Created: 6/7/1954

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' .CT: intent ol' i'erscrmel Conprooisod

Current "oves of the sovernncnt to break up the opposition -cr^'nisation have their immediate origin in the search oxhouse onU, dowever, it is likely that the government :ias teen aware for some tine of the general plans of the CZ-LIJGEFtlS novement. The explanation behind the campaign at this particular time is not of gr<.at significance as information night have reached the jjovtrnnent by various means. nown oppositionist, and certainly tht. government hns wade nttcm?t3 to wstch him for some tiae, Unler ohis circurastance it it 'ii'Tic-jit toy heretain anyapers, es-.tcinl^ inTi house. urrent wave of arrests and ncjiurcs,est part, appearsesult of itiToivation obtained iroi.. iles,

The exact extent of the coniprcoise is stili notbut it is evident thaternoent has tie nane3anj personsri-anizs-tion and Qetiiils regarding several plan3, Ia nanj instances oruyf informotlon have boon oltainad, and efforts are probably teing made at tt.ia tine to tie these to^sUrr, ress conferenceune AuguotoMcDonald, Minister of Government, stated that the proposed revolution had been welior, anised and implied thatvernaent had consider-ale knowledge of the plans. He saidho names of forty oforc than

one hundred persona involved were knownidee that no ailitcry officers were included in the plot.

the search oihome the follOidnEasylum in local embassies!

"limaelf entered the Ecuadoran Fbbassy and is.

nou JV>llt* tO .IftdOI . ife fc&

was tneo3t

ijaportant .nctibor of the op.-ositicr; .loveacnt. In cooperationie was nisi; active In .tineeneral operational activities.

reiuge in thebassy aiviv ii. >al.ndor, He was riot activee opposition sever* nt.

enteredIvadoran . is

OOVvaoor. f

4> liauj ei

iie -rovijed ir_toration cr a_ cn-nctcrrlti.ofmacJit aau -'r.v'

oBMRlstit otherwise be

-rowi toneorfc'.:lsnticn >ctup.


re of tic principal eatersllOEKIS organixeticn, hfitfng -can need oi' one of the major intelligencent3iiva in tne probanda field,

asylum In tlie Papal 'Juncinturo or.

l>prooinent in ru^ti-Cpamunist activities,

heytorjd of Uk lasrketir roup,

*" nteredndorin LMheasy. He is a

brother oil, jfcutot been jetive in th* organization. !fc *o i Salvador.

t'-ers W> torn thiBmbemarjt'jc:scjes, Feralr. HSXES Jtornendct, Antonio fflC, andvivera. Qbdji are new in El ialv-io-. There is do record of their connections, if anj, withor. -riaatic

fo.Movin_ persons bra beer.j ;vuater--Um

he peat reek:

J disappeared onay and has presuaably

axTOfttad. He una sr. irrcrtnnt nember of tlie CALIJQEKIS orin Jalepm. <fe reinedper-toro. There -re indicationse operrted aonavhAt indope^fcntly. iicout therat deal ond had Access to tliei:rrrisons,

. une. He lind been

in charge of J

Ito-iolfo H- iBQLDT wasune and is now in El Salvador.

:.'c Vddirector of C'JAflK.

tul.cn>rresteday and releasedrother of Grille mo,o

rto^str^oa,J.. Balero, em.oyeea of therrested during the firstf June. as bmbw of the plan to bring in *ms via tank era. Xrothtr-in-law of the G> IZLUJjt,

nru.. Ho waa the oner of the

ahlch ws to have beer, used as an arm*


Original document.

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