Created: 6/7/1954

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cia historical review program release in full


SUBJECT! Meeting Between CAKTKTt and DARIUS

14 eeting occurred Between Oscar H, une.

Various oommiesions have arrived in the capital from different sections of the oountry* Beoauae of tbe arrest of Oabrlel Martinez del Roeal their usual method of oontaot haa been lost to them.

esult, many of these persona hove been going toouse to ask what they should Co in view of the recent eventsarrestav flights, of theleaders. Vord haa been and la being


aeaed along to theee people that they will beontactew person ae aoon ae poaoible, and that theee recent eventa have not changed the over-all planes.

The altuatlon Id the departments la very Ber> loua. The government there le able to operate much more cruelly and repreaaiToly than here in the capital. Arreeta there go unpubliolred beoauae of theack of rapid and effective tnef oommunicatlonand their laolatlon.

The people in then many places are Meseaperadna" and eay they cannot wait anyither aation ntuet come soon, or there will not be any reelatanoe left facing the government. Kaon day there are more "capturaa" by the government forcee, more peraeoutlon. Many people state* that If action does not come aoon. they are going to have to flee to ether places to avoid reprisals. The Rcvernment has taken fingerprlnta and other data from members of the nnti-Communiet flllales, and the people

fear that any time the government wishes toaes wave oft can do bo. and the whole movement of nnti-CommuniBtB will be disrupted.

6* CARTER states that if action doea not cone eoon or something la done to calm these people, they are liable to take matters into their ownhich can either result In success for then if they areromplete disaster for the entire anti-Communisthere In Guatemala,

CARTER has attempted to Indicate to those poopie that everything continues to go forward, that they must keep up hope, and they must wait without committingfoolish. They must work "por bajo" (undercover) in order to ovoid attacks, md to keep the fillales united,

However, it is one thing to give out the counsel -and it is another thing to be able to accept it under the present conditions existing in the departments.

Among the commissions which have arrived this past week from the departments are those from Boon del Monte, nango, Escuintla, Polencia, CARTER does not have the names of other commissions,

10. Reportedly, Friday night the radio cl ndfcatlna asked the people of the capital to congregate ln front of tho Palnclo Kaolonal. onalderable number of people did so, even though it was raining. The government sent out trucks with soldiers and police in Jeeps, armed with nraetralladoras. Nothing occurred, and the people

Original document.

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