Created: 6/6/1954

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1. Tr.epcrusrtuvJua Mpre*crrU> the

3currently th*3

whilst OieIn overall coordination

t. dentltloe ofcr/ptoo Ia Ve?orvarOad by

3. Itit VJJ t* wfal In yo-iT trie fin? Atpbe sekinr t Dto follow o?

parte of rettscbrwrtjoiner tins, hie rcorralvillrt, oo-tio-opot replies to trvrted earrUete,

L. to isy# Ins attached lnforriatlcr. Li highly sensitive*









iVy-CTi aricfin? ol^

and general plan

/.* Ouc to mccntte ve aro colaj tohear.ndinto the tar.-c* eou'itrjto t'u-ov the opposition off balance,ir attentionan! ^Ivo ruralo support torrcs

our ability to retaliate*

B* Rather thanayeasily excitable groups, ve will brine our assets and facilities to naxicuaprior to laonching these haroeoaant teena. Within theays ye will execute the following*


radio operators

shocks in position at the stasias sites

air support preparations

cab leaders with gear in to the orcardiations reopenslble

for providing their teams

pxwible, rove goar*

T.io t'^ave preparations vill allow us to support any unusual dcvelo?-wnte uitli on npnraaJ=ation of tie original operationalLf it ic decrosd feasible to call 'j-dty or if theion develops to v'verc we should eupport one*

km Organic er*

1. Preseotrganisers have departed for C ^beforebe stopped, novavor 1 was to havoas coordinator and therefore hod boon thoroughly

briofed oa the L peration lees identities* e was stopped and is now beingto oontoct thoith new

oreineessor pcrronaTCSon

the oreport due our lack ofon extent

lcr.tcK3oeu.-fl.rrival0ompletely readyxcept <i) coordination of aironcept of lAit to expect In cm oflt

2* or tho organisers will be executed on cable

The organlxera willay instruct lone aa originally ' aalenod plue tho following contingency Instructional

s. DZ'a and eltematcB

b. ate to expect suopXy underinilUons ofemlseloo to supply, concnencinrenLasisn to supply ordy after aD-day,

Soto tho fori sheet attached. This fora sheet nearly, ooaploted

br/lTff^il,eaVlth C filled, it ST

nade to fit the two eontlngoncleef it were4since assignedriority, would in-

structnuno and following days untilbe prepared to recoive bundles at prlnaryhours0 and 0U2 and

or ou will receive same drops.

TheC rganiser, being 2nd in priority bat, asf Tcontingency A, vould eet up forune with semeand different

Ariority vould beh under contingency fl and D1. You can seeorOjr after the accompanying forn is cjsploted can the inner organisations bo advised what ti expect.

our arrival tine, this soould be completed andd tha details on DZ and priority by cable in order to

Io each case the organiser shouldet hod for us toD-^ayveil as by sicnal nan action.

Send toL_ y cable the eon Unco being carried in by ( each organiser toay isours signal on Kondsy0 Tuesday nightay,ape will bo cut containing those nessagefl for broadcast by Sherwood.

Once the priority, bundle requirement, and DZ and Simal List


ea -srfsm hxs betated orga-iitcrt, tir rt.


Ant/ ofern meat tonderexshlp of tho .hockeoutlv.

core. 1


The .hock troop leader end hieeing briefed la

Goer and nan are due to move f> the staging are. vhen advance party

cnt prcvioiirly beer.r oave tisyha-vJled theirrior to tills Urlftt is to be by .sslryiinc eech aaa Us wespmrua traveling by plans, anile,o father at

fant and, Just prioray, vera to cot. to the DZlec-ted t J( Th* Jalap* croup vlll assoabl* st th*n drop dayBD organlter la preparing for tola creeping

C. Air support should be prepared, under present planning, to eorfwnc supply drop, to any point predesieoalod on tho eonpletad atUched form byune,

lour aaln -alMion, tola subject, la to eheok th* for- for noo-coofliot and insure that organiser, are capable of conveying instruction, to field group*.

inotber primary mission la to see that thi. lnforaationi K, Signals for each of th* tvo contlxgoacles, la race 1I Jfor pl.cln* ixt nande air support bj cableplcteis

The chart "cno-jld be completed prior ta your* *reJtolylisted in Logistics Ko-so

3. Sab Team leader, ar. briefed tfld raady to launch. TWy ehoulday. following tho organiser of tba area into vhlch be la lo HI. Instructions aret

m..iooi Kxacut* tha action sa.lgnedourorlrlrul planning or If his orranl.etlon is prenatureljIn action.


Kl..ioni On mls.ing primary target, distributeover th* area in nolsU.t, most flashy, and harmful

v to the opposition

opular movenents nexta tim: ta rwjor portion of arms movement to bo by aerial supply^ there are four possible ncanc of arrisbe inc.

|T ' announced his.willingnessons of gear to-

aa coon as ve indicate readiness.

A nan has been dispatched to Panels'* fam neararrange mooting tno planes with, trucks and prepare thestorage. He is to notify readiness and will receiveTA.

Heantiae, Col.whoarn

s being alerted that he nay send for tho gear

orso-trallyet unguarded) anytimeune* '

an ia making the arrangement for purchase of a

The reconnaissance nan has returned, and the operationalbeing written up to move tha gear via boat, with gunlabor crew, accompanied by the recon nan, to atht--- .

land to reception party for storage and futurei

land via small boatarrying team back toorganisation

or c. To0 yards or so out to sea with snail

rom the shoreprepared t> fly 3

agreed to wire authorities there to

lay Off -j

oat is being sought in tbeDPort tons can be moved there froar"_ j truck with

past flap means that the plan for the offloading

of thistcl JCasa emot be carried In by the


It. "C ZJ is now in been instructed to

got him In tho Cessna 1b0 and cack toA list

oflack etrlpa has been compiled to

fly. roups are bein^ sought who can be alerted forsupply byrun theime, lanling to tAc proper signal and giving out

dl of retr. The oranlsers will alert


. ..

of the first four dayscc, sad li or. tin cccsnd foor days.

In additionlitVoto service

his owni^trtbutlo^

rothar-ln-lavbeing sent aa-mo tonnage

according to cable for transport in via car behind trunks, etc.

carried noce yar ord will


carry more gear each trip.

unilea vill be on standbytvjedule

arranged according to tie attached Hat.

P. Radio Opera tore

1. Tha radio operators are t " land have beennebut his operational plan may have beo= picked up

along withgo""*

ggoat the organiser going in for fj o instructed to eora tha operatorlack location if he la noticked up.

JinC )baa been instructed to contact"^ Oand obtainRS-ls sent by hi*. Re is to aetroughcan pass radloa and pads, and inform us soonest. C asthat on receipt he identity and addressessicrnls,e vill'6 to theirvilli instructions toourier to pickradio as per assigned contact

3. Taotlcal radios should be activated aa aoon as poealble In order to Iron out the kinks. VhenIs provided by shock troop organisations at the 6ta.-ing sites, they should move toaring area and coscoonce operation as

C. In co-.pletlen of the above steps, ve vill feel prepared to facevhich mlfcht arise by turning on full force atay(via CVIXM) direction.

At tho completion of the above, asan groups as can be gatnered fromxcees personnel recently arrived,

gethorini then Intonan tea-*. Although friendahip

of rarsbers, leadership for sace teen, and return to hone area sr-ould be considered Initially,paaste in poiiUonlng of the teams tnould be placed on the reariere possible. The purpose of tioao tea-is is to dissipate enemy attentiono bonier, disrupt the opposition coTTunlcatlon, and five cheer to the inner forces as veil as cenerally be.'ln to set thoor coming evente.


jarry 0U1 ccrit tr.leatesrar*-

Special areas for placinga nuld be

Therossings and lau.Tchin;'s must not resenbi- an iovzslon of froupa but ahould bey individualst pre-dcsimit'i pointseasse-aoly so thatv-.ot'^T'i ssfrty cm -rov* e: r*? hev-caotured. This will alsotioso captured totlon until deadline.)

esns eight ben the coast via tha Fy.ttoat covenant in conjunction with rear noveneat.

'jouch these untrained nan ahould not be burdened vith extensive operational plans and explicatedas arranged that tley should now beeapons. They ahoulo be given anlQi; of harassment and toll that eachin its area ahould concentrate oni

Killing known coonunlet

Disrupting ooominlot rallies and tc tinge

Cottinc telephone end telegraph lines fa. Firing on gasoline tank cars

Sac* team (and all other activities) are to Icy off attacky soldier and, If possible, to avoid hsraesnent which would Involve an amy unit. Protection to thahis score trtll 'oe providedoncentration tirough clandestine broadcast and otherwise.

perational plane need be drawn up, Aselrn eachodeetc. Cable eode nana, area of op-

erations each tean, as compiled. Cable when launched. Advise teu that Instructions or announcement for their good deeds, etc. "ill be pasaed visna radio. In addition, the clandestine radioof their nance will help authenticate then.

There are0 day rations available,ations, Tha shock troops will Equipan teamsays' rationscan be supplied thualy.

h. Tactics

ar. .

a. _Sevoral troupe are ooin, investigated for addition aa


- - Graf/ IT turned out to bo00 -supplied. This (roup vaa run by C rotherbeen added to our cupply ai salons. On signal toafter supply) ttcy are to placo- at

in -our original net1c, anj proceed t- C. to hold until arrival

ia the Jtlapa) end ia toby Joining vttitC. seealencla group for vhlch supply by air li

being arranged. This supply must be tha last prioray oray, r T la to take to hills andmobile until C- rrives. Ve vere trying to arrange o make contact on arrival atC ndadio andhere. Maybe it can be figured in.

having given upupport, is tomentioned in shock stage paragraph) andto the inneremporarily selected as

q at only tho final fllled-out attached ohart is to be counted on to ensure clarity.

particular attention to theC lternate plan J) consider it carefully oecause land inrrrosswill oe precarious at oast,

CtFrLTHATIl" and evasion tactics in_rom dopartura staging area on -think they can drive the opposition into thaalthough they agroe on the silent approach, everyaet the impression they foel that if noused, it can be considered silent,

2. unning situation under which we decided the tine forbad arlaenj pattern of action will besame as tha standard plan with all destinations andprocedures renainlng as nearly the sa-ae as tbe tacticalallows. 0roups with radios will be directed bythat "iand by(_ Jvia


1. Co-srvand Channels

a. c Field lc authorized ti proceod aa quickly end by rvjiiahicto Cts point- t'lio briefing lo tlw point ofienan tec v.

vill give the go ji! onan tearu.

o.call the slgnala oa ccanencaaent eir eupply

under one of the tvo contingencies.

co-vciiccacnt the air supply vill continue asalUred or haltedC

call the slrruil for

ho'a staff Is set up ln standard militaryIs Chief of Staff.

nearlya trying to arrange forolly basts rleht byC for tha next fevaddition to normal duties astoas bis Jem


prsparatlou drop coordination

briefing shook leaders and ironing detailut to insure tactical plan Is followed

(li) praparatlon ef shod: troops

e. Tour duty is to advise C n Me above duties. in tho ease of C* ou vill findractical manoer and easy t> vjrk with. lour reiponelbllity is to see tnat necessary iljusteents_to the plans are practise!oa bat standpoint and do not tnatorTiilly affect the runner of operation.

ue to hie paat work vith the ataff itself, villadviser to the C. .

reoueete should be presented toC by you, to preventexisting eooreUnation there.

In addition,work on the (L "1


launching organisers

launching sab leaders

organising endoo teara.

the above! factions assigned toC J, you are only


c to civir aav Itto tv

SmC "Pra-Mlns uand naintoina Juris-

diction HaVillKanalsr*""

Pancho. It la virtually euaranteed your bandl3n{ ill be unaffected byanono echelon but la tha'the occasionle Senior In responsibility, you ere ftatllorC rese-.tatlTc.


I. Ltiiza-lcnto antes del Dla-D. onoa Lonxenientoso



Alt. DZ







i (D





En olontinuando haeta el fin de lae



0 3

-Quiche Union eobre la carrolers

k (l)


Union eerca de Progreso.

0 B







HOT At Loa nunoroa entre, que apaxecen en lae caeillasorreaponden al nunero de avionee qua

l equlpo anota'o en la. -

nooitlble oacer el : antes del Dle-3

A. ',in de lao OTcracior.ea.






5 a









. bf89s2



B. Reserve pare una lla-ada do energencla.

0 a

6 H

Original document.

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