Created: 6/4/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


NO.C 9





tjporte by WEELB/NR.


Attached hereto are throe reports subuijted by WELLBAKK in compliance vith above references.





ncls inncls inncls in duplicate.


F. A, G. K.


A. fta-ason* for Moribund state in Salvador 1

There are lack of bodies in KL Salvador. The active operational work is ln Teguj therefore, energetic and aabltlous exiles are there near the heart end source of power. As reported previously the overt leaders. appearing on the nsthaad of B. COMBATB arc 1

Llcenciado Luis CORDMADO LIreturned frca HetUoo Anti-Conauniatassistant to IBQUH*

Foderieo PAIZ 8EBHERA--brother-in-law to CALLIOERIS andto SEQUIN completely inconpetent. He le preaently fperating Radiotrictly comereial operationubsidy and doing little or nothing for thecause.

Eduardo1lacharges Intelligence

Service inalvador as well as TOMBAC distribution.

Hesjooth talker wlio produces aassos of unchecked "intelligence" at the drop of aLlcenciado Carlos SALAZAR hiTegucigalpa running figUflg

according to SEQUIN. Coronsl An to LinTegocigalpa helping CAU-iaEHLS

according to SEQUIN. Capitan Reno FliFJlANDEZHonduras socording to SEQUIN. Alberto HCLIVOof la COKBATa. He and Luis

COR0KAD0 LIRA are the sen on whoa SECJLlDi relies the aoet.

bove ar* tbe bodies, not many in number. However, there is another. SBQDUPa attitudeurfdse reflects CALLTGLRIS' and other powers in Tegucigalpa, lie feelsith so fow resources in men and money emphasis should be placed on jotting thenderway as soon as possible and especially while the arabionte ln Ouatenala is so favorable. He is soharassed with the woveaent ofr borders,them, getting them out of Jail, buying equipment (from watches tohat he has neve; been able to think inlong tern periods (two weeksonth). He alao feels t'iat due to the illiteracy in Ouatenala *any of the poychologi-cai warfare techniques useful in Barope can notplicd

successfully in Guatemala whore direct action Is nost effective. To whet extent he reflocte CALLTOaHTS'o not know. However, of the) littlen one-half waa spent on propaganda operations. Ite is now talking about moneyew car which CALLIGEKIS vents Mm to hub lnSalvador and send to Honduras,

to obtain iieoediate istprovenenti

Because of securityave exposed myself only to SEQUIN (except forinutes with TARACI3JA in company with SEQUIN who explained to TARAChUAaa passing through and needed innedlat* information). uggest, if LINCOLN thinks it will not prejudice other ope rations! each ae theroaden my contacts to Includend possibly LISA in order to get more first hand information about tho operationsJJ.E. in Salvador, and to increase my points of Influence and at the sane tin? relieve the harassed GEQyjM frca some of the pressureust applym to glvo LINCOLN the ninhmoa of what they ask. SEQUIN mLght resist this suggestion but will go along when he realised that it will relieve hia of sobs of the burden.ill not act until hearing free you ae thofactor Istm veil oot*blished security-vise bat aa liadted in usefulness by SEQUIN'sIn tine. This could limit ijy usefulness in iJ. Salvadoronger period of tins but night nake me more effective for the shorter period.

outside help necessary? in Tegucigalpa for Salvador?

Hot st -resent. ust get no re facta and an at do to mine where 2Jts!de help should be applied.

conditionl.B. hopeless?

Can't say yet but In LI Salvadoraae.

C. Suggest thatrystal be liquidated and moneyit to buy time on sow* of the bettertations which are in Ouatcnala. Tterae used could be as strong as thoso ln EL

ec no other cf^up which could be mobilised in ifl Salvanorhort 'wriod of time. Ofavo not been in touoh with the ERRATIC croup.

From 'WELXBANKS Meeting vith SEQUIN

3 Jane 5U lOiOO

Cheeked the po eel bill ty of broading my contact* with SEQUIN. He is definitely opposed to mywith more contact* asserting that he can do all that we need and that it would be extremely dangerous to bring others into the picture at thla tine. He reiterated that ouris oftan lata and impractical. He agreed that we ahould buy time oneeek from one of the two strong Salvadoran radio stations to combat the neutralist amblente hore. He also agreed that Radio Crystal should be liauidated.

In. ho oraphaoiscd that itluffairly goodthe greatest opposition force to the Guatemalan regime and largest fciti-Canraunist organ!ration was within Guatemala "all thethey need now ie arms".

In view of SBQ7IN'b strong position on the matter and tho relative mediocrity of LIRA ando not suggestroaden my contacts to include then at this tine.

Enclosedi tenant made by AOEUS which appeared in LA PfKXSA. (adorned ie one copy to LINCOLN) CoulcTyoupecific answer to be used in local press and on local radioT One point would be that both Salvador and PBPHDtt are against Intervention in the Western Hamiepher* and should Join forces to coabatarm on the saae team.


SECCJIN hu talked with Antonio ALVAREZ vrDAURHi, Jefe dt ?rotocolo,

de Aeleclonee Kxterioree who confirms thatin tbe

Salvadoran ambaaey in Guetenala City.SEQOIL'

doesn't know whether he le undergroundo*"

sumably in the Ecuadoran Embassy but no firm chec* haa keen made from here. SEQUIN says that few major filoa have been aelted.

roup in Guatemala City frca outside

the coaatiy,iu Sanune Su. Hb was ordered back toCA1XIGE3S. 3Bt*tod tlwt We aeoond In the Guatemala Citywas not capuired but that tho arrested

woncars (peon*,

saccording to SEQUIN,

belonged to anotherity grouptraveled over the country for the cause.

3KCUJU emphasised that this vasatal wound, that theia cutout and that replacements would be mads as they were in his case. Antonio ALVAREZalvadoran Jefe de Protocolo, asked SEQUIN about ERRATIC. 3EQDIH replied that he had no part ln present plans andan who liked "to sit down at the table when dinner vas served",

Original document.

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