Created: 6/2/1954

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SUBJECT! rp activities within nextays

1* as only supporting functions withinan therefore not recoanend independent rf initiatives or operations, but only list what activiUes are pending or what capabilities nay be counted upon during the period under review.

*he only tP asset on which we can count with virtualSHEkwuod; further overt use of the ESSENCE not is highly doubtful,ESSSWUE's (actical rsyvar teams Iunderground net) la yet to cone. OvertGuatemala continue to exist, but are of marginal value only.


aj one airdrop leaflet is being printed atove submitted the draftecond such leaflet;

b; Ms3ummy issue of the Corainform Journal has been sent to HfiAiXJUAHTBCJi ccnplotion date has not yet been given;

c) Hss for an articleas been

sent to Hf*3QJARratSj

e) SUPEHIOR is supposed to return to Quatonala during the next few days and to resume his efforts]

dj We hays submitted rocomnendajionsollow-up to SUHHIThave not yeteply;

to Quatonala <

b. Suspended activities:

a; no propaganda material is being shipped to Ouatenala Station, for the time being (per request of Ouatenala Station*;

b; Black operation against Sr. Gonzalez has been stopped (by HEALKJJARTEHSj;

c) Suggested campaign regarding currency devaluation has been held op (by louj.

5. Kajor theses, to be treated by SHSKwyuu ando the extent practicable -by other PP outlotn

a/ Combat the adverse sffects of recent arrests and othor reprisals;

b) Expose the Ouatemalan government provocation plans against UFCO, etc;

c; Debunk the diplomatic initiatives of the Guatemalan government, suchriendship pact foreeting Arbens-Eisenhower, and so onj

OiJ. 1hrni'

d> Exploy.ons of HJMXf (no reports other than cables yet received from

Original document.

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