Created: 6/19/1954

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Theof selected lUmeof lnTomitloohare received froa our sources In Guatemala appear sultsbls for um In th- fora of releaaee by fitiU No affort la made toraolaa evaluation of aaehInformation given, but In General it Hay be aaid that aost ofhaa beam reoelrad Inay aa to load ua toit la probably true. In soae oaaae It le baaad uponobservation or the monitoring ofnd whararar thla la tha oaaa It vlll ba aoBS. QlwaMtaaioaa) aheold any of thla Material be attributed Tba tSSa given are OoateniiTan or Centrer

1. Aa of lOlOO P. M. Juneha following wee reported from Ouatsmala Cltyi Mattresses and other bulky aaterlele intra obaarrad being pot In window and on the roof of tho main Ooardla QItII building, lorvrloadoearthed aa nounting and It waa widely mo rad that than Bight ba an outbreak of violence at any Boaant. Tension between tha Ooardla Cirll and the Aray waa being manlfeated. Control over city aleo-trioitj' bi reserved froa tha Ooardla Mail by tha Any.

*. It wae reported on the night of Janehat tha radio of the OB Air Force Mission In Ouatemala, aa veil aa that of the Inter-American Geodetic Surrey, haa baan abut dovn by the Guatemalan Government.

3. eport was received yesterday that many people amjre leaving Ooatemala City in haate, employingearte and other forma of transportation, it wae reported that as of9 June, tha elty appeared to be calm and rather relaxed. People vara out on the etreete aa usual. Stores vera oloeed. lane wae reported to hare oome over at 7iU5 In the morning.

i,. With regard to the Guatemalan nonuawitel claims ef bombing, and acre specifically to tha claims ofthat bombs fell on the houee of Colonel Hcndosaj end the houee of his aother, It wae reported that aa of about lOiOO P. last nipht no had fallen on

either Colonel fkndosa's house or ths houie of his nether. There wasreport ofhouse burningight hare been that of Colonel Hendosa'a mother, but it was clear that it vaa not hit frcn tbe air, (It ia believed thia report haa been further oonfiraed by aa fcaibaasy report stating that neighbors had observed the house being est on fire, possibly by Ooatenalan gorernnantal agents.) There are further eye-witness accounts that there have been no bonba at all in Onatcnalan cities. Moreover there le no evidence of any boabing anywhere In Quatensla. Iba olala of Toriella that oil etexaie faoilltias vara dob bed In San Joee ia not substantiated by any evidence. In faot two gov or men tal planes whioh war* sent off to investigate tha runor of boabing In San Jeee did not return with any evidence of aerial bobbing, although it ia reported that ana of thee* planes cracked up. /JSia nay ba tha aana aa tha crash reported In the Cnatonalan Government eesannlqua of today which statedorsrnweut fighter plana had oraahed last night, killing tho pilot;/

Obeervera In Qoatemala City reported that whan unidentified aircraft flaw over Ouateaala City enh the only thlnga dropped vara laaflete. These planes ware raportad to have bean fired on frost tha ground bat they did not return tbe fire. Ouatemalan Ouvui ueeut aouroes harethat tha planes strafed private reaidenoea, guvern-nent buildings and barracks and bombed thc headquarters of tha anted foroaa and tha First Infantry Reglnent. Eye-witnaaa observers fron Ouatanala city bera denied any bonbing at all and have atatod that there was no air-to-ground fire of any sort.

A radlo-oonitaring report of today's data states that Radio Liboraoicn athia Burning gave an lnterrlev with Oolonel Hodolfo Hendosa, the head of ths liberation Air Farce. Oolonel Men does stated that-the planas which flea* over Ouateaala City yesterday carried no boaba and only fired their gone Into tha clouds. Another wonitaring report quotes Radio Uberacioo as stating that the people of Owtesbtla have no need io fear theee planea.

A report was received today fron El Salvador to the effect that In the eventevolt In Guatemala, the Salvadoran QoTOrnaent would nova troops to the border and possibly declare martial law| and would also settockade end confine all Censoaniets and other fugitlvee fron the Arbens

regime. (This report le said to cowo fross alvmdornn offlclel sources, end although Itfl exact accuracy is not known. It is seamed highly significant as saregarding the general position oflvador. Tho confinement of refugees issualatin America.)

o. It Is reportedand-slide has blocked the road between Guatemala City and Puerto Barrios, although it is being surmised that tola amy hare been anlandslide.

9. A*0 today, it was reported from Guatemala City that tha Aray baa taken action either in rapport of thefames of Col. Armas or against the Arbena reglae| on the other hand, considerable repressive snd punitive activity Is being engaged In by civilian elements believed to be "Peoples' Militia" and by the police forces of tbe regime. It Is reliably reported that the eovernaent and the Communists are stepping up their terroristic activities and are arresting and rillingeamuniets. Martinet Del Rosal la reported to have been shot through the head. Profecta Villages la reported to bare bean chot, then run overruck. Kaufman is reported to hare bad hie feet burned off before be died.

10* As of four days ago there ware several reports of groups of aimed civilians operating under governmental direction. These reports take particular elgnlficance fron statements made in early Jane by Ciwsmrtst labor leaders snd Communist rove reman tal officials, to the effect that they wereto arm civilians andorkers' Aray."

It wae reported onune thot Arbans had sent hi Brother out of the country on the night of IS June.

There bar* been reports teat the Oaat-tnalan Government has infiltrated Ccamiuniats and agents provocateurs among the groups of individuals seeking to obtain asylum in the embassies of O. Salvador, Costa Rica and other neighboring stst'one.

Onune It wss reported that the Guatemalan Government hadevsn-etory bulldlnf; under construction in Guatemala City for use as storage for new eras. The building in question is near the cuartol.

:Ji. It la believed that Important reference should be made to ths heety celling-off by the Guatemalan Government of tbe Tory large and widely-publicized rally which vss supposed to demonstrate wide-spread popular eupport for the regime. The first word put out by ths Oorernment came late yesterday w> en It wae stated simply that the demonstration had been called off because offter havinghance to collect its thoughts over the night, the Guatemalan Home Service announced today that the organising oemmlttee for the great demonstration had decided. In view of the fact that there ware attempts to confuse tbe public by spreading false rumors,toore lengthy atetement. This etetement emphasised very heavy rainfall and promised that the demonstration vouid be held In the near future "at whatever price must be paid." The Gore mm ant enxmvuncenent called on the public to be calm and asked then not to pay attention to false rumors which were being spread. However, there are reports from Ouatemala today and yesterday that the Oovemsent's hasty roversal of plans for ita nuch-publleised and highly-touted dsmonstration resulted froa one or both of two thingsj a) That the Government suddenly panicked and lost confidence, fearingargewithin tho city at this time might contain so many disaffected eleraeate as to resultpgotaaa, 1. the turning of the nob agslnot the Government,b) That it had already become evident by late yesterday that the demonstration wouldonspicuous flopa fracaso.

Original document.

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