Created: 6/6/1954

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INFO: Acting Chiof of Station, Guatemala City

to officers


Wo are forwardingopy of subject's outline of an appeal to the Guatemalan officers, as well as an English translation.

Wo shall use this text as outline for SHERWOOD, to be broadcast either in one special program oreries of shorter appeals, each of which would cover several points of the text.

Tho suggestion in referonoo, that wo should use the text as basisooklet, does not seem practicable at the moment since we cannot conceive how these booklotD would reach the officers' audience. Morever, we realize that your printing facilities arc clogged at the moment with PBSUCCESS matters.






osfldalee del EJerdtccontengai

Bo un padlmento de rebellan el Ejercito

On eeorlto queonooer la vordadque esta oourrlendo enl engeno de que eeta aiendo objeto

Foetuladoe de la revolution deldemocrat! ca).

mmea regimen de Irbeni estaa revolnclon dell proteger vla dlotadnra del proletarlado (cesunlste).

Cono el sr Arbenza eatado engsnando al Ejerolto lnidalmente negnndo ser eononlsta, hasta que claranento hn oxpresndo su apoyo al conamiaao (Kesaje al Gongresoe, Marieonferencla ea Caraoas so protexto no Intervenclon).

Cono lososravel do las dlreotlvas de laa ccnfedera donee.

Le eerie de conferenclas que ba dado el sr Arbenz ante xnohoefleialea del ejerdto hadendo re sal tar que no es ccmunlsta nl que tampooo lo es su goblorno, oon el eng'mo de que lo que estnn had on do ea liberadon econosdoa del pale.

larlflbaoion de laieatru'cture. aocdaUota de la ley agrnria, la de naolonallaar latregarla aioa. campeslaos onoproprledad, oon ea fir, aper a volunted del patron ostado'.-Perau'tlj'lque^lagraria sea un instrumento: de propaganda de los coansls'tasV

ennsa consn el reglnen^Nxtn los ccasniistaa para aplasterorganlzadaiccexmlimo, lo queobernsr contradel pueblo guatennlteeo-one ;en su gran nay aria repudla al ocanmlsaw.

de los; Bltoa'Jefes del ejercito al encubrle oon suIndlferenda el tranqullo desarrollo del comunlrao en ol pais contra loepreoeptos conatltuolonales.

U.ajabldon delos dos aas altos Jefea del ejerolto hacleadoleo entrever la poalbllldad de suandldados presldenalalas (lo cualgare porque Arbenz bus cars laon el fin de Bantoner sun regimen que auspicla el comunlsmo contra la volunted del pueblo

ue esl pueblo plde que losfidales del ejerdto no ordenen dlspnpar su Formas oontra eate ndnmo pueblo que luahera para oonouiater su libertad destruyendo el' comunlsmo.

rplioarl conanismo es oaa dlotadnxaoorque el oomonlsmotretarm de destrulr el ejerdto roeoplasaiidolo porpopulares foono ha ouoedldo en loo golpea do estatdo que henabo so los palees satelitoe, Checcvelovequla ejenploaoerle Ter que ae oolda ancno do aorixlea laa poartaa da losdviles noroocsami etas.

H*oer ver que coo su aotltod el ejeroito eata lap! an tan do una nueva dlstadura en el pals, que eso que crlgano la rerolnolon demo-xratlca

Deraonatrsr como nueatro pals al adoptor una poUtica da enoahrimiento al coBRmlsmo ha oreado un alia*e no emletad para Guatemala, lo que reduadara en perjulcio de sua reladoneserjudlcara enoTnocente su econoadoa Interna* El empobreolmlaoto del0 enstaoooalento general.

Haceroofi dales del ejeroito que el pueblo oonooe la si taa don de puna ear al de elloa (oonoolariaato que tlenen perropriamigos) de tener queoa oomnnistaa per una dlaeutiblea regimen que no.reepeta loa sentlmlentos de estoa mdaoos Jefes

7 ofi dales.

Hacerle ver al ejerclto la In time aalstad de losoaunista* con al ara senue el partido oonmista igual qua los otroa partido aredbon aruda eoonoadca del gobierno.

Deraonstrar que el he oho de defender aluspldsrlo no es nacionallsiDo npatrlotlamo, oico es hacerle elaa acpiracloces de dodnlo mondial del ImperleJJsBo sovietlso. Que el nnloo pals senalado en America comoOuntexnln.

Que trhten de aceroarseon*elente deue averlguen euales aon an sentlmlentos aXjreopectbv Que-obssrven que los oomunlstaa ha hi an grsndes mayoTlaBj quobeerven si dentro does pax persona* que conocensas grmdes

In thef tho IVopIe

* message to the Chief* and Officers of the national Army which nitfit contalni

1* equeetevolt by the Army,

2* ocumentrue account of what Is takinp place in Guatemala and the deceit of which the Army le the object,

The postulates of the Revolution ofemocratic Revolution),

Jl* Row the iregime is betraying tho revolution ofIn order to protect and to promote the dictatorship of the prole tart ot (communist),

5, How Sr, Arbens la and los been deceiving the Amyinitially by denying that hacvmntnlst up untilkhe point where ho clearly expressed hla support of the coranunleteMessage to Congressarch past and the Caracas Conference on the pretext of

6* How the ooamuxileta manipulate the workers and the poasanta through tha directors of the confederatlone,

series of conferences which Sr. Arbena held with many ofand officers of the army, emphasising that be Is oot aeven that hla govs Trent la, through the aubtofuge that what he

Is doing is narely the economic liberation of Ms country.

clarification of the sociallat structure of the agrarianrmUonallfea and hands over to the peasants land which thsy

'J9ld lo Cuaufrac^Ond not In ownership, for thekeeping

the vote of tho peasant manacled to the will of the

Thus it permits the agrarian reform to become athe ooemranlste.

the regime Makes common cause with the ccrmxuniste inorganiaed anti-communist movement, an act vhich la equivalentin opposition to the will of tha Guatemalan people whoRreat majority repudiate coaaeinlea.

.0. Tho responsibility of the high chiefs of the Army ln covering up

with Ueir silence and their Indifference, the tranquil development of coearonlan ln the country. In opposition to clear constitutional precepts.

u. Playing upon the vanity and ambition of the two highest chiefs of

the amy, raaklnr then believe ln tbe possibility of their noodnetion as presidentialhich will not cone about, because Arbeni will seekor the purpoee of maintaining their faithfulnessegime which promotes communisr! against the will of Ue people.

That the people ask that the chiefs and officers of the Army do not order their ijunarto fire on those very people who vculd fight to obtain their liberty and to destroy eormranlsa.

To explain why cooeminisnictatorship and why communism tries to destroy the army, ro pice in? it with popularn they have don* ln the coups d'etat whioh hare taken place in the satellite countries, Chechoslovakiaypical example). To mnke it clear that he cares much more about opening the doors of the garrisons to unidentified or pro^omounlat Individual?.

li>. To make then see that the attitude of the army isew

dictatorship in the country, an attitude which is contrary to that

whioh prompted the democratic revolution of 'Uu.

To demonstrate how our country has created an international climate of unfriendliness towards fiuatemala through Its policy of nos king cocmmisn, resulting in damage to its commercial relations and prejudice to our Internal economy. Tbe impoverishment of tbe country and the general stagnation.

To make known to the chiefs and office re of the army that the people are aware of the situation of (theorel grief nowledge which they gained from their own family andt having to support the communists by reason of their controversial loyalty to

a regime which does not respeot tbe feelings of those same chiefs and officers.

To make the amy oee the intimate friendship of the prominent ccmmnmists with Mr. Arbem and his wife, aa well as the fact that the coeavuniet party together with the other revolutionary part lea receives economic support from the government.

To show that the fact of defending communism and sponsoring it is neither nationalistic nor patriotic, but is playing the (tame of oovlet imperialist aspirations towards world government. That the only American oountry oharaeteriaed as pro-conmurdst la Guatemala.

Lethe chiefs and officers) try to draw near to the public console nee of Guatemala end let them ascertain what are Its sentiments in this rospect. Let them observe that tho communists talk of great majoritieej let them question the public and observe if within the

ciroles of people whoa they know they can find theee great majorities.

Original document.

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