Created: 7/14/1954

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iquidation Project PBSUCCESS

Connand Stations


Tlio Regional Cotznand Sto'

L- . to tho oporationsl

confcrol ana direction ol chief, Hb tuvislon, effectiveO hours..

Rngular WH Division peraonnol assigned to thoStations will be reassigned as rooulrod by

snd Rrjipaent

All operational snpplioo snd equlpaBnt no longor neodsd for the operations of Fietations has been wlth-clraun and returned to Station FJT10PEPTJL.

Final scoountings for PB30CCESS funds woro submitted to SUUoo LDBOUJ on or1 to beIn the final accooiting for PBSUCCESS funds.

All operational ouppliaa snd equlpraont no longer required in tho Roglorwl Camsnd Stations have boon returned to FJHQPEFUL.

The Chief, Logistics baa arsinaed responsibility for dotor-nining the Inventory, condition and disposition of all operational inipplioa and oqulpcemt nov on hand at FJltOPEFuX. i).


. , XtN officlslly deactivated atours.k and eotaaunicstioos between Regional Coaaand Stations snd Ifcsdqusrters were likewise tamlnatcd.


majority of personnel assigned to LUJCOLHto BasoVraarters Tor reaasignncnt. Manysnd have been granted annual leave. Tneof personnel Is presently being studied byQAaf/fiJSKS/nZP and Mr. TracyBarnea,of Station, Hng, Chief

Support Station, UKOLfl and several clerks on duty at LracoiB will rensin until epprcxiiiavbslyuly for the purpose of dlspooing of property and tho consolidation of records to be forwarded to lfeedquarters.

B. Logistics

visited Station LTHCOLN onnd 10

snd found toot the matter of disposing of safe bouses sod Station property was acconiplislicd in eooordsnoe aith Agency regulations.

lbs official records of Station LDJCOLH are being inventoried and will be shipped on or about Julyo Heae>rasrtero, accompanied by tho Security Officer.

C. Finances

The Chief Support Station, UJJCOUf is presentlyfinal accountings froa Field Stations which will bo shipped to Headquarters with other records on

k* HBsoVnisrters

Hoadquartero personnel, se well as LDCOLH Station personnel, are being released as soon ss suitable positions are located.

On delivery of records tron Station URCQW to Headquarters on or aboutersonnel at Headquarters aj.ll be assigned duties In connection with the Integration of all PBSUCCESS naterfal. Ve are of tho opinion that If the files are received byrotect PBSUCCESS can be completely liquidatedli.

Original document.

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