Created: 7/25/1991

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<cocoiio .unotieni are baooaiftg aa inereaeiog burdea to tfca^ zragl middle oUsi, oaueing son* to emigrate, oa tha Iraa-Iraq Lborder, the TO estimates that as many0 zafucyi bay [arrived after tha recant fighting ia northern.Ixaq. vuvait will raumeoilexporta"lW1a^

Bardahipa ia Iraq Spreading To tha Kiddle Clase

Eoonoalo hardohipa.rn taking an increaeiner toll on middle-class Iraqia. Many profaaeionale, whoaa ealarlaa ara aat by the atata, ara avitching joba to earn more money to cover increased living expenaea or attempting to emigrate.

According to Jordanian praaa, many iraqia travailing to Jordan ara aattling into apartments or seeking viaaa to Waatarn countrlaa. Othara ataybort tiae to escape economic hardahips and .then return to Iraq.

coxmjvti The number of iraqia currently in Jordan ia unknown. Prices in Iraq ara ao high that it ia cheaper for Iraqia to travel to Amman to buy aaaential conauoer good a. soma Iraqia ara alao fleeing in anticipationS military attack againat

Iraq. Baghdad will probably to allow Iraqi cltixens to vlait Jordan to buy essential ccnauaer goods, but nay tiqhtan traval restrictions toarge ahara of its educated

Kuwait to xeeuse Oil Export!

Kuwait this week will resuae token aaounto of crude oil exports for the first tiaa inear, according to press. Gulf shipping services indicate two tankers capable of carryingillion barrels of crude oil are scheduled to load at tbs Mine As-Ahasdl oil tsrnlnslew days. Despite this

Original document.

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