. mentioning that the COTG was going to pay their bill, receiving mailot by detours aa every well trained Soviet spy should, and so oa).

We must apologise ataa time to our many observers and reporters throughout the country that wa cannot always publish all their interesting information they 3end us so faithfully and owiftlyi some times, we withhold such reports from the air In order not to show the traitors exactly bow fully we are aware of their plots, in other casos, we simply cannot broadcast them for lack of time. But we assure you all that every report is carefully studied by the respective staffs of our liberation Movement and acted upon,

as indicated. HeverthclosB, wo ask all our listeners once oore toatchful eye on the activities of all open and disguised cosnnunists, in order to expose their treason even more coapletely and to hasten the hour of liberation!

Original document.

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