Created: 6/10/1954

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'ir louicrhisommirvi.tAllAl O/ CONffNT II llHIAUVt.


SOUSCC; Businessman with varied contacts in vestem Honduras Appraisal of Ccstenti 2.

In the courseisit to western Honduras during the periodprileylt was learned that thereuatemalan in San Pedro Sula, AlejandrofOOMEZirst cousin of Antonio and Jose Luis astubIAS, whose duty It is to examine all Guatemalans who arrive In that area. GOMEZ' tour of duty in that area will extend untilu. Although be dressesaborer and claims toeohanlo, it tras not determined where'he is

uatemalan who lives in Santa Rosa de Copan, statedol. Franclsco^lAZ had visited the town' several, months, ago. tated that heuatemalan who had previously -been in. Wni-.icj'iya. but was returning to Guatemala on an antl^camranlat mission".

In San Marcos de Ocotepeque lt was learned that Guatemalans had been ob-eerred in the nearby village .of Ulamita. Three of these Guatemalans,iguolHoURES, CatalinoT^ntEZ, and Asuncion^&TtlQDEZ, .stated that they were-engagod exclusively in pommercial aaMvitiea and bad no Interest init Is believed that they,are, cattle thieves whoacking from an unknown source.

!,, The career Guatemalan Consul ln Ocotepeque La sueva is Colonel PedroVDIAZ Harrcquln; however, tbe former Consul, JeronimoVUUESRA, continues to act in this capacity also. Although DUZouse of his own, he is living in the home provided by tbe Consulate. Onuatemalan travelling under the name of RodolfoufffLCI arrived In Ocotepeque, ajhere he was In contact with goebha. falck remained there through Ha-oh,reat deal of money, and then departed for San Pedro Sula. Ootaviouatemalan rooident in Ocotepeque, reportedly attonda to

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the needs of fellow nationals who travel for the Guatemalan Government

/In Ruinas de Cop an the Guatemalan Consul is ArcadioJTBRCIOS Juarez. The

previous Consul, Enricai<$SEGtTRA, is no longer active*in this field and ia ow the agent forelieves that he was sent to Ruinas de Copan principally for the purpose ofketch of the entire Guat-eaalan-Honduran border area, showing the easiest points for border orossinga on foot. TURCIOSap of Honduras on which he is marking all private and official landing stripsj ae well as distances by read from each town toaid that he had no use. for the Guatemalan Government, and that there are many who share his sentiments but hide their* true feelings, because of fear. He stated that the Ouatemalan Consul inose Maria Vs^GOILAR, and the Consul In Puorto Cortep, AlfredotcABRERA, had been named to their posts for the purpose of protecting other Guatemalans passing through that area and providing information regarding those places on the coast which would provide strategic landing

6. Jose^CASTRO, travelling representative of the firmof Cas

iphio expert in the

has stated publicly that *those,Guatemalans who call.themselves anti-Communists

Second Section,*ofrthc GuatemalanV^rTy General 'Staff

Original document.

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