Created: 5/28/1954

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IHPOi PBSnOGBS, Boidqaarters


letter from Subject of Reference

atter fromto hia wife. It

la for delivery lo tbe anal manner.


EFL/ sgw Enclosurei

1 envelope


J ncl)

- WASHncl)

- LItCnel)

The rumorontinues and has already had sonvave notlflfd the one witl viorrespond.

In Sal awe ve havet which ve co tld co to maintain the norale

of the boya, tut tnat which wa could do was vary littl* and always in an Indirect way In order to rr event ti* *deere with the prisoners from finalnr out anything Iheir aituatico ie vary difficult.

'itli regard to yourhouldudget and Ideas ;'ur tfct future tasics ve nuet OevelopI have not wanted to dofor ua anifficult and in*-cure situationo not dare tolan wMch oannot ae carried out satisfactorily later, hink tha best thing is to continue our work vith all the force we can and to adapt these tasks to the circui'otancce of aacli day. Tou can be sure that wo shall not lose one opportunity nor one moment in drawing cat the greatest advantaga from each event,

I have already taken steps toto recruit for propaganda those persons on tbe Westernn the tvo places) aNwt when you asked re.

With regard to thehall try to draw up the neat appropriate one as soon as possiblehall sane 't ti trough the mil channel. In this respect, lthame to say It of our fallow-eltiseaa but it ia difficult to gat thea to do anything without supplying thesi vith tha weans;ave bean telling you, there haa already entered Ouatemala tha disease (of relying oo) that which will come fron abroadj awrya do* raedy and no one wishes to expose himself now to do things which seen pals lnwith that which they expect.

In connection with tha same problem la our friend's requesteceipt In order to showeoalva all that is naoaeaary. In thisave to inform him that every thing arrives ok. Ths coapleinte, which may have given way to doubt, may be mott vated by the fact that the person who formerly eattied the accounts passed his list of obligations to aa very quickly and some parsons may possibly not have bean contacted. On the otherave triad to give rooney piecemeal, and only inist of expenses, to those personsbserved did not comply (with their tasks) or who aada poor uae ofhing which annoys acre than one person. Furthermore, andevar tell thaae then what they ask me for on the first request, for if some spy penetrates ua it would be dangerous not to ba able to show vhare the money comes from. Purthomore, to give lonsy fraaly attracts unacrupulous people and haras those who are vorkinc without personal interest. hird point is that it could give doubts, as above. atter to our old, now withdrawnndicated that four remittances had been sent to ae for the expenses of

the propagandahla waa In the days of thavcr). id not receive Uiio sua and 'I ere fore coanunlcatad this to our friend vho asked ee aore ti an once* old hie furtremoreould prefer not to reoeiv*um vlthout some predetermined purpose Int to have such problems In tlieold him also that that which was necessary was that the noney be given lo me so that everythinr. wo'ld re-meln in one place, centralised. o not know of any nore than those four Incident* and there nay be another aide to the nattor.

I wish to ask you to do me the fewer of greotlnsfriends on the othero not write to anyone. eg your pardon for the too elegantif these lines and the dry st; le and the poor organisation of Uiis letter, iou rmy be sure,eve toldefore, that al! that can be dftoe >ier* will be done "coat what it aayave told our beloved friends.

lour friend,


Original document.

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