Created: 5/29/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

acting Ghlef of Station,IfiTUi rBSUcOESS, Baadounrtors



lloWa for HKQ1HTT iequeat you foiwd tho attached aata, dateday, to HHURXT.


? Bay lyft Dlatrlbatloni



for lo-aLfo.

lour report #uu, dated Io asyl

paragraph li e have advlaed everybody coooemed in thepolitical aod peycholoelcal setters concerning the Junta at your endbe handled through you or with your knowledge and cooperation, Matters tC

Jre now being handled direotly by our nev au there, aa you have presuaablyln the meant lea from eoplea of our correspondence with bin which we sent you.

paragraph 71 If there are any doubt* whatsoever about thatre ahould be indeed no cloaa contact with than until an investigation baa Keepin all your contacts that we continue to beabout enemy infiltration and obeervatlon which ia likaly tcnd In your place aero than anywhere also, this couple maypart of these hostile activities (as wa soot suspect everybody until proven tosuspicion).If Psncho or one of his associates knows thsa pereocallyand wishes tc give them aome ideas whioh they use Iniapandently innewspapers or perlodicala (possibly also giving then modest suae of coneythea In doinghis alght be sll rightespecially aa soon aaproduced at least one articleorthwhile paper (let us see it!). they auat be olosely watched and not become acquainted vith any otherpersonnel, installations or activities (and especially not future plensl).

lour reportateday*

j. lour paragraph 11 It la true that there ia soau sortocalthis contact la not being used to Influence tno editorial

policy of rSDKTw all auch matters are being aznluaively bandied through von andaounless you havo good reaeoo to want us tc do it directly

(Do you?) We hope that PROsTfO will finally atop

b. four peragranh-

bare Psncho accept thla by all aeais and see to It that sucb statement is oeing .Tven sll available publicity. The Arellano pastoral letter haa turned out tc have bean thus fsr tbe most effective single piece of propagandai wo sust therefore make every possible effort to continue and broaden f* Jagainat our target.

1 wa are glad to learn that the complete change-over to

U VUZ has been egreed upon and are looking forward to receive the first Issue, new

style, ss well as your further reports reearding Improved transportation into the fectcry.

We prefer oot to send you the wessra's scripts any acreare now being uaed by our own radio and we believe that duplication mightcutis ta. Ha reooBBnend therefore that you uaa local talent inetead.

?. lour paragraph li. (alaof your report* We shall be satisfied If you oan nana threeTaotleal Peyvar" teaesi aa soon as yon inf or* as of theirwe shall assign specific targe ta inside the factory to tlien. Xou understand undoubtedly the importance of this setter. In this case, too, try to soke rANJBD comprehend thatwhile he Should be saere of all general steps tb be taken and should Integrate them into hla over-ell planaha suet leave the details to his subordinates, especially details on political and psychological Batters. Otherwise (an we have pointed out in severfcl recent ciawmuuJustices) be is likely to oa too anon diverted frca hie own, principal and paramount teak. In the oeae on hand, be should not be concerned with the selection, briefing and equipping of tho aen on these fsywar teams' once ha too Issued the order that such to was be formed and dispatched, one of hie staff officers (In tola case presumably Manuel) ehould take care of all the rest.

Original document.

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