Created: 8/2/1991

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scandal over the funding of Inkatha by the South African Police (SAP) may force (picker implcnxritaiion of reforms begun one year ago as pan of anlirt to expand and restructure the SAP Bud an iruajtuuon capable oi meeimg :he demardinew-South Africa. Changes iiunaied befcee ihe scandal have had no discernible impact on the country's irrwosmp vrolcnce or soaring aime rate. Prciora has aentificd many of the causes of the violence and crime wave, but it lacks effective solutions andersisteni danger of further polarization, violence, and bloodshed. Although former Law and Order Minister Vic* was committed to irdnsforming the SAP. his reassignment appears likely to accelerate the police reformi.^j^

Factional Violence and Crime Plague South Africa Despite appeals from ANC President Mandela and Inkatha leader Buthelezi for an end to the Fighting, moralacks have died since0 in a


leached us highest yearly levelhen it was even greater than during the pea* years of oohueal unrest

Violent enmc has continued to rue precipitously during the past year, affecting both blacks and whites. Crime increased overallercent9he sharpest increaseecade,erioushighest one-month figurereported inccording lo press ret

The Inkatha Scandallance

Local jomrnaksts armed wish documents betongingreterm and Inkatha. ChiefButhelen's Zulu bastd movement, broke the story of stem government funding of Inkatha onuty. Foreign Minister Botha aamuied he amhoristd disbursement through the pouci ofa tecrei fund for fighting international sanctions to pay for two Inkatha raltiei, in9 andutlnkaiha leader Buthelea denied he knew of Ihe secret payment. Vlok claimed Inkatha leaders acknowledged receipt of the funds but said he never discussed them with Buihtlexi. Claiming nsponsibility for ike affair. Buiheltn't personal assistant resigned in an apparent attempt to dear his boss's name. An Inkasha official repaid she money ia ihe governmentnty. and de Klerk this week reshuffled hts Cabinet to move Vlok and Defense Minister Maian to less important portfolios


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Proposed Changes lo the South African Police

ANC Demands Change Even before the recent scandal over aid to Inkatha, the SAP had come in for considerable criticism from ANC leaders. Nelson Mandela has charged that some elements of the police arc directly involved in the black factional violence. The ANC has also accused the SAP of bias toward supporters of Inkatha and of being prone to stand back and let the fighting between ANC and Inkatha followers play itself out, rather than seek to stem [he violence. Government officials clearly recognize that the ANC's negative perceptions of the police threaten negotiationsew constitution. They also understand that ANC leaden are under strong pressure from supporters to prevent attacks from Inkatha and the security

We believe that Pretoria is particularly troubled by ANC plans to create self-defense units io tbe townships. Government officials undoubtedly recognize that (he ANC will use these units to hit back at Inkatha and government largeis According to press reports, members of the ANC military wing are training the units and arming (hemariety of <

Establish community/police forumsllow local communities toay in police matters.

Appoint an ombudsman to handle complaints.

Increase reeruiunent of blackighly trained riot control unit.

"Cmlianiie" the police ranks.

ode of conduct for police with political parties and local communities.

Substantially increase police training facilities as well as integrate existing faaimrim

Growing numbers of other armedfrom rightwing commandos to private securitywithin South African society, compounding the problems faced byhese groupsnd increased the potential for greater confrontation and violence, PolKe issuedew weapons licensesringing ibe total of licensed firearmsillion. The white right wing plansdk" security network to counter (he ANC. Conservative white farmers have called for the establishment of rural prelection committees that will cooperate with the military to combat escclating crime, according to press reports. In additkwi.XX)XX) private security firms exist with moreffice


The SAP recognizes ihe dangers inherent io (be growth of waning private armies, but can do IttUe to control their actions short of reimposing at unpaiaiable state ofretoria wouldlih negotiations, but neither President de Klerk nor his primary advisersse violence to undercut the ANC leadership and Pretoria's relations


willing to bloody its hands in the townships, at least not without greater support from black leaders.

New Police Force Promised Although police have taken steps to bring the violence under control, measures taken to date have met with limited success. The police are too few to dealrisis of such magnitude and are often reluctant to intervene in the township violence out of fear of being caught in the middle IJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJmcsi Mack police in the townships are young and untrained, and worry (hey will be trapped between the warring groups and killed. Ln addition, policemen well recall when the ANC consideredair target, and many probably conclude that (be ANC is reaping what it had sown in earlier attempts to make the townships 'ungovernable.'!

Police are now banned fromtBacJ^^

Even before Ihe scandal, Vlr* promised to make the SAP an impartial force that represents and wives all South Africans. Police are now banned from belt to political parties, police recognize low. Vluk pushed lo get black officers imo ihe top ranks and nearly half of the new recruits are Mack. He predicted that the first Colored or Indian police general will be appointed within two or three years. All training facilities wiM be integrated


Pretoria's efforts to improve the image of the SAP have been set back by revelations ol secret funding of Inkatha. but the scandal may Digger more rapid police reform. Although Pretoria's bias toward Inkatha has long been an open secret, the revelations have effectively removed any pretense ofnhandedness in dealings with Butheleii. and de Kkrk most demonstrate clearly hiscomrnnrncntolibealh/ neutral security forceeep ate negotiating process on track. Hu move to shift the controveisal Vlok away from tbe law and order portfolio is ir. important first sup. Marry observers view Kiieloderate reformer who will probably be commuted to overhauling the structure and image of the SAP. Kriel and de Klerk may welt decide that thoroughly purging the security forces coutd convince their critics that de Klerk is in full control and not operatingidden

Whatever the consequences of the scandal for police reform, continuing violence, crime, and competing claims by rival political panics of police bias will almost certainly plague South Africa and the SAP for many years to come Even under me best of circumstances, time will be needed to recruit and train mote pobcemen and mveatipiors, build more poircend mount mere parrots in black townships. McasrwhUe. tensions will remain high, and rival groups will continue to funnel weapons to supporters in (he town;

Original document.

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