Created: 9/14/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


lliccr JoMunaiiona trrould bo and In Ihe "TO" column. Under eachine ahould be drawn ai

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TO I o

FROHl (Staff CF OPS Officer forJ

Sl'BJECTi Negatives and Plates for printing brochure "Docunente

Obtainedriof, Preliminary Sailing of thex-ant.rcf Ccaaunist Infiltration and Influenceeterala". gray booklet" printed in.

Pia-npsei To forward, for filing in RI, tbe cited negatives and^latoa which are proper to Printing and Reproductionz7-l

Aloo attached for filing is one copy cf the brochure printed from tho plates.







The document, described and exhibited in the following pages were obtained in Guatemala shortly after the fall of the Arbenz Regime. They represent the results ofrief and preliminary sampling of the documentary evidence of Communist infiltration and influence in

The majority of the documents discussed herein were found among personal effects and papers of Jacobo Arbenz which had been cachedew hours of his resignation from the Presidency of Guatemala. Other documents were seized by military and police authorities after the fall of both Arbenz and his successor. Colonel Carlos Enrique Diaz, Chief of the Armed Forces.

The documents represent somethingiscellany, but they fall generally into two groups: those which reflect Communist influence in the Arbenz Regime, and those which deal with activities of that Regime in its declining days.

The documents are The explanatory text appears on the left-hand page; the corresponding document-exhibit appears on the right-hand page.

Communist publications found among ARBENZ* personal effects. Included arc works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin. Mao. and Malenkov; copies of the Cominform organ.asting Peace,eople's Democracy!"; Soviet and Satellite books, magazines and pamphlets; the Statutes of CP, G.nd copieseport of the Central Committee of that Party.



I. Documents Reflecting Communist Influence in the Arbenz Regime

(Summary Characterizations)

fl. Report of Secretary General of CP Guatemala, given to Arbenz

"with the deep-felt affection of hiso se Manueluthor of the Report.

#2. Edition of Mao Tse-Tung's writings, given to Arbenz by person prominent in Communist activities. Book has special binding, with the name "Arbenz" stamped in gold on the cover.

#J. Peking-published Chinese Communist materials concerning Agrarian Reforms in China.

#4. Note transmitting "Memento of the Soviet Union" to Arbenz, from member of Communist-led trade union confederationn Guatemala.

#5. Moscow-published book. J iographical Sketch.given to Mrs. Arbenz with the inscription: "The lofty example of the great should inspire us with optimism. "

#6. Originalemorandum addressed to CP Secretary General, found in National Palace (Officeecretary of Mrs. Arbenz).

#7. Letter to Arbenz.rom Army General Staff, transmitting questions regarding the Regime's links with the Communist Party, and the latter's influence on the Regime.

#8. Attachment to the preceding document- Specific Army questions regarding the Arbenz Regime's links with the Communist Party, the latter's influence in the Regime and lis efforts to organize armed forces apart from the National Army.

19. et of answers to the Army's questions (presented in preceding documents). Text reflects strong pro-Communist bias.

etter to Arbenz,rom Rogelio CRUZ Wer. Chief of Guardia Civile recommendation that visas of Guatemalan delegates to Anti-Communist Congress in Mexico be cancelled.

Telegram containing complaintepartmental Governor is loosely accusing people of being anti -Communist I

Certification given by Jose Manuel Fortunys Secretary General of the P. A.hat Alfonso Martinez (later head of the National Agrarian Department) was an active member of the P. A. R.elegate of that Party to one of the Electoral Boards. (Martinez1 subsequent close association with Fortuny--Secretary General of CPs well known. }

eport to Supreme Council of National Defense, dated

ecommending immediate re-catablishment of National Army control over the Militia Df the Republic.

ile of Guatemalan Foreign Ministry containing open/decoded cables to Guatemalan diplomatic representatives in the United States, Central and South America. The cables flatly deny the charges of the U. S. State Department regarding the origin of the notorious arms shipment. They also issue instructions re thwarting of U. S. State Department efforts toonsultative conference on the mailer.

etter to "the Government of Guatemala"irm in Italy, referencing previous correspondence, and offering for sale airplanes, submachine guns, and rifles. Shipment (of some items, at least) would bewedish port.

ecoded telegram, rom former President

Arevalo. in Santiago, Chile, to Arbenz, reporting pro-Guatemalai action of Chilean government, political partita, and people.

otc6onversation with Guatemalan Foreign Minister, Concerned mainly with winning Mexican government and popular support of Guatemala's causeis the United States. Suggestions for winning good will of, or at least neutralising somewhat, other Latin American countries.

Guatemalan Foreign Ministry document reflecting an apparent effort on part of Guatemala to induce President Osorio of El Salvador(to use his "good offices" to persuade Honduras to check the anti-Arbene activities of Guatemalan emigres in Honduras, which are being carried on with the "knowledge and patience" of the Honduras Government.

Documents Reflecting Some of the Activities of the Arbenz Regime Shortly Before Ita Fall.


Memorandum oi the Secretariat of Foreign Relations of Honduras,eclining tonew) Pact of Friendship and Non-Aggression which was requested by Guatemala,

Memorandum datedrom Guatemalan Foreign Minister to Minister of Government, protesting against acts of police brutality committed against "honest and respectable" citizens.

Two telegrams dated4 (the day after Army of

Liberation entered Guatemala) concerning the organization of support for the National Army on the part of the coalition of pro-Arbenz political parties.

ollection of telegramsoncerning the participation cf the organized peasantsed by the pro-Communist Leonardo CASTILLOhe defense of the Arbenz regime Some of the telegrams reflect that news of Arbenz resignation was received with shocked disbelief.

wo telegrams concerning the shooting down of Chilean pilots by pro-Arbenz forces who later regretted their error in having taken action injurious toepublic identified with our straggle. "



Document No.From Arbenz' personal effects)

Report of Jose Manuel Fortuny, Secretary General of the Communist Party of Guatemala, to the Enlarged Plenum of the Central Committee of that Party,ears Inscription:

"To the young and exemplary President of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbens, with the deep-felt affection of hisose Manuel Fortuny."

(Ztf* ^ ^

La Situacion Politicaas TareaV Inmediatas de laa ActMdaiNel Partido Comunista de Guatemala

* * *

Informe del Secretario General, Jose Manuel Fortuny, al Pleno ampliado del Comite Central del Partido Comunista de Guatemala, celebrado el7 de Febrero


Haoe ya tlempo que celebramos cl ultimo Pleno del ComiteDesde entonces han ocurtldoan variados sucesos sin que los cnlccaramos debldamente en relacfdn con las actividades ydel Partido, que se ha hecho sumamentergent? reunlrlo para examtnar, por lo mcnos, un cuodro de laoll* tlca nacional! Al pasar revtata al panorama general queha des-arrollado desde el ultimo Pleno hasta hoy, rioi enconlramos con que se han acumulado los problemas que ya deberiamos tener resueltos. cayendo en la cucnia dc quo hemos cometldo un error al no eonvo-car mas trecuomemenlc al Comlt* Central. Esta cs la causa dc por qu* en este informe enfocamos solamente las tareas rcvolucionarlas rnas inmediatas en relacion con lo siluacldn poltllca actual dc nuestroon las actividades del Partido, ya que era materlalmenteosible, especlalmente por la circunstaneia de tlempo, cxamlnar todos los asuntos que deben ser tratados.

En nuestro ultimo Pleno al poner la vista sobre las condlclones politicas nacloriales dlfimos: "Elplatiante de Jacobocomoa Pretidencia de la Republica, hae-foTzar la position deextuebtajar laa de la reaction. Rl annum So incetan'c ie la vetiin imperialist aconeccuoncta da lahina fue neutrolisado por la acdon voiltica en ascenso de laa fuerza* demecrdticaa. Que al

- 1


tat aaXr- us officials only

Document No. 2

(From Arbenz' personal effects)

A one-volume edition of Mao Tse -Tung's two works, "On Practice and "On Contradiction. " Specially bound, with name "ARBENZ" in gold letters on cover. Bears inscription:

"To Colonel Arbenz, the two basic contributions of Mao Tse Tung to universal Marxism.

Matilde Elena Lopez"

Also, inserted in the bookalling card of Matilde Elena Lopes with the inscription:

"Colonel Arbenz:

i am placing in your hands the two basic contributions of Mao-Tse-Tung to universal Marxism, and other important materials concerning Agrarian Ref. inant to talk to you to explain my planonograph on Agrarian Reform in Guatemala which will gather together, in and simple form, all that has been accomplished. m awaiting your invitation, as you said some time back thai 'we shouldTo your| health! (illegible notation: probably Lopez'"

Matilde Elena Lopez has been active in the Communist Movement in Guatemala for several years.



officials only


Document No. 3

(From Arbenz' personal effects)

Typewritten copy of0 Peking publication, "Law on Agrarian Reform of the People's Republic ofollowed by other documents: "Report on the Problems of Agrarian Reform" (by Liund "Statutes of Organization of the Peasant Federation, " This probably constitutes the "other important materials" on Agrarian Reform in China, mentioned in the preceding document.


Document No. 4

(From Arbenz' personal effects)

A note to President Arbenz. written on stationeryhite hammer and sickleed field, dated4 at Guatemala, transmitting aa an attachment (notemento of the Soviet Union. The writer ia identified in the note as Jose Luia CACEROS Rodriguez.

This manember of the Communist-led General Confederation of Workers of Guatemalaeelegate to the Third World Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) held in


Jose Luis Caceros Rodriguez, saluda atentamente al ciudadano Presidente de la Republics, Coronel Jacobo Arbenz, ad-juntandole un recuerdo de la Union Sovie-


Guatemala, Enero-


WiGfUWV-S. officials only

Document No. 5

(From Arbenz1 personal effecta)

Copy of the book. "J.iographical Sketch. Bears inscription:

"To Maria Criatina:

The lofty example of the great should inapir

us with optimism.

Matilde Elena Lopez

Arbenz' wifearia Cristina Vilanova de Arbenz.

anoitirr fficials only



Ssiozo iiojrd^ico



. tt.iWmk', M. B. MWn,



Document No. 6

(From the National Palace (seat offficeecretary of Mrs. Arbenz)

This document is an original memorandum addressed to Jose Manuel Fortuny. Secretary General of the Communist Party of Guate -mala (P. G. T. ) It is writtenoman (CP member) who has been under fire as Secretary General of the Stndicato de Trabajadores enuardcrias Infantiles (Trade Union of Workers in Children's Dining Rooms and Nurseries). The matter had been given considerable attention by Mrs. Arbenz as President of the Association of Children's Dining Rooms and Nurseries. The CP member outlines her situation for Fortuny. and states that she knows what Party discipline means and that she is willing to abide by his decision in the matter. She adds that she is willing to resign immediately if the Party feels that the problems will be solved by the fact that another woman (CP member) is to be Chief of Personnel of the Association, according to word given her by Mrs. Arbenz.


u.s. officials only

KKVBBAKStiy PRESESTADO AL COItPASSnO jcse manuel fortuny sours

ctual deuarderias ikfaktiies. y. ri position


Esticado coaparleroi

Antes de nl retiro definitivo de laeuarderlases que asl sequlero hacerle una atspliaobre ni labor desarrolladaro de la xisna, para que Ud. laa Juzpu*.

Ml trabajo efectivo durante nueve meses como secre-tarla de la seflora Vlce-Presider.ta de la Asoclacldn, Gloriaea eaaa a que notiv6 nla Haternidad de Guarderla Infantiles, ya es conocida por el cocpa-lero Fortuny. Hare en una exposicidnruslado, es declr sobre siete seses laborados-en la Katernldadi

Con fecha prinero de Septierabre2 me hice cargo de organizar un archivo que no existla ni slquierariaitivo, Hlce entrega deone Harzo del corrlente arto, despue's de haber clasiflcadoctedio de tarjete-rcs sels mil folders de madres parturlentas, en los cuales se puede encontrar todo un historial clinico de cada nadre, duranteos que tleneernidad de fur.clonar cono tal, Al haber dado por concluldo el trabajo enconendado, rne quede* sin atribucione*ir. ninguna labor determinada. osias de haberlodel conoclmlento de los Jefes,len recibirze en audiencia la senora llarla STilanova de Arbenz elelasa tarde. Mi deseo era el de resolver mi situacifin personal en que ne encuentro relaclcnada con ni trabajo . La se.lora de Arbenz me pre puso una plaza dentro del Instituto de Segurldad Social, ya queeonedores Infantiles no tiene donde coloca:i presencla dentro de las oflcinas centrales es practlcamente lEposible. Es decir, en foraa corteS se ce propuso pusiese ni renun-cla, Inmedlatamentea seflora Presldenta de laue hacla preelsanente tresone unaada

por el ulinistro de relaclonesl senor Alfonso Sol6rzan

fficials only


Document No.

(From Arbenz' personal effects)

Letter to Presidentent by order of the Chief of the General Staff of the Army,tatement of the questions of "the Chiefs and Officers of this Corps, which werein accordance with your own desires, in relation to the informal talk which has been announcedate in the near future." The talk was to be given by Arbens to members of the Army General Staff (The attachment constitutes the next) in this series I

cggnmiofficials only




Sefior Preaidente:

Tongo el honor de dirlglrae ft Ud. con alresentarle el pliego anexo que oontlene las conaultaa resu raidaa, de losficlftlea de esteue fuera preparado de acuerdo con los proplos deseos den relaon la plfitlca que se ha servldo anunclar para feoha

Protesto al Sefior Preaidente, raio



Anexoj Pliego do consultas, contenido on tras hojas.-

c.c. Senor Coronel de Inf. Jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas;

Senor Coronel delniatro do la Defense Naclonal

fficials only


DocumentFrom Arbenz' personal effects)

This ia the attachment to the preceding Document. It is prefacedtatement of complete aupport of the line of Arbena' policy, whatever it may be, on the part of the Army officera who are submitting the questions which are to follow. The officers want this to be clear to the President at the outset. They also point out that he asked that the questions be formulated.

Because of the significance of these questions, they are being translated in full. The original questions are unnumbered, and they arereceded or followed by declaratory remarks.

"Is there any evidence that our national and international policy would not achieve its desired ends, without need of the Communist Party?

"The Government presently utilizes the Communist Party for its purposes, but: is there any assurance thativen moment the Government can nullify it or put it aside, without therebyisaster?

"Would it not be possible that the Guatemalan Communists, and especially the foreign residents, should dedicate themselves wholly to the internal affairs of their party; and likewise (would it not be possible) that they should be separated from posts and positions in which they conduct divisive campaigns among the citizenry, atame time that they defame and insult foreign governments--all of which is contrary to the end* of the Said posts are, principally:

General Secretariat of the Presidency National Te aching Profession Official Press National Radio Station

Peasant Confederation (of

Public Administration posts.

"Could not the Government oblige all its collaborators, without distinction, to pursue the nationalist policy of the country; and prohibit groups and invididuala from intervening in affairs of other countries?

"Could not the Government proscribe the practice of the related parties of bringing incapable and harmful elements, both citizens and foreigners, into public administration posts, solely on the basis of (party) affiliation and not ability; and (could not the Govern ment) give an opportunity to any Guatemalan who proves he is competent?


"Would it not be more profitable for Guatemala to have an exclusively centrist policy,iew torue national unity, which is so necessary at all times, and indispensable at the present time?

"What ia your judgment relative to the (much) discussed matter of Articlef the Constitution?

"Why not make an official, public statement that the organism* charged with the maintenance of national order are: the Guardia Civil in the first place, and, ultimately, the National Army?

"Would it not be profitable to deny authorization, in Ihe same manner, to the calls and threats of leaders such as CASTILLO Florea who. under the real or assumed pretext of reactionaryo alarms the public?

"Could you not likewise condemn threats such as that made by Deputy MONTENEGRO Paniagua, who said that at the first shot they will urder the heads blown off the anti-Communists ?

"In spite of its numerical smallnesa. the Communist Party, thanks to its iron discipline, controls the working and peasant maeeca even when the workers and peasants are not Communiata; nevertheless; they have to obey the orders issued by the leaders under (proven) penalty of death or, in the better cases, beatings, encarcelation. or confiscation of property. Why are these things permitted; rather; why arc those abuses not prohibited?

"Do you know, Mr. President, that when the Communist leaders harass the representatives of the military authoritydjutanta.hom they kill, wound, jail, or make aubjecta of evil reports designed to effect their removal (because they will not agree to register in theirhey openly manifest themselves as anti-militarists ? and that on many occasions they have stated, in addition, that 'the National Army must disappear to make way for the people's militias'?

"Does Mr. President have confidence in the information which the service* of the Army can provide him,onsider that thia ls the moil truthful, impartial and sincere source on which he can count?

"Would Mr. Preaident not care to base himself solely and exclusively on Me_ National Army.-which is blindly loyal to him--in order to followincere and nationalist policy which we all recognize? and in order to be independent ofhere arerespect to the groups which carried him to the Presidency for the satisfaction of selfish ends?

. officials only

"Some days past ihe newspapersetter from Col. BARRIOS Pena, addressed to Mr President; might we know what thought that letter merited?

'According to Mr. President's definition. Communism can be compared to strychnine; it is beneficial in small doses, and fatal in large ones. Who can determine when the 'dose' ceases to be harmless and turnseadly poison?

"At the present time in Guatemala, due to extra-governmental influences, agitators and causers of disunity are protected, whereas PASSIVE anti-Communists are persecuted. (Of course, and with all good reason, conspirators arc persecuted and punished Would it not be advisable to apply the law without distinctions which do so much harm to the Government and the country?

"If all.of the people recently captured because of the plota few days ago have violated the law. why are they arrestedarrant, and why is their detention later denied?

"It is known that the Communists are armed and that they give military instruction to their followers. Why are measures not taken so that at least they have their arms protected by legal license ?

"Why not decisively prohibit the organization of the peasant masses in the form in which the leader CASTILLO Flores is doing It, since that could be consideredirst step toward the organization of

the People's Army which has alreadv been announced, and which

is contrary to the one and only National Army?


Antes de proponer las conaultas expresadas, la totall dad de losflolalea del Estado Mayor, de la Inspece la Ayudantla General del Ej6rclto, deseaH hacer aaber al Sef.or Presldente de la Republics quel Cual qulera que sea la Hnea de auualesquiera que sean los crop6sltos de la actividad gubernutiva que el dirl ge como Jefe del EJecutlvo, IsesDaldan, Integrain reserves de ningunaue aolarr.ente por cumpllr con los deseos del Seizor Presldente, fornulan las preguntas algulentesi

Hay alguna eviuencla do que la politicanternaclonal, no rendlrla sat'sfactorlamente los fines que se propone, sin neceslcad del partido comunista?

El Goblerno utilize actualmente al partico comur.ista-para sus flnos; peroi hay alguna segurldad de que en un mo-mento dado puede el Ooblernopartarlo, sin que ello traiga conslgo un deaastre?

No aerla poslble que los coaunistaa guate-jalteeoa, special mente los extranjeros reslcentea, ae dedicaran fnteas cosas Internes de auue por To mismo se les apartara de losoaioionea en donde haeen campanas de disociacion entre laa voz queobl ernoa extranjeros, todo lo cualos flnea del Ooblerno? Dlchos ouestos son, orlncipalmente:

Secrefirla General de la Prosldenola.

Magisterio Kacional.

Prenaa Oflcial.

Radlodlfusora Nacional.

ampealna (deueutos de la ublJca.

Ko podrla el Gobierno obligar a todos susegulr la politica naolonalista delasndividuoa que intervengan en asuntos de otro3 paises?

No podrla el Ooblerno proaoribir la practice de los par-tldoa afines, de hacer entrar en laublica lementosocivod,xtranjeros, solo por el hecho de suorar oportuualquler Guatemalteco que demuestre competencia?

No seria mis conveniente para Guatemala una politica ex cluaivamente centrists, con el objeto de lograr una unidad na clonal verdadera, tan necesarla en todos losndle^ penaable en los actuales?

Cual ea el crlterio de Ud. conlunto del Artlculoe la Constituc!6n?



Document No. 9

(From Arbenz' personal effects)

Thia documentet of "answers" to the Army questions set forth in the preceding document, Whether or not these answers were ever given to the Army is not known. The answers arc translated:

"1. If we consistently follow the national and international policy which we have been following, undoubtedly we shall have the support of the P. G. T {Note: P. G. T. is CP Guatemala. )

"2. The Government does not utilize the P. G, T. as an instrument; neither is the cancellation of thai Party planned. Whether or not there wouldiaaater would dependhange in policy contrary to the popular interests.

' 3. There are very few Communists in official agencies and ii is easy to prove that they do not dedicate themselves precisely to that, which is what the opposition preaa haa been saying all along. In the General Secretariat there is not one single Communist. In the Teaching Profession, there can be as many as they like, because neither the regulations thereof nor academic freedom permit discrimination on that basis. o not know how manylCommuniatsl there may be attached to Diario de Centroamrrica. but those who write mistakenly there ate not Communists.

"4. In the National Radio establishment, the Director thereof is knownommunist, but it is interesting that he has taken great care to see to it that the Radio should noteans of provocation; even the foreign radio campaign has not been answered. In the DAN there are several Communists, but they are precisely the most efficient people and the ones who do not sell out to the landholders. With reference to the workers and peasants organizations, the Government has nothing to do with them, unless it is to act like the fascist tyrannies and regimes (Batista. Peron, etc. )

"4. It is impossible and improper to violate constitutional guarantees in this sense.

" 5. An effort has been made to lessen that vice insofar as it exists,

but neither can one trust "just any Guatemalan" who often simulates an "apolitical" position but turns out toaboteur.



officials only

'true national unity." understood as the denial of the presence of great antagonistic interests, does not exist; for thatolicy of national unity of the democratic forces against theand exploiting companies should be followed.

said article needs no interpretation; there is no international or foreig party here, and any criterion for considering one of the existing parties to be such, could later be applied to all.

the ministry of government has alreadythat the authorities will maintain order in the proper manner.

it is very dangerous at this stage to consider that there is 'an assumed pretext of reactionaryhereraitorous conspiracy directed from abroad and it is hoped that the people will'help even more in continuing to uncover it, since our own security organs are not up to it.

the first thing would be to learn whether or not deputy montenegro said that; the second thing is to consider whether, if we are invaded, we should leave the internal enemies dedicated to their sabotage activities.

this is the first timeave learned that the gentlemen of the p. g. t. have recourse to those measures, but the great(may day.ive the impression that leaders like

gutierrez arc much beloved and the influence of the communists depends on their activity and their devotion to guiding the workers

and peasants.


1 believe that neither of the two things is true: the majority of cases involving commissionersnow of arise because they clash with the peasants and it is known that only some few peasants are communists. nderstand that the party which first issued publications pointing out what ceguage proposed in its program to do with the army was the p. g.t also appears that the communists have always saluted the pronouncements of the chief of the armed forces, as onarch.


oflace much trust in it, but it is proven that it is notould not cease to rely on the guardia civil and the guardia judicial, and rather what seems to be needed is better work in the three services.

ully appreciate the role of the Armyelieveould not have continued to govern if it had not been for ita aolid aupport. but, together with theeed all possible support from the patriotic, social and political forces. To govern 'solely and exclusively' with the Army--or rather with part of the Army--iS what dictators like Pcrex Jimenez. Somoza,o.


'16. That expression is not really mine,m not interested in formulating one of my own concerning the matter. an do ia make it very clearmommunist nore one in the future,m not. nore an where that leads.

'17. This question indeed looks as though it were posed in defense

of some who consider themselves sincere 'passiveut the truth is those who are being persecuted are vulgarsold out to the Fruit Company.

"IS. Our laws are so weak for the defense of the inatitutions. and

the conspirators take such pains to leave no evidence, that it ia impoaaible to do anything else, although when there is true evidence, it is done. It would be naive not to arrest those who are well known to be involved.

19. o not think that one should confuse with that the sincere request of some workers, peasants, and Btudents lhat they be given military instruction. Unless you have some concrete informationo not possess.

No people's Army is being formed, although it is true indeed that the workers and peasants who know well what they defend in this Regime are disposed to do anything. For its part, the Army may rest assured that, maintainingirm and clear position, lt enjoys sympathy and has no reason to fear the people. On two occaalons already popular elements have taken up arms, and It will be remembered that subsequently they have returned them ao that the Army could continue performing ita Constitutional function.


Si se slgue cenaecuentenente la pelftica naclonalinter-nacienal queeguide, lndudablemente tendremeaeye.

Hi el gebierne utilize caaa instrumenteiplanteade sunulacieri; el deeaetre dependeria de efectuar un cambie de palfticaee intere-

Sayecei'ceBraniBtae en dependenciess fi-cil cemprefcar que ne ee dedicanat, que ee le que ha vanide siempre diciende la prensa epesitora. En la Secretarfa General ne hay una se*le; en el aagisterie puede haber tedee les que Bean, perque nl el Escalaf'e'n ni ea libertad de decencia permiten dlscriminar per ese; en Diarie de Centroane'rica ne ee* que haya, pert lea que eacri-ben equivecadamente alii' ne sen ceaunistas.

En la Radie Nacienal, es cenocide su Directer cemo tal,es interesante que ha cuidade nucha de que la Radie na sea un media de prevecacien; hasta he quedade elna camflftana de radie extranjera. En el DAN hay varies cenunietae, pere sen preclsamente les mieue ne seee terratenienteso

Enas erganlzscienee deempeeinee el gebierne na tiene nada que ver, de ne ser que actuera ce ae lasegimenee fascistaa (Batista, tc)

Eencenveniente vulnerar lae garantlae ceneti-tucienalee en este eentide.

Se ha tratade de mederar eee vicie, en cuante exiete, per* tarapece puede cenfiar en "cuelquierue mu-chas vecee aimula'ndeee "apelftice" reeulta eabeteader.

a "unidad nacienalntendida cema la negacie'n de les grendes intereees antagenicee ne existe, per eeeaeguiree una pelftica de unidad nacienal de las fuerzaB demecra'ticas centra leaempafifas eapleta-derae.

Que diche artfcule ne necesita ninguna adaifUetraeie'R inter pretacie'n, que aquf neingifn partldo intei nacienal niue cualquier criterio para censiderarna de ellee pedrfa ser luegaedes.

Ya se ha diche per el Minietre de Gebemacirfn que lasnantendran el arden debidamente.

Eaeligreeeetae alturae que hay "pretei te aupueete de maniebraaay unatraidera dirigdda deede eljala" que el puebleeguirla deecubrtende, puee nueetree prepiee rfrganee de eeguridad neae primers Beria saber si el dlputado Mentenegre digee seg-unde es pensar que si nes lnvaden debeaese enemigee de dentreue actlvidadee de aabetaie

a la primers vez que elaes tnedies recurren lee ee fiereeere lae grandee demostraclenes (le. de Maye,an la impresie'n que dirigentee ceme Gutierrez sen auya influencia de las ceaunistas depende de suuam-pesines.

ree cue ninguna de lae des cesae es cierta: la nayer par-


Document No. 10

(From Arbenz' personal effects)

Letter to Arbenz dated' from Rogelio CRUZ Wer. Chief of the Guardia Civilefers to the activities of the delegation of Guatemalans to the recent Anti-Communist Congress held in Mexico City. States that CRUZ has suggested to theForeign Minister the advisability of immediately cancelling the visas of all members of the anti-Communist delegation from Guatemala, to prevent their return to Guatemala.





Sef.or President*!

Tengo el honor deon el propfiitto de hacer de su superior conocimlento que, con esta fecha envle al Despacho del Senor Mlnlstro de Releclones Exterlores, do recortes de los perl6dlcos Eluestro Dlarlo, -correspondlentes alel mes que hoy finalize, que sea propE-oonda subversiva que algunos guatemaltecos estan haclei.-u, con motlvo del congreso antlcomunista elec-tuado poraises enerlcanos en la Ciudad de MSxlco.

Pern! USndome aslmlsrao lnfomar al Senor Presldenteque, estaeneral ha sugerldo al titular de Rela-clones Exterlores, la convenlencla de cancelar lnxedlatame; te las visas de todos los que lntegran la delegaclon antic munista de Guatemala, ya que sue actividades losn piano que requlereara que no retornen al terrl torlo Naclonal.

Aprovecho la oportunldad para suicrlblme conons!deracl6n, _como sueal servldor.

Presldente de la Republica Palnclo Nacional.


Hinistro de Goberaacion#

Ministro de.

Panajachel 25

Pude entararme Gobsrnndorovecha actu eiaergenoio para rencirtfbriws contra emaflliadoaocusandolos dc Dntlcosunistas tar servioio Castillo Annas, como osta* haciendol traTorres, telegreflsta Jefe Comunlc3len haceos aflos Tien aotuando co cretario asuntos sociales PRG Penajachel* Torres ho querldo Inscrlblrse PAR tlene serla onemistad sonal con alcunosflliodoa tal per ^enes no mlden consecuenclas terriblesentaclo relativo estar servlcio Castillo Annas, iue no oa cierto, porque estoy posibilidad probe cho politicoada uno directives PRG Dep Antes nctuar ruegole no obstonte tener se daduen servlcio Tofcfcoc favor Gobiera

Document No. 12

(From personal papers of Alfonso Martinez)

Thisertificate, on stationery of the Party of Revolutionary Action (PAR) which reflects an early political connectioneading Communist and the man who later became the head of the National Agrarian Department (DAN) and who continued to hold that post as of the fall of the Arbenz regime. The document is signed by Jose Manuel Fortuny as Secretary General of the P. A. R. ; he later became (and is still) the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Guatemala (P. G. T. ). The document certifies that Alfonso Martinez (the above-cited Agrarian chief) was (asn active member of. and that he held the post of Delegate to the Electoral Boards in the Department of Solola.

Martinez'subsequent close association with Fortuny is well known.


P. A. R.


ilCRCTABIA Ot OB<MNltACIUN CoaJltO BJwotivo NlCionilC A.



Que el senorARTINEZ, ee niecbre activo de esta Entidad Pelitica ocua ndo en la actualldad el cargo de DK LEG ADO EN LAS VESA5 ELECTDRALES en el Uepartarento de SOLO LA. Lobiendo Inform ar por escrlto todas las actividades queo oodra desemue tar ninguan actividad extraordlnarin 9in orden escrlta wMtXtse

da de la Central.



Document No.From Arbenz1 personal effects)

Report datedirected to the Supreme Council of National Defense, submittedommission named to prepare the general lineslan for the reestablishment of control of the Militia of the Republic on the part of the National Army. Thefound that said control had been completely and deplorably loBt. and that immediate reestablishment thereof was of the most urgent necessity in view of the threat of invasion 'nl the inadequacy of the Army.



a Mayo-


e la Conlaloo nombreda para preparer loa llneaaientos generales da un Plan tanal reitebleolnlento dal oontrol da laa Mlllolaa -depublioa por part*e'roltoriel, tanaaoahonor da dar Quanta al Honorable Conaajo Superior oon al rafarldo oetudlo, an la forma elgulentei


El Conaajo Superior de la Defence Jfaolonel, enefeetuada ole loe0 hores, oonoolo de leraaentade por uno de loe nlembroe, qua ae relaolone oon le urgente nooeetded de lnieler una eoolonuldadoaa eonrga nlier en le forma deblda( laa nlllolae da leuyo oontrol deagreoledementa eat*e faohe.

Fl proplo Alto Cuerpo en piano, oonpenatrado dee lmportenole del probleneel oual aae aituaoion polftloa da la ipoeael noabranianto da una Coraleldn de au aeno, laoomo flnalldad preperer un flan Oenorel parede priotioes deeenereoldae oonnaolonalee, eunque oon lae rood If iceolonee

que ex!go el nuevo ordon de ooaea; ello oon el objeto de que: une veeonaolldadas les oplnlones queo lergo da le raferlda aoalon, ee ale Tare dloho Plen el Honorable Conaajo Superior por Inter" medio de leermanente, para dleoutirlo, pravle reunion dal Conaajo por oonvooetorla de eetaudlde. El Plen# ye eprobedo, en eu oeao- eerie puesto-an oonoolmlento, debldamente ergumentedo, del Senor Pro el dents de lee los dsmeo altos Jefas alea broe del del FJfroito Naolonal.

Da dloheon loa Jefes menolnnadoe, la quosolloltade por el Conaajo en pleno, eeldrlen lea 6rdenee pare que el Eatado Mayor del Ejeroito preparere-el plenetelledo que deberle ear pueato en praetioa lruaediataoante.


A partir del eftoea el tea eutorldedaa -del XJerolto Heolonal soeleyaron por oompleto el mentenl mlento da un CEKSO HILITAP, la OPOANIZACIOK de lee Mill?l CONTROL da las edemas. Por otrea leue trejo oonelgo el prlnolplo -el eatableolralento de un nuevo orden da lae Fuereas Arse das, ae deeouldft de llevar un Ceneo Militar edeouado da

lea mlllolea


Document No. 14

(From Arbenz' personal effects)

File of the Guatemalan Ministry of Foreign Relationsemorandum for the President in which he is specifically informed of open and decoded cables sent to (and from) Guatemalan diplomatic representatives in the United States. Central and South America. The cables,etlat denial of the U. S. State Department's charges regarding the origin of the notorious armsand they issue instructions regarding that Department's efforts to convoke an inter-American consultative conference in order to apply "the Dulles interventionist resolution and the Rio Treaty" to Guatemala, and urge efforts to thwart said designs.

, . , . officials only




Para el Ciudadano

Prealdente ConstItucional de la Republica

Ele la madrugada qued6uestraan Salvador, el cablegramaon las siguientes lnstrucciones:

1Dept.Estado respeoto material para egercl' reclbidos aqui proceden Folonla absolutamenteemala no ha gestlonado ni reolbido nunca material pari ejerolto procedente de Polonlaovletica ni ningi pais nencionado en declaraciones Dept.Estado. Debido r* terada negativa EstadosUnldos vender material paracito paraefensa Guatemala, se obtuvo en otro pals, en ejercioib legltimo de soberanla nacional Abstengase hacer declaraciones prensa haata recibir boletin llegara hoy".

Simul tan earn ente envie al Embajador Asturias el cifrado


omunique Cancilleria esa conceptosifiestele que gobierno EstadosUnldos pretextoerialpara el ejercito pretende reunir coneulta inters rioana fin intervener Guatemala aplioandoacas. Solicits apoyo."

Y como complemento del anterior mensaje, envie otroan Salvador, en los terminos siguientes:

eptPEstado sigue maniobrando reunion consult! Cancilleres para aplicar resolucionratadouatemala. Vislte Cancillerlapoyo".

Embajador Asturias conteato de la siguiente manera

"CIPRADO SanSalvadorutin entrevlsta sumamente cordial comunique Canesa oonc misao. Moatrose complacido porii'oxe crelnoperante EstadosUnldos usaran pretexto cc reunion interamericana.

A solicitud apoyo respondi6me estariamos en contaoto no tenia inforniacion al respeoto. Conversandoua dijome que previa consulta con Presidente El Sal* si fuere posible podria haoerse oargo asilados nuest? Embajada".

Ele MayoanSalvador el cable oon el b< fljando la postura del Gobierno en el asunto.

Y con respecto al caso de los asiladoal Eabajador Asturias, lo que sigue:



. Ayor hable Embajador ?unea rogando}

Jada Salvadorefta en Nicaragua hagase cargoin personal guatemalteoo pueda abandonar Managua llegara hoy explicara Presidente Osorio esa sltuaoit sedad asever.aolones sobre participacion Guatemala e: Honduras asi como relatives material para el ejerci reclbido"

officials only

officials only

Document No.From Arbenz' personal effect*)


Letter to "The Government of8rom the "Industrial and Technical Advisoryenoa. Italy, referring to "previousnd offering for sale airplanes,guns and rifles. The arms are said to be from an Italian an factory for which the Genoa firm acts as "exporter salesome of the arms (at least) would be shippedwedish port.

secretu. s. officials only

7. It is being said "very hush-hush" that there are two currents of opinion in Ruiz' cabinet: one in favor of the removal of Foreign Minister PADILLA Ncrvo. and one in favor of his retention. The one desiring his removal is Led by CARILLO Flores.

S. The very important work, "United States Againsty leidro Fabela, is about to be republished. Given the value of this book at the present time, could the Government allotr more quetzales for the purchase of the book? (Note: one quetzal is equal to one dollar U. S. )

( 9- mitted in original)

A student movement in favor of Guatemala is beingemonstrationeeting are being prepared. The Embassy has made some expenditures for these and other ends, but its funds are insufficient. um be alloted for these purposes? or should we abstain completely from these activities?

Unfortunately the Mexican press pays little heed to our constant rectifications. We make them daily, but little or nothing is published. We've adopted this policy in order to get some space for Guatemalan information.

A document of intellectuals, journalists, writers,e already being circulated for signatures in support of Guatemala.

The advisability of having. (General Confederation of Workers of Guatemala) call upon the (Mexican) Confederacion Revolucionaria de Trabajadores for an expression of solidarity with Guatemala. Similar action on the part of the Guatemalan Railroad workers' trade union (S. A. the Mexican Railroad workers* trade union. The Guatemalan peasant confederation should do the same.

General Lasaro Cardenas received me in his homeadn't visited him before, because he was away. He is much impressed by the problem of Guatemala and has every intention of aiding as much as possible. An audience with General Avila Camacho Is being arranged.

Mexican personalities from different walks of life should be invited to visit Guatemala. The correspondent of "Novedades" should be treated well; heery good fellow.

The visit made to don Romulo O'Farril, owner ofay possibly produce some results He gives evidence ofery good friend of ours.



ca nuestra causa;

^ecesidad de que el Gobiernc de Guatemala nonhrean Washington. 0Finiones ioJSJlaSw de" useacia de este funSionario en EE.UU. per-judi-

OTi ,fl-.A0 If Posibilicad de destacar ante los gobiernos dee?asaporl CJ ores oficiales, el pro^lema de Guatemala. Aproveche- el

-Lfn la Aa^ica eel Sur promueva unaon esos objetlvos. Si no se obtiene un si de aquellos Kobier--nos, por lo menoses neutraliza un tanto.osta Rica se JE-I

con Figueres tal ve? no ?ab?ia

rfoLdeclaraciones que iiizo, aun cuando su apoyo sea taa^eca-rio, si se hi so quxere deeir que fallan nuestras ap eciaciones;

onsiguen los buenos oficios de otros par-

ses aaigos. Hacer nucha enfasis en la Carta ae Bogota paraue SE.UU. quiere dar alPacto de Rio e demportante

e se nos ha hecho: que asiSJ^Sa S *Uadoel cooPlot international, a2 < flr> ^bea CNU ua documen-

ts eVu* se COnc"ten los pantoslftae que esta siondo oV-to, leue le propagandaoda laevo

i?noticio-es. Este docuaeatS tandria la virtud y lueSo, seria motive de pabllciSd?

ice' le felta ffiU'ha Prided de coutJa? Perfl contrarrestar la que se le hace en

lustres nexicanos, de granan "frecido, defpues de elfunas gestiones"

6rirSLaci^fcef6 CT &delafinde Mexico one con le Carte de Bogota-

-r evitBr la consuita que es este ^are eUo *P

'ie igJalmente conocer si esee hsria engenerales pare tratar la controversia con

COK en

l carso de la otra semens le Sociedsd Aniens



Document No. 14

(From Arbenz' personal effects)

File of the Guatemalan Ministry of Foreign Relationsemorandum for the President in which he is specifically informed of open and decoded cableB sent to (and from) Guatemalan diplomatic representativea in the United States, Central and South America. The cables,etlat denial of the U. S. State Department's charges regarding the origin of the notorious armsand they issue instructions regarding that Department's efforts to convoke an inter-American consultative conference in order to apply "the Dulles interventionist resolution and the Rio Treaty" to Guatemala, and urge efforts to thwart said designs.

Document No. 15

(From Arbens1 personal effects)

Letter to "The Government of8rom the "Industrial and Technical Advisoryenoa. Italy, referring to "previousnd offering for sale airplanes,guns and rifles. The arms are said to be from an Italian arr factory for which the Genoa firm acts as "exporter salesome of the arms (at least) would be shippedwedish port.


Document No. 16

(From Arbenz1 personal effects)

Decoded telegram, dated4 at Santiago, Chile from Arevalo to President Arbenz:

"32 President Ibanez invited me to lunch. We conversedfor two hours. My impression optimistic. Senate and Chamber of Deputies separately will hold special session defense Guatemala. People and parties are agitating in our favor. Imperialist press sole adversary. Cordially.


.InAnstrial and (


* Guatteala City

HMpaat oi iiuaiin m


SirB 'Baf. t0 our provlouo correa pond Mice we bee tc ofier i

eroplanes DC6 Series IS Enginehltney zrtlrfraoa doneHours

2)Conaolidated vultatees Convalr


3 frestily overhauled

If the piwee interest youlet us

4)Wo ofier furthermore tofflins aeroplanes and Riderst*li for which wo do export

Would ouch planes and gliders intereste offer

stock Italian arc's factory for which we are tho export

ubdchlneroduced in excess for large orders for

Geraan border police

Price CJP 5 - For the lot0 .

If this lot interests you we shallls -

Wo ofier xo produce tie sine weapon ln any aaount-atOB

do rifles Kauoor Carbines2 with baionet ,v OB

Supply frcm Swedish port but sale through Italian nro'u factoi we act as exporter siies delegatesInspection inooo rifles Swedish. eajority new, rent raised ?hese carbines are with looo roundseach .


Supply fron Sweden

Seller the Italian Arm's factory as mentioned ibove .


Yours faitniull.


M'UII" M Will""'


uerido amigo:

Aprovecho el viaje del Emba^ador Coronel Alberto Funes, para envlarle estas lineas que le llevan untento soludo asi* como mis metres votos por su ventura personal.

Recientemente tuvlmos con el amigo 5unes, en pre-sencia del Canciller Guillermo Torlello, una cordial entrevis-ta sobre los ingentes probleiasspecialmen-te los quea situaci6n, artiflcialmente creada, en Centro America. Le he pedido al Coronel Punes se sirvasted, mi querido amigo, los pantos de vista que sostier mi Goblerno sobre este delioado asunto. Le heuo repito con agrado, que la posicion aaumida por oated conuatemala, no solo has fran-camentemlstosa, sino que la he calificado de extraordinaria.

La llamo asi porque en este momento en que otros Gobiernos cantroamericanos han totrado actitudes hostiles rovocadoras contra mi pais, Usted ha declarado una neutrallda absolute que, edemas de exemplar, es prueba de una franca amis tad hacia Guatemala en nombre de cuyooblerno lexpreso nuestra profunda gratitud.

de esos sentimientossuyos, le he sollcitadi

al sefior Embajador Funes que le exponga el deseo de mi Goblerm de mantener inalterable nuestras relaciones de amistad tambiei con el Gobierno de la hermana Republica deue pien; que el mejor camino para fortalecer esos lazos amlstosos serla

que usted



Document No.From Arbenz' personal effects)

Memorandum of the Secretariat of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Honduras,4 at Tegucigalpa, addressed to Guillermo Toriello, Guatemalan Foreign Minister. Essence: Honduras declines to sign Pact of Friendship and Non-Aggression (requested by Guatemala) on grounds that existing pacts (specifically cited)ull "guarantee of our cordial relations. " The signingew pact would cause concern on the part of other Central Ame rican Re publics.





untilit timuTtiiiinuim M

Secretaria de Relaclonon Exteriores de la Kecublica de Honduras

e Junio


exce1ektisim0 sesor ministro:

Tengo el honor dea atenta propuesta de Vues-tra Excelencla, contenida en au mensaje cablegxafico fechado el 27

mayoormulada en los 3iguientes terminos:

enfatica de nuestra politica de no lntervencion, ml Gobierno ae honra enel llustrado Gobierno de Vuestra Excelencla. de manerabstante la existencia del Tratado Multilateral Antibellco de NoRio delgente entre nuestros doe paises, la conve-niencia de la firms inmediata de un Pacto deontreonduras, con el objeto de ciaentar fuertemente laalejar toda zozobraestrasor diales relaeiones."

Permitame Vuestra Excelencla, como punto general de esta

respuesta, que tomee agrade2ca, en nombre de mi Goblerno, laue se sirve hacer en el preambulo de su propuesta, de la politica de Guatemala encarainada, segun se expresa, al mayor eatrochamiento de la cordiala completeor el Gobierno hondurefio. ste respecto tengo el honor del vez, lae Honduras de no intervenir, niolectlvamente, en los asuntosxternos de los demas palses. Esta poslci6n, que constitute la base de su politica lntei naoional, la observe mi Gobierno de maneraon el celo

excelsstisimo sesor licenciado guillerko toriello gap.rido.



u.s. officials only

telegram a

^ojSfi^^ da Chile,



32. Presldente IbSftei Invlt&me almorsar. Conversamos dos ia optimists. Senado yCtaar.eslon especial defensa Guatemala. favor. Prensa Imperialista unlco adversario. Cordialmente.





Document No. 17

(From Arbens' personal effects)

Thislind memorandum,4 at Guatemala, containing notesonversation withilly*') Torlello, Guatemalan Foreign Minister. The writer has special knowledge of Mexican governmental affairs, and of Guatemalan diplomatic relations with Mexico. (The writer may be former Guatemalan Consul in Mexico. Manuel PINTO Uaaga. ) Some of the points noted in the memorandum are:

Need for prompt appointment of Guatemalan Ambassador to Washington. Important Mexican opinions indicate absence of same hurts our cause.

Possibility of assigning special emissaries to Latin Ame rican governments to explain Guatemalan problem. Use Arcvalo's prestige along these lines. If full support of these governments is not won. at least they will be neutralised somewhat Ifhad been sent to Costa Rica to talk to Figueres perhaps he would not have made the statements he made, even though his support is "precarious."

A distinguished and important Mexican has suggested that we should see if we can obtain the "good offices" of other friendly countries. Much emphasis should be placed on the Bogota Chartei to avoid the malicious interpretation which. wants to give to the Rio Pact.

Guatemala shouldocument to the UN. setting forth

its views in the face of the aggression to which it is being subject* the twisted character of U. S. propaganda, and all the evilof the news agencies. Guatemala should not leave the publici field to its enemies.

Distinguished Mexicans who have the ear of President Ruiz, have offered lo suggest to him the advisability of Mexico's friend] mediation--in keeping with the Bogotaiew to avoiding the consultative conference which is being promoted. *

The Society of Friends of Guatemala will shortly publish an important document.


It it being said "very hush-hush" that there are two currents of opinion in Ruiz' cabinet: one in favor of the removal of Foreign Minister PADILLA Nervo. and one in favor of his retention. The one desiring his removal is led by CARILLO Flores.

The very important work. "United States Againsty Isidro Fabela. is about to be republished. Given the value of this book at the present time, could the Government allotr more quetzales for the purchase of the book?ne quetzal is equal to one. )

( 9. mitted in original)

A student movement in favor of Guatemala is beingemonstrationeeting are being prepared. The Embassy has made some expenditures for these and other ends, but its funds are insufficient. um be alloted for these purposes? or should we abstain completely from these activities?

Unfortunately the Mexican press pays little heed to our constant rectifications. We make them daily, but little or nothing is published. We've adopted this policy in order to get some space for Guatemalan information.

A document of intellectuals. Journalists, writers,a already being circulated for signatures in support of Guatemala.

The advisability of having. (General Confede ration of Workers of Guatemala) call upon the (Mexican) Confederacion Revolucionaria de Trabajadores for an expression of solidarity with Guatemala. Similar action on the part of the Guatemalan Railroad workers' trade union (S. A. the Mexican Railroad workers' trade union. The Guatemalan peasant confederation should do the same.

General Lazaro Cardenas received me in his homeadn't visited him before, because he was away. He is much impressed by the problem of Guatemala and has every intention of aiding as much as possible. An audience with General Avila Camacho is being arranged.

Mexican personalities from different walks of life should be invited to visit Guatemala. The correspondent of "Novedades" should be treated well; heery good fellow.

The visit made to don Romulo O'Farril, owner ofay possibly produce some results - He gives evidence ofery good friend of ours.



ecesidad de que el Goblerno de Guatemalaorto plazo au Embajedor en Washington. Opiniones iDpor^antes de Me_ xdco indlcan que la ausencia ie este funcionario en EE.UU. perjudi ca nuestra causa;

osibllidad de destacar ante los gobiernos de Aaeri ce emisarios especiales paraesapor-tantes sectores oficiales, el problems de Guatemala, Aprovecher el prestigio de Arevalo para qae en la America ael Sar pronueva una gaa ti6n con esos objetivos. Si no se obtiene un si de aquellospor lo menos se les neutralize un tanto.osta Ricalguien paracon Figuerea tal vez no habria hecho laa declaraciones que hizo, aun cuando su apoyo sea tan preca-rioi si se hizc quiere decir que fallen nuestras ap eciaclonesj

er si se consiguer. los buenos oflcios de otrosaxigcs. Hacer nucho enfasis en la Carta ce Bogota para evitar la maliciosaue EE.UU. quiere dar al Pacto de Rio.sugercncia es deicportante mexlcano);

Otra augerencia que se nos ha hecho: que asl como Guatemala denunci6 al mundo entero el cooplot internacional,ste que se estaonocer, debea OKU un docuaen-to -en via informativa oficial- en ;jue so concreten los puntoa de vista ae Guatemalaade que est6 siendoe le propagandaoda la accid"de las ao-encineEste documento tendria la virtud de laeuego, seria notivo de publicidad. Al problema de Guatemala, se nos dice, le felte mucha publicidad de parte de nuestro gobierno para contrarrestar la que ze le hace en contra;

lustres cexicenos, de granuy escucha-dos per Ruiz Cortlnez, han ofrecido, despues de elgunas gestiones, acercerse al Preaidente con el objeto de plantearle le convenlencia deediacifin ai_istose de Mexico ono con ls Carta dein de evitar la consulta que ee esta pronoviendo. Para ello se necesita conocer si Guatemala acepteriamlstosa de degualaente conocer si esa mediacifin se haria en termini muy generales pare tratar la controversia con EE.UU.

n el curso de la otra sexana la Socledad Amlgos de Guatemala eaitira un ioportante documento. (La apatlo de equella pa rece que es reflojo de le cosa oficial);

Muy "soto voce" se dice que en el gsblnete dehay dos corrientes: la una propugna per la salidsd delPodillea otra porque se mantenge. La orimerapor Carrillo Flores, Mlniatro de

a importsntislraa obre de Isidro Fabela: COW

?RAESTAD" esta por reeditarse. Dado el valor dee

el comento actual, tpodria el gobierno destinar unos para la compro del libro?


Document No. 18

(From Arbens' personal effects)

Memorandum on stationery of the Guatemalan'Ministry of Foreign Relations, undated, addressed to "Distinguished and dear friend. " Typed initials at bottom of page two are "G. T. " Internal evidence indicates that this was written by Guillermo Toriello. Guatemalan Foreign Minister, apparently to the President of El Salvador, and that it was to be carried by Salvadoran Ambassador to Guatemala. Colonel Jose Alberto Funes. The author thanks the intended recipient for the "absolute neutrality" which the latter's country has declared, in contrast to the hostile and provocative attitude of other Central American Governments The author asks the intended recipient lo use his "good offices" in inducing Honduras to eliminate the "provocations" effected by Guatemalan emigres in Honduras "with the knowledge and patience of the Government of that friendly


Document No. 20

(Fromersonal effects)

A memorandum from Guillermo Toriello. Guatemalan Foreign Minister, to Augusto Charnaud MacDonald. Minister of Government, sent via Arbenz. dated

The memorandum cites three examples of acts of brutality on the part of the Guatemalan police, committed against "honest and respectablend further states that Minister Toriello has been informed of "many other similar cases. " Toriello wrote, Buch acts "will gravely prejudice the prestige and good name of the Government and the Revolution In addition, he wrote that such acts would be exaggerated and capitalized on by the enemies of Guatemala to portray the governmentbrutalnd that such acts add to the intranquility of the Guatemalan people.

Toriello also states,an of theespect the necessity of applying the law, as strongly as possible, against subversivesannot be in accord with acts of this nature, contrary to our laws and counter-productive in their effects on the defense of the Government and the Revolution. " "Besides, in my capacityember of theonsider this action entirely unfavorable to the Government, os much so internally as externally."




de IRelaciones Cxteriores

da Junio

ido de loa atropelloae Guatemala ciudadanos honradoa y

Lal prestigio de Guatemala fuera de sus fronteras han sido alcanzados por el respeto que nuestraa mantenldo siempre por las normasos dereohos humanoa.

Entre los cases de que he tenldo oonoolmiento personal, estan los siguientes;

El oludadano Julio Ocheita, despues de haberordenada su libertad por el Jefe de la Guardia Judicial, 'regres6 al Primerecoger sus efeotosn esae le apalefi brutalmente antes de ponerlo llbre.

La casa del Doctor kario de la Cerda fue cateada equivocadaraente oon despliegue derutalidad, llegan-dosemenazar cor.inos menores de dlez aflos. Cuandoa casa la madre de los nifios rotest6 por el tratamlentostos, se le atnenazfi con golpearla.

Con despliegue inneoesario de fuerza seuncionarios de la Aloaldia Municipal, en tal forma queel Ciudadano Presidente de la Repiiblica hubo deedido del Aloalde.

Se me ha informado de otros muohos casos similares

que no

fcr Llcenciado Augusto Charnaud UacDonald, lstro de Gobernaci6n.

Palaolo Nacional.


Document No. 21

(From the Ministry oi Government)

Rough draft of two telegrams, dated4 (the day after the Army of Liberation enteredoncerning theof support for the National Army on the part of the coalition of pro-Arbenz political'"National DemocraticCommunists and pro-Communists figure prominently in thehe first message is directed to units of the Front in various Departments (provinces) of Guatemala. It urges that members thereof get in touch with the Departmental Governor who will give them the line of the National Democratic Front. The second message, addressed to variousGovernors by the Minister of Government, instructs them to call immediately the local Democratic Front and instruct them to go to the Zone Chief in their area and giveist of affiliates who have performed (military) service arid who are of absolute revolutionary security. They should also provide him with thef elements who can render effective service to the Army, and who are likewise politically trustworthy. As many people as possible should be made available. Sectarianism should be avoided. Preference should be given to the better elements of the parties. Those who are suspected in their own parties should not be admitted Results should be reported to the Minister of Government.

officials only


rktlco Naclonal. rto Gonzalez Juarez

i DamocrAtlco Departamental .a, Zacapa

3ernardo Alvarado Monzbn

^toa^foStMto Ooberoador.qulen traamitiralea diapoalclcn Prente

Castillo Florea

Manual Gutierrez,

Augueto Charnaud Mac Donald


a,Zacapa,Ituetxaltanango.Suchltapequer,San Marcos

reclba ursentemente frente deoocr'atlco esa, con objeto lndlcarles: tese Jefe Zona Jurlsdicol6n, proporcionandole llstaa afllladoa que prestadoue sean de absoluta segurldad rwvolucionarla, mo ol nanbre de elementos que pueden prostar eflcaces sorvlclosue sean de insospechablo flltacione ^arti_ be darae cl savor nunoro poslble,sinando preferon los me'ores clenontos de los partldoa. Los quo en proplos partldos dosos no deben aer admltldos. Infortieno resultadcs.

L c. Augusto Charnaudlstro de Gobernacion.

-seefrETu.s. officials only

Document No. 22

(From the Ministry of Government)

This documentollection of telegrams concerning the participation of the organized peasantsed by the pro-Coinmunist Leonardo CASTILLO Florca, in the defense of the Arbenz regime under the banner of "defense of national sovereignty,"

In summary, the messageseflect the following actions in various localities:

the peasants are "organized militarily"

arms are requested for use in driving out "the invaders"

airfields which CASTILLO Armas forces might use have been destroyed

peasants with previous military service have been identified and are available to (he Arbenz forces

the Chief of the Armed Forces. Carlos E. Diaz, expresses his gratitude for CNCG cooperation with the National

the news of Arbenz1 resignation is received with shocked disbelief and clarification is requested

This document consists of two telegrams concerning the shooting down of Chilean pilots by pro-Arbens forces who later regretted their

The top message, dateds addressed to the Minister of Government by the Governor of Escuintla. He advises that the crew of the plane shot down at the San Jose Base, who are under treatment in the local unit of the IGSS (Instituto Guatemalteco de Segurldad Social--Guatemalan Institute of Social Seay that they are Chileans. They lack identification documents. Some odd papers of possible importance were found in their pockets. These papers are being sent to the Guardia Judicial.

The bottom message, dateds addressedNCG leader at Puerto San Jose to the head of the CNCG, Leonardo CASTILLO Flores. It expresses the regret of all the peasants over the "lamentable accident" regarding the Chileanepublic identified with our struggle."


nforirjole trlpulantes avion derrlbado 3ase San Josfi.encuentranse bajo tratamlento en el IGSS de 6sta,dlcen ser cnllenos.carecen docunen-os idanciflcacl6nJencnntroseies bolsillos papeies raros que .pueden co-aer importancia,los cua.lee estoy enviando conuardia judicial ^espetuoso.

Terenclo Guillen Corletn Gofcernadnr Deptal

Original document.

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