Created: 6/4/1954

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routing and record sheet

r-he TO"c eadi mmotantt and eath comment njrnbaiad towith lha number in"hollice< thou Id initial (chm* markefore lurthcr rrmt-ng. outing and Reco'd bheet should I* relumed to Repiliy.





of Papes: 1

uateaala City

ReportKadc 3y:


By Copy To:

Cryptonyn: SLEEKER



Subject; Guatemalanof

Increasem m-

Received: h

Place Acquired: Guatemala, Guatemala City

of Report? h

Source: j,

Appraisal of Content: 3

1. The leaders of the Partido Guatemalteco de TrabajO (PGT) are very worried about the responsibility which rests on them. They meet almost nightly in different houses, taking many precautions. There is some evidence of panic, not only in the PGT but In government circles. The cabinet fears that the break with Nicaragua will be followed by the severance of relations with El Salvador and Honduras. Then it is felt that the Diplomatic Corps will be forced to take command of tho situation, and that this body will assume the position that any remedy must follow the expulsion of Communists from the country. The PGT has heard that the police are taking all possible measures to learn the identitiesolemonto, and that they have offered to pay for Information regarding names and meetingrigido CABRERA, an official in the Ministry of Foreign Relations, is 'sitftfcd to be the person in charge of liaison between that department and the PGT.

five to El Salvador, and they will operate independently of agents now in those countries. It was originally intended that the Honduran group would be headed by Jorge RIVAS Hontes, but later ha was replaced by Samuel Ernesto FIAIIOS. Others in the group are Juan Manuel KARHOL and Mairior to their departure these persons received detailed instructions. essage received from Tegucigalpa, dateday, the POT was informed by its reporter>Juan DUCQDRATjthat he had seen several comrades from Guatemala, but that as they did not appear to recognize hia ha assumed that they werepecial mission and avoided making any contact. DUCODRAT is to be transferred to Guatemala inasmuch as it is believed that te has becomein Honduras.

9. etter from Tegucigalpa dated ay DUCODRAT states that vanous people who appear to be Guatemalans are arriving in the Honduran capital. Many of these have been seen entering the houses of exiles. Others who have been noted going into these homes are pilots and truck workers. It was stated that thus far none of the latter had been observed transporting suspicious cargos. The reporter stated that some of the new arrivals have apparently returned to Guatemala because they were unable to find jobs in Tegucigalpa. He said that they had been deceived, and that when they learned


thoy were expected to take partonspiracy they wanted to leave again. The exiles have called those ln this category weokllnAs who do not wish to save their country from the hands of the Conmunisto.

ii. It has boon decided by PGT leaders that the hones of Rosa Amanda BARILLAS, Oswaldo UBICO,and Ricardo QUTNONEZ nust be closely uatched, noting those persons entering and the arrival of any packages. UBTCO was chosen by the All ansa Juvenil Anticomunista (AJA) to represent that organization at the Mexico anti-Communist congress. Reports on these surveillances ere to be submitted to the Quardia Judicial and the Central Committee. pecial vigilance has been ordered by the PGT over all well-known antl-Communists, especially these who regualarly visit the palace of the Archbishop or the radio stations which present anti-Co-munist programs. The women's front is to be notified that they must observe carefully the activities of priests, particularly those in outlying churches, as it Is believed that these locations are used for receiving antiaComMuniBt loaders and passing instructions.

Original document.

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