Created: 1/6/1955

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1. SiPgestedor Latin Arceriear.ojld be overtArtotuataniJan as den cmsten by his request for Swiss passport* This isfine situation which hts new ccne to Liajftta Artenz never did considerrhstaralsn bat was in fact at all, even in his ownoreigner. For thtleat many of the other top Conrainist leaders In Guatenela, who for years have posed asuatemalan patriots, are well known tc have ^eents of varices foreign nitlonalitles. (It aright be veil to list the namanber ofwho we have pond reason to believe were or are foreigners,*

fline for roar consideration for use in Europescre-whrt as follows! If asaw cVims he is not intending tothe Iron Curtain, this ia probably becauseeversal ofby Moscow ir. lUht of all the recent adverse publicitynlarr vhich here caused Yoscow to conclude thit Srcens is too hotforline world be for cur iecia as distinguished

fron official outlets since it ii speculative and terdentious.

3. Discuss with Mr, Leddy with probable follow-up discussion withHlggs and soncone from Mr. 'ierchantfs office the dcsirsbility of making avilablo to the Swiss Government, through ourertain anoint of documentary inforeialion concerning Arben; and the record of hie in Ouaterula. Suggested decu-emts: (a) the "err ten report an Coanuniet penetration oferiea, (b) the dispatch fron the British legation in Guatenala City which constitutes the first ilen initish Foreign Office While Paper. It wouldad nist-ike, in >ny ooinion, for ua to sit on our hands whileuccessfully rehabilitates himselfltrerland and dr?ws about himself thefrtyr and victijii. cynical intrigue. Also in thiF sane connection, considerof Flanew stories in European novspapers apt to be road in Switzerland concerning the bloody record of tyranny under Arbenz in Cuslenala,ewtoEr^rhf. Also wrap 'Jp inh stories alleged verbntlr. accusations against Arbens on the part of other disgruntled confederates, 'or exaaole Mar tines. Ho we have any newspaper contacts in Switzerland as such which could be safely approached inonnection? If not, do we havecontacts who could act as non-American cutcite for bringing rsaterial of this kind to the sttension of Swissd editors.

Original document.

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