Created: 8/12/1954

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hia MBC program, -Heart of tbo. lMt'nigbt,

Henry Caseidy discussed ths story of Dr. Otto John. Mr. Cassldyfly at the start of the prograa, mentioning that thla vaa theiron Dr. John and that lt vaa probably their last. He described

the press conference in Bast Berlin and said, "Dr. John looked veil

and In full command of bis faculties." Mr. Caosidy then read tbe wire reports that Dr. John had said that "on his recent trip to Washington, where bewith Allen Dulles, chief of the Central Intelligence Agency, be gathered that out of the hysterical fear In the United States another war ls being prepared and that the German people would suffer moat froa thia war." Mr. Cassldy then introduced Arthur Barrlaolt, speaking from Washington.

Mr. Barrlault said in part; "Washington la trying hard to ignore" the statements made by Dr. Otto John at his press conference. "Such statements can bo called 'sheer Soviet propaganda', as they are being called by Americanhose who caae to know John" on his recent visit to the capital "believe he is acting under duress, under Red influence, the victia of brainwashing." They have no proof of this, but they believe it,

Hr. Barrlault continued, "Today weew statement from Allen Dulles. Hr. Dulles and hie colleagues are not given to publicr. Dulles said, 'It's the straight Communist party linej it's sheer Soviet propaganda.' "The original theory in intelligence circles lo Washington was that John was drugged" and taken to East Berlin. Government officlale insist that while John was in Washington "ha vms given oo secret Information; be did not make too good an Impression on our personnel*"

Mr. Barrlault also atated that Congress le restless and la feelingbecause "huge suns are appropriated far CIA and tbe Agencybehind the scenes." Be also said that "intelligencean who accepted our hospitality In February, and fivewaa describing his visit to tbe

Mr. Cassldy next called on Robert McCormlck, speaking frcm Berlin. Mr. Caaeidy described Mr. HcComlcklose personal friend of Dr. John, but Mr. McCormlck referred in hia broadcast to tbe "eeveral occasions onave mot him," Mr. McCormlck described Dr. John as "carried away by bis bighich included Wilfred Burchett, correspondent for tbo London DAILY WORKER. Mr. McCormlck stated that there was "no evidence that John waa tortured, drugged, beaten, ore seemed to apeak withfter the question period, John cans down into the audience and "shook hands with hia old friends; Re seesied absolutely ate spoke with deep conviction and sincerity. He believes that tbe course he chose is the proper one."

Mr. Cassldy then turned to other aspects of the day'a newe.

Original document.

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