Created: 6/20/1954

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FOR: Director of Central Intelligence

ConsentsB-yC22O, Sighting of

Unconventional Aircreffc

The distance end lighting conditions under vhich the source sighted the unusual object vould take It sxtrecely difficult to detemlns Just vhat vsa telog ceea. In soae degree, th*descriptionertical takeoff aircraftlsslle or aircraft launchedero length rail. Tha tero length launching could cost certainly ha acconpllthed onlyocket vhich vouldarge flan* aad soofce vhich vouldteen veryh* spiral ins of th* object as It left the launcher does not fit very veilertical take-off aircraft.

The very seall amount of details given in th* referenced report doea not permit an identification of the object sighted. It doee, hovever, tend to Indicate that it vaaflyingh* Scientific Advisory Board to the Chief ofppointed aa ad hoc cocciltte* of three scientists to evaluate project "I'. The corraltte* found tiwt several factora had been overlooked or niniiclaed la their development, s paylocd,

drag factora,ehantcal design problems, to auch aa extent that the corzdttce recerntaded against support for tba project. Air Force support of the project nov ia in basic research concerned vith vertical thruat vhich codiftca considerably the flying saucer concept.

jZNAssistant Director Scientific Intelligence


The dlatanc* end lighting conditions under which the source sighted the unusual object would cake lt extrecely difficult to determine Just vhat vas being seen. Inegree, the descriotiooertical take-off eircraftsslle or aircraft launchedero length rail. The rero length launching could wist certainly be accomplished onlyocket which wouldeaga flene and sooke which would have been very noticeable. The spiraling of the object as it left the launcher does not fit very veilertical take-off aircraft.

The very snail anount of details slven la the referenced report does not permit an identification Of the object siehted. It does, however, tend to Indicate that it wasflyingb, tbe Scientific Advisory Board to th* Chief of Staff, IGAf, appointed aa ad hoc cccnlttee of three scleotlets to evaluateco-nittee fouM that several factors bad been overlooked or ninleiied lo their developed, such as paylccd, drag factors, and MChanlcal design problems, to such aa extent that the coraittee recorwtoded against supiiort for th* project. Air Porco support of the project now is in basic research concerned with vertical thrust which rodlfics considerably the flying saucer concept

IU, Assistant Plrector Scientific Intelligence

F-nclosure: eport

Original document.

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