Created: 6/22/1954

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ad by disorganising tha

ay's mum of communication, that new aire oa

Tha announcer eleo announoad that new air

Guatemala City. Ha concluded by calling on tha Arbana Government to aenoede Ita dafeat.

For Io or Information

Radio Liberaolon (Clandestine) In Spanish to Ouateaala, came Back on tha Air3 OK? with the Following teenage to

*Wa have eanoaled the attack on. Oo ahaad with Valentina."

Tbla vsa followed by an announcement to tho people of Ouateaala that tho liberating amy la moving forwmrd In Ite struggle against Coaicunlan.

Then an appeal vaa mode to the university students to Join the liberation forces. The lie teat re are now being told that the Convmlsts have distributed arms to the people in the countryaide after getting them drunk. "Do not permit the unprotected population to be murdered. People of Ouateaala, beware of the civil guards who are drunk. They are preparing to kill the defenseless public"

Tbe station addressed tho following message toi

"we have oanceled the attaok aet for tomorrow on Oo ahead according to Valentin*. The attaok on0 has been superceded

For lour Information

TOTS Ouatemala City (Official) Ouateaalan Howe Service Went Off the

dd*nly3 tn th* Kiddl*oal Ml SiInUio. Euiootn Spanish to3

(Tart) troops aro rapallU* lnsorroo-Uoniadranoaa Ttgoroualy. Aooording to tbaof tooray, rabal position* war*o IbU&s* boanlag In Gmalaa frohoyforood to withers*.

Bofota Aft in tpsiisb Horao73

(Tart) Is raady to oollabor*t* lope*rle* aad to prsTaot an attonpt against th* prlnoipl* of Donintorrentlon undar th* prooaduraen th* Aaorlaan rational,

Colaablan Foralgn Klnlstsr Irarlsto Sourdls, In th*oonaorratiT*aaldi "Vlth raspaat to th*t* now ooaurring la Oantral Aaarloa, Colombia oannot ifnor* that Ouatomsla, aa Coloatla, la an fllapenla-Latln nation vhloh appraoiatsa ands. That la why va cannot bat laaont stoat has baon harpoalag to th*poople.*

withto tho Russian voto In th* Sootrltr OoonaU against th* Oolonblan-Arsolllan propoaal that th* Ouataaalaalslato th* jorladloUon of th* InUr-Aaorlean Pmo*oreign KLnlatar SourdL* ssidi "This Russian voto has not boon oast spaolfloally against tho Ooloiblan-Braalllsn proposal, bat against th* Asorlean ftagloaal Systaa,uit* apparently, th* Russianso undaradn* by any nosna.

Ouateaala City (Official) Boa* Service in2

(Sunuiary) Tha University Students' Council lai asking all student* to attend aloaoww at noon at th* Doling* of Juridical and


Kettvra of iaportanc* to all student* vUl b*h*lias,

Parle afp ssdlotoletype in English to the3

(Text)Ouateaalan liberation radio broadoaat heard her* Tuesday night said "Revolutionary" piano* of flolonel Castillo inaas1 "liberation" aray had dropped paxaohutista on Qua tonal an territory.

GuatemalanDeputy Broolo da Sllvelre of tha Socialist Party stated in th* Brasilian Houss of Deputies on Janehat he is in full syapathy with the oauae of tha Guatemalan Oorernaent. SUvalr* protcstod tho boe^ardaoot of Ouateaalan oltles by United States plane a. (Reolfe

Commenti This ought to be denied locally.

Devolopoenta0 to OBOOEDTi

Ouateaalai Both sides report victory at Puertoovernment adnlta "anon daasgs* to gaaolin* storageituation reported normal throughout aeat of)

Ohilaan Oovornaont to take ate pa to stop further violent(a)

Chile and Argentina Foreign Minister* study situation (li, lh)

Radio Liberaolon (Olandeetine) in Spanish to Ouateaala2

Says that the high command announces sons of tba noes of the localities that ban fallen to the liberation armyi tooopen, Morales, Quebradas, Dloc, Xgueana, Bananarmi Champona, Santo Tomaa, Irlgua, and tuerto Barrioa." Tbe station roporte there la still suae resistance at Puerto Barrios*

Drivers In the eastern Ouatemala are warned tbat "our saboteur oorps" hava mined tha reeds from Guatemala City to Zaoapa. The drivers are told to go alow ta prevent acaldants.

The station says Mrs. Arbens left the country today and la now la San Salvador*

Paris AFP Radloteletypa In French to the3

(Kxcerpt) adio Tegucigalpa broadcast Intercepted

In Bogota, the ahlpe that were anchored In Puerto Berries weighted anchor

on the night of Host of these shlpo belong to tha "Doited Fruit



Original document.

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