Created: 6/29/1954

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rBSUCCESS, Headquarters

Chief of Station, rtesleaulf


Recoamnnotlone for operational plamlnp in WfWRlff, preperlcc post- PBSUCCttfl period

1. Tho roll owing tentative suggeetiona an subalttsd for your oonsldor* aUon and possible iaatrootloni to the fleld|they concern dsvelopnents expected to take place upon coapletloa of PBSUCCSSS, no aotion alone thess llaee can be takeo

ly LXfiCOU.

f* It la to be expected that tha new gorerneent of kSBURMT, whatever Ita caapoeltion and Its policy in detail nay be, will outlet! the Coaannlat Party end take other aUpe agalnet ocamunlet ectlvitiesi atter of fast, tha flret soon degree baa already been announced ever the radio. Even If these neatrures are elncerely went end efficientlyeither of which oan be taken fortle to usual that nosccvnot abandon ita hitherto to prcedalne assets la that area sod vlll reoew end eren Intensify Ita efforts, presumablyeeply coneplrBtartal* naJsrsrouad nenaer. -feather ea sodercrooBd CP apparatus bea been bald la reaerre for tola mmr&mj or whether lt would have to be etartad frco scratch now, Le one of the Many essential element* of intelligence on the CP Inhich ve had oarer been ohla to ascertain.

3- In any case, ve conclude from the experiences made during PBSXCESO that KTJtiafdE ahould not rely en whatever aotion eight be taken by theegies, not even laone too likely) ease that PJBARS aleht ooaaoeltlon to reorganise the Intalllgoaos SerrlBe of WBUWT under ita cam control poealble by-prodaot of PBSUCCESS which ahould not ba entirely overlooked. Ue therefore reooaaend that etepa be taken laaodUtely to eoquiren trolled operational asaeta which vlll enable KUBARI to operate apalrot any revival of ocoanalat activities, both along KWTRK andMK lines.

It* lret Step, arTangeaonte eight be nade to lavn consnalst loaders and other knowledgeable parsons who hare beenor aay yet bearrested during PBSUCCESS, Interrogated eadnd seised dcouarata examined) by quell fled XUBARX peraonoel. Under the olrouastsnoes, interrogation under high pressure appears fully Justified. Such interrogationa la prinerily at Intelligence on Us following EKX'SI

(a) Prior existence of any underground ocreamlat apparatus SSSttKT

resHccssa/rar at



(b) OoBBunleatlona between the fcSBURUT CP and the International ooBBUfllBt norcmntj (l) with ita higher eohelonaMexico, Prague, Moscow, poealblyeteral ooaaamlcatione eleewtere in SOJUSOER

(o) CP Influence In government, adninistration, business, labor unions and otheration*Including bionrophloal data of all persona involved, moohanisna through weleh such influence was exerted, etc.

(d) history of the non-publlo ee poets of CP activities In US BURNT, especially of ita Politburo an, Central Committee, Secretariat,or at least the last six months, preferably for the last two yeara.

lines should not only help to prepare future

?fm?il S , needed to write the

history oX PB^ESSanner designed to fully exonerate ODTOKE and focus all the bleae upon PJSTKAL,

*J conwniata willr

^ few days. It is eugge-tedperation*.

r ofehould be made tomthe party ao that they

SSon parpo-ee/be preetin able to set up aome cover group for preliminaryerhaps under theocalor SALEM and to let it be known by word of mouth that this offtoerehabilitating

wmeh thobtained along tho lines ofbove and

labor unions, peasant unlone and key government aervicee to watch for any covert oommunlat ecUvities there,

into the CP underground iteelf, poealbly alao into VSBURNT CP groups in exile.

ft. chance- for an euspieiou. -tort of operation, of thde type will be all the

J^kT^ ia still in an

SHI'S and laembershipe dally, organisations

being transformed and the communists have not had tin. to leJmtabllsh the^vesT



7. Be it finally noted Uiat auoh operations may be all the more valuable for future KOBARK tasks in VSBURHT the raare we are able to koopeep aocret, not only inhich goes withoutut alao froa CALI.IOERIS and hie men. These operations ore not intended to be directed against him or hia ilkJ but in order to function as an independenthey must be protected against any Intentional or unintentional white-washing by leaders or officials of the coming HSBURNT regis*).

Elmer F. WKETY/ agw


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