Created: 6/6/1955

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.' Authorised

AssistantPages -


_ 9


Office of Research and Reports CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY



This report covers those plants in Economic Region XII of the USSR which produce coke, pig iron, steel ingots, ateel castings, or other types of finished steel.

Although Region XII accounted for lessercent of the production of steel and finished steel in the USSRhia production, because of the strategic location of Region XII, is significant in the Soviet steel induatry.

The primary intelligence value of this report lies in the basic evaluation of plant capacity of Region XIIontribution to the capabilities of the USSRnd particularly of the Soviet Far East -in the production of metallurgical coke, pig iron, and steel products. Regional production estimates of the Soviet iron and steel industry arc also usefulheck on Soviet official statistics

This report is oneeries of regional provisional reports that Will provide basic research dataomprehensive study which is to be made on the iron and steel industry of the USSR.






II. Amurstal Metallurgical

Amur Shipyard No.

Motor Vehicle Repair Plant/Dal'stroy at Magadan . . Orotukan Steel Foundry

VI. Suchan Coke Plant

VII. Vladivostok Shipyard imeni Voroshilov

VIII. Raychikhinsk Mining Equipment Repair

Appendix A. Plant Summary Tables

Appendix B. Methodology

Appendix C. Gaps in Intelligence

Appendix D. Source References

9 41


of Coke, Total Steel, and Finished Steel

in Economic Region XII of the USSR,4 . . .

Inputs of Raw Materials at thc Amurstal

Metallurgical Works,4 . . .


of Total Steel and Finished Iron and Steel

at thc Amurstal Metallurgical4

Shipments of Rolled Steel from the Amurstal

Metallurgical Works,4

Plan of the Amurstal Metallurgical Works,

First Quarter,

and Capacity of the Amurstal Metallurgical

. . . .

and Capacity of thc Amur Shipyard No.,

and Capacity of the Motor Vehicle Repair

Plant/Dal'stroy at Magadan,4

and Capacity of thc Orotukan Steel


and Capacity of the Suchan Coke Plant,

and Capacity of the Vladivostok Shipyard

imeni Voloshilov,4

and Capacity of thc Raychikhinsk Mining

Equipment Repair Shop, . .

- vi -





Although thc iron and steel industry of Economic Region XII,he Far East, produces lessercent of the total steel produced in the USSR, the industry is significant because it provides apart of thc steel requirements of an area more thanilesajor steel production center, Stalinsk, in Economic Region IX.

4 the steel industry in Region XII producedetricf0 tons of coke, and no pig. iron. Estimated production of finished steel in the region4ons, of0 tons were steel castings.

There arc sevenroducing facilities in thc region. The principal plant, the only one with rolling mill facilities, is Amurstal, in Komsomol'sk. 4 thc Amurstal plantons ofercent of4 output of Region XII.

Thc Amurstal plant, originally designedully integrated operation with more than twice4 capacity, has not beenwith coking facilities and blast furnaces, and it draws itsof pig iron from Magnitogorsk, Stalinsk, and Manchuria.

* The estimates and conclusions contained in this report represent thc best judgment of ORR as

** The term region in this rcporl refers to the economic regionsand numbered on CIA1 (First, USSR: Economic Regions.

Throughout this rcporl. innn.iyes arc given in metric ions.

Failurerovide hoi metal facilities for Amurstal probably resultedeappraisal of local iron ore deposits, indicating inadequate reserves of ore of suitable quality. No specific plans for further expansion are known,radual buildup would seem probable. ajor expansion would logically await the development of adequate supplies of iron ore and of additional requirements by the stccl-consuming industries of the region.

I. Introduction.

Although the iron and steel industry of Economic Region XII

accounts for lessercent of tbe total Soviet production of

steel, it is important by virtue of its strategic location. Situated

moreiles from the nearest integrated steel plant,

in Stalinak, Region XII has developed during the pastears a

small industryignificant part of the steel requirements

of thc area, i

Original plansuch larger, fully integrated steel industry. These plans were not fulfilled. Chief among the deterring factors, probably, was the lack of an adequate iron ore base. There are two iron ore deposits, Nikolayevsk, with anillion-Ion reserve ofoercent ironnd Maly Khingan, with quartzitc ores (similar to taconites) ofoercent iron content. 2/ The Nikolayevsk deposit would support an annual production of pig iron of 1tons for onlyears. The Khingan ores require special

handling, which wouldery high-cost operation. Thus, although coking coal is available, it appears more economical for this area to draw most of its requirements for pig iron from

Manchuria and from Regions VIII and IX of thc USSR.

* For serially numbered source references, see Appendix D.

Production of steel is concentrated mainly in Khabarovskercent of thc regional total is produced at thc Amurstal Metallurgical Plant. The remainder of thc steel is produced in foundries of manufacturing plants, mainly in Magadan Oblast.

Finished steel is produced by the industry of Region XII only in the forms of plates, sheets, tinplate. forgings, and castings. Although it is not clear lhal thc output of thcac products isfor regional requirements, plates and sheets arc nevertheless known to have been shipped out of the region. Most of thishowever, is consumed by local industrieslates, sheets, castings, and forgings by the shipyards and machine building plants in Komsomol'sk. Vladivostok, and Khabarovsk, and tinplate by the fish and vegetable canning industry. On the other hand, substantially all requirements for bars, wire, pipe, structural shapes, and rails must be obtained from other regions.

Production of coke, steel, and finished steel in Economic Region XII.s shown in

II. Amurstal Metallurgical Works.


A. Location.

, Komsomol'sk, Khabarovsk Kray, par East.

The plant is located at the southern outskirts of the city on thc Amur River. 3/

B. History and Development.

Based on the assumption that coal from the Bureya basin, iron ore from the Nikolayevsk and Khingan deposits, and manganese and essential nonmctallics from nearby sources would provide the necessary raw materialarge, fully integrated steel plant

ollows on p. 4.

Table 1

Production of Coke, Total Steel, and Finished Steel in Economic Region XII of the USSR4

Thousand Metric Tons

Total Steel Finished Steel


Metallurgical WorksShipyard

Magadan Oblast

Motor Vehicle Repair Plant/

Dal'stroy at

Orotukan Steel

Primorskiy Kray

Suchan Coke


Amur Oblast




. 2

. 8


. 5

No pi" inn: is prodegion XI:.

- 4 -

was planned/ Production was to bcons each of pig lron and steel. Inarge coke-chemical plant and the rolling facilities toons of rolled steel products annually were planned. 5/

Construction began The first open hearth went into production2 and the second shortly thereafter. 6/ most of the buildings were completed, and total facilities installed were two open-hearthloomingedium plateight plateheetcrapefractory shop,oundry. 7/

By the end4 the original plansully integrated plant had not been realized. No coke-chemical facilities or blast furnaces have been installed, and the steelmaking and finishing capacty provided is less than half that initially planned. Although construction continues at the plant, it appears to be limited to an expansion of tinplate capacity and to the provision of housing and other community facilities.

C. Plant Investment.

8 until the endillion ,bles were invested in the plant. 8/ Estimated capital investments in the Amurstal plant by year were as

Year Thousand. Ruble;

mall portion of the total investment duringears appears to have been devoted to thc production facilities of the plant. arge part of the investment went for public

- 5

ommunal outdoor sewageread plant, winter cost rise, housing,ying-in home,ursery. The only improvements of the plant production facilities known to have taken place in this period have been an expansion of thc tinplate mill, installationorge and boiler shop, construction of an oil warehouse, and improvements to the rail transport system.

D. Raw Materials and Other Inputs,

Major inputs of raw materials into the AmurstalWorks4 are shown in Table 2.

Table 2

Major Inputs of Raw Materials at the Amurstal Metallurgical4

Metric Tons

- Iron Ore g/ Pig Oil


0 Jj>/



on anpercent ore addition to the open hearth.

on steel production minus pig iron charged.

C BaseOonsumptionkilogram5 (kg) per ton of open-hearth steel.

d. Reduced consumption of fuel oil waseflection of the drive to cut fuel costs and partly the resultigher scvap-to-pig iron ratio.

Iron ore used as iced ore for the open-hearth furnaces is obtained from Nikolayevsk. Dolomite is supplied by the Pctrovsk-Zabaykal'sk Metallurgical Plan! from the pit at thc Tarubuk Deposit. Limestone comes from the Londok Quarry.

6 -


Principal sources of pig iron are Magnitogorsk, Stalinsk, and Manchuria. Manchuriaonsonsnd anons 9ig iron requirements were approximatelyercent of the 3teel production but dropped toercentreater availability of scrap.

Most of the fuel requirements come from Vannovka and Dzcmgi. some from Cur'yev and Theinventory of raw and alloying materials was on hand ae of:

Metric Tons


Conversion iron

Cast iron

Specular cast


, Iron



Magnesite powder


E. Coking Facilities.

The plant has no coking facilities

F. [ronmaking Facilities.

Although the plant has no facilities for producing pig iron.

there cas

moiougn tne pian: nas no lacilities for producing pig iror rehich melted anonsron The estimate is basedpercent yield from poured melal to finished iron castings. 4 Plan called forons of finished iron castings.

G. Steelmaking Facilities.

As ofteelmaking facilities at Amurstalil-fired.on, open-hearthhich were installed Total sleel produced (in metric tons) in selected years4as as follows;

- 4 .


In spite of the investments reported to have been made in this plant duringeriod, there is no evidence that steelmaking facilities arc being expanded. It appears that through greater efficiency in operation and the use of improved refractory materials, production has been approaching the rated capacity of the furnaces, whichons annually.

H- Finishing Facilities.

Reports of finished steel tonnages and production plans indicate that the linisning facilities of ihc plan! consist ofedium plalcight plateheetot-dip tinplateteel foundry, an iron foundry,orge and stamping shop.

On thc basis of produciion plans, it is estimated that the various finishing mills have the following annual capacities:

Metric Tons

Medium plate

Light plate000



All finishing facilities except the tinplate mill have been operating The date of installation of the tinplate mill is unknown, but4 it was being expanded to an annual capacity

I - Intraplant Services.

Electric power is suppliedilowatt-capacity power plant located in The water supply is piped from the Amur

Rail transportation is provided by spur lines of the Khabarovsk-Komsomol'sk line of the Far East Railroad System. Additional transportation on the Amur River is availableonths of thc

J. Products and producti

lan for gross production from Amurstal'--

tne pian waa not being met. According to detailedon thc basisons of commercial rolled steel thc plant wouldross production* value of

* Gross productionlant includes all commercial production and. in addition, any increase or decrease in the value ofproduction (work-in-process) since the previous accounting period. The value of unfinished production may vary from one period to another according to changes in the amounts of inputs into work-in-process as compared to the value of finished goods taken out of

illionillion in lhe firstommercial production* valueillionillion in the first

In Some periods the commercial production at Amurstal may exceed thc value of gross. Toreakdown of production values (in million rubles) for the second quarter4 is shown as:

May June

Gross 0 2

Commercial production 8 9 1

Contrasted to4 planned commercial productionillion rubles arc the planned cost figures for all commercial production of the plantillion rubles.

* Commercial production is the output which has been completediven accounting period and is ready for shipment outside theof the plant. The general categories of output included inproduction are as follows:

iscellaneous products completed.

Waiier. sleam power, maintenance, and other services

providedrhe shops of the plant (or outside consumption.

and services produced by the plant for its own capital

construction and repair

From Ihc ruble values of commercial production and costs of commercial production planned, it seems probable that Amurstal operatedossillion rubles during Although Ihc planned value of commercial production was basedons of rolled steel, it is not clear whether this value included only rolled steel or all commercial production. Thc plant also produces iron and steel castings and refractory bricks. It may be that the sale of these items would bring thc yearly receipts In line with the -costs. On the other hand, prices of finished 3tcel products are thought to bc standard for all regions of the USSR, and it is probablemall, nonintegratcd plant like Amurstal would have higher costs than the average of the industry.* These costs would be justified very considerably by the alternative of transporting steel productsiles from Stalinsk, the nearest integrated steel producer, and from smaller installations located in Economic Region XI. East Siberia.

Production of steel and finished iron and steel at the Amuralal Metallurgical Works4 is shown in*

On the basisS Bureau of Labor Statistics survey of prices paid on the market inomparable tonnage of plates, sheets, and tinplate produced in the US would havearket value.

hows that4 the Amurstal plant produced anons of rolled steelons more than the planned productionons. On the basis of the planned productionommercial valueillion rubles, the actual production wouldommercial valueillion rubles. uble-to-dollar ratio6 it obtained. This figure must be accepted with caution; the output of each product

* Evidence indicatesubsidyillion rubles4 for the Irkutsk Heavy Machine Building Plant (or unprofitable items. This plantmall steel producer, and

ollows on

category is cslitnated, and little is known of the sizes and finishes produced within the categories. The US prices used, consequently, may not be precisely applicable to the items actually produced.

K. Distribution of Products.

shipments of rolled steel from the Amurstal Metallurgical Works4 are shown in Table 4.

Table 4

Shipments of Rolled Steel from the Amurstal Metallurgical4




ndicates an average monthly shipmentons of rolled steel products with an average carload ofons. Extending the monthly average foronths gives an estimateons shipped

The estimate ofons of rolled steel shippedifference ofons when compared with the4 production of rolled steel. Assuming both estimates to be correct,0 tons could be accounted for in manufactured items and steel used in capital construction and repair.



murstal provided rolled steel for the following ministries and directoratescrrou* Metallurgy, Coal Industry, Oil Industry, Shipbuilding, Agriculture. Internal Affairs, Transport Fleet, Fish Industry, Armed Forces, Irkutsk Metal Warehouse of the Chief Directorate of Metal Pales, and the Chief Directorate of City Construction.

Available evidence indicates that the recipients of rolled steel produced at Amurstal remained the sameotable exception was that in each of these years rolled steel was shipped to Communist

murstalons of platesons, of sheets to Communist '

3 thc plant was behind in its shipments to Communist China. Undcrshipments in the second and third quarters3 amounted to more Asndershipment on orders for export (presumably to Communist China)ons, and the order for export in December called forons. In December the plant shipped against theseotal of4 the plant continued to Ship rolled steel to Communist China. In addition to plates and sheets, tinplate and blackplate were exported.

The tonnages mentioned in the preceding paragraph should not be construed as the total shipments of steel from Amurstal to Communist China. Available information is too scanty to permit estimates of annual shipments.

In the fourth quartermphasis was put onof rolled steel to the Ministry of Manufactured Consumernd at about the same time small quantities of rolled steel were being shipped to the openpen market shipments amountedarloads,ons, in September andarloads,ons, in The October tonnage was scheduled for the Far East, Amur, "Transbaikal. East Siberia, Turksib, Tomsk, Omsk, and Karaganda

rop sr.cRF.r

Lack of sufficient information precludes any estimate of the annual tonnages furnished by Amurstal to individual consuming industries or ministries.


The Amurstal plant is subordinate to the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy, Chief Directorate of the Metallurgical

M. Personnel.

Director of the Amurstal Plant4 was Frolov The labor plan of the Amurstal Metallurgical Work3 for the first quarter1 is* shown in Table 5.

Table 5

Labor Plan of the Amurstal Metallurgicalirst Quarter,1


of Workers (Thousand Rubles)

Production workers




(junior service personnel) "





for unlisted personnel



The cash awards customarily paid in the Soviet steel industry for outstanding work amounted toillion rubles at Amurstal This would amount to approximatelyercent of the planned commercial valueercent of thc planned costs of the plant.

III. Amur Shipyard No..

A. Location.

N -E, Komsomol'sk. Khabarovsk Kxay. Far East.

The plant is on the'northeast bank of the Amur River just below lhe main section of the city of Komsomol'sk.

B. History and Development.

Construction of the shipyard at Amurstal startednd operations began

'C. Raw Materials and Other Inputs.

Steel plate, sheets, and castings are supplied byoal for the thermal electric power plant is brought in by barge and rail from the Raychikhinsk mine located on the Amur Riveriles west of

D. Steelmaking Facilities.

The foundry is equippedlectric furnaceon capacity. Although earlier Germanndicate that therelectric furnaces with an annual capacityons, later reports showlectric furnace producing steel.

Production of steel at the Amur Shipyard No.4 was as follows:




The shipyard has no rolling mills.


The steel foundry is equipped with molding, casting, and cleaning facilities to produce steel castings! for repair and construction of ships.

and Production.

Production ot total steel and finished steel (in thousand metric tons) at thc Amur Shipyard4 was as follows;



Steel Castings

C- Distribution of Products.

Most of the castings produced arc consumed by Ihefor thc manufacture of component

* Basedield ofercent from poured Steel to finished castings.

7 -

H. Administration.

This shipyard was reported to be under the direct control of thc Ministry of Volik was plant director

I . Personnel.

Thc labor estimate4 is

IV. Motor Vehicle Repair Plant/Dal'stroy at Magadan.

A. Location.

N -E, Magadan, Magadan Oblast, Far East.


The plant has one cupolaiameter ofentimeters. Based on US practice, the melting capacity is estimatedounds per


An electriceters in diameterapacityoeats per day for ingots and castings.

Production of steel at the Magadan Motor Vehicle Plant4 was as follows;

Number Number of Total Production

of Heats

Furnaces Type (Metric Tons) per Day Days per Year Metric Tons)



Rolling Mill.

A rolling mill exists, but details regarding it are hot known. eters byentimeters byentimeters were produced


Facilities in the foundry provide for making ingots and


pi ant Services.


Water for all plant purposes is supplied by pipeline from the west section of the .city.

and Production.

The plant manufactures and repairs excavators, bulldozers, pneumatic drills, compressors, and mining

Production of steel and finished steel (in thousand metric tons) at the Magadan Motor Vehicle Plant4 was as follows:



Steel Rolled Finished Castings Steel Steel

* 3

of Products.

Most of the rolled products, castings, and forgings are con Sumed in machinery products made within thc plant.

The plant7 was. Orotukan Steel Foundry.

E, Orotukan, Magadan Oblast, Far East.

Thc plant is located on the highway between Magadan and Berclyakh.

and Development.

Construction of the plant was startednd steel production began during World War


The plant haa no coking facilities.


- an analysis of thc operations shows that

there are only cupolas for the production of iron

* Based on the assumption thatercent of steel produced goes to castingsinished yield ofercent.

** Basedield ofercent onercent of the steel produced.


E. Stcclmaking Facilities.

There is one open-hearth furnace, whichbecausc-of the scope and type of plant operationss estimated to beton From World2 this furnace operated with acid linings and slags. The process waa changed to basic to permit the production of high-manganese steel for wear-resistant mining and crushingotaleats of steel was

Production of steel at the Orotukan Steel Foundry4 was as follows:




Open hearth


Individual Number Number of Capacity of Heats Operating (Metric Tons) per Day Days per Year

3 to 4

Productii (Thousand Metric Tons)


F: Finishing Facilities.

1- Rolling Mill.

Thereolling mill of unknown characteristics.lans were made to roll angles and bars up

2. Steel Foundry.

Thc foundry is equipped for making ingots and

G. Products and Production.

Ingots and castings of high-manganese-contcnt steel, bars, and angles arc produced in unknown tonnages.

* Basedeats per day.

- 21

Production of total steel and finished steel (in thousand metric tons) at the Orotukan Steel foundry4 was as follows:


Steel Rolled Finished Steel Castings Steel Steel

H. Distribution of Products.

Thc rolled products and castings are consumed in the repair and manufacture of mining equipment. The high-manganese-content steel in the form of rolled products and castings is used for wear parts of excavators and

I . Plant Efficiency.

Ryabkin. Director of the Orotukan Plant, announced in4 that3 Plan for production of structural steel, steel ingots, and cast iron had been

J. Administration.

The plant is under the direction of Dal'stroy Supply

K. Personnel.

Ryabkin was the plant director 2 the chief engineer was

* Based on the assumption that half of the steel production goes to castings,percent yield on finished castings. ** Basedield on rolled steel ofercent on half of total production.


VI. Suchan Coke Plant.

N -E. Suchan, Primorskiy Kray, Far East.

The plant is located southwest of the railroad station on the Suchan River.

and Development.

This is an old plant which produces coke by the beehive

Materials and Other Inputs.

Coal is supplied by rail from local mines. ons per day were received


Ten rectangular brick ovens were in operationoke by the beehive Except for the charging of ovens from an overhead track, thisanually operated

Electric Power.

Electric power is obtainedource outside of thc plant. /

2. Water Supply.

Water from the Suchan River is piped throughout the

plant. /

- ZS -

F. Products anil Production

Coke is thc only product of this plant. Thc production isons per0 ions per annum. IQZ/

C. f Products.

Most of thc production of coke is shipped lo Vladivostok for industrial use./

H. Personnel.

ivilians andrisoners of war (Japanese) were employed.

VII. Vladivostok Shipyard imeni. Location.

, Vladivostok, Primorskiy Kray, Far East.

The plant is.on the north bank of Zolotoy Rog Bayilometers cast of thc railroad station.

B. History and Development.

Essentially an old plant reconstructed before World War II. the Vladivostok Shipyard received new equipment from the USthe war. 8 the plant layout included cast iron, steel, and nonferrous foundries; pattern, forge, and machineoiler works; assembly, carpenter, and paintompressor plant: an electric shop for welding and charging submarine batteries; and diesel engine and plating/


Materials and Other Inputs.

Scrap structural steel and pig Iron are supplied bysources, and plates, sheets, and some castings are shipped from the Amurstal Steel Plant./ Coke is received from thc Suchan Coke Plant, and coal for the boilers and plant heating comes from Sakhalin Island./


The plant has no coking facilities.

E. Steelmaking Facilities.

Two electric furnacesapacityons each produced an0 tons of steel/ There arc nothat annual production increased

Production of steel at thc Vladivostok Shipyard4 was as follows:

Number Number of Total Production

of Heats

Furnaces Type (Metric Tons) per Day Days per Year Metric Tons)


F. Finishing Facilities.

Forge Shop./

Steel Foundry.

The foundry has equipment for producing, cleaning, and heat-treating steel castings.

G. lntiaplant Services.

1. Electric Power.

Power is suppliedower plant in Vladivostok./ 2. Maintenance Department.

The shipyardachine shop for the maintenance of plant installations. Ill/

H. Products and Production.

Machine parts are made by centrifugal and chill-molding practices./ Propellers, valves, pistons, and crank shafts arc produced from castings and forgings. /

Productiontotal steel and finished steel (in thousand metric tons) in thc Vladivostok Shipyard4 wjb as follows;


Steel Rolled Finished Steel Castings Steel Steel


1 . Distribution of Products.

All of the steel produced is'conauined in the form of castings and forgings in the repair and building of ships.

J . Administration.

The plant is subordinate to the Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industry. /

* Basedield ofercent from poured steel to finished castings.


VIII. Raychikhinsk Mining Equipment Repair Shop.

E, Raychikhinsk, Amur Oblast. Far East.

The plantilometers southeast of the railroad station at Raychikhinsk.


The shop has no coking facilities.


The repair shop has one cupola with an unknown capacity./


Two electric furnacesapacityons each operate alternately, eacheats daily. On this basis,s estimated to beons./

Production of steel at the Raychikhinsk Mining Equipment Repair Shop4 was as follows:

Number Number of Total Producti

of Heats

Furnaces Type (Metric Tons) 'per Day Days per Year Metric Tons)


Forge Shop.

The forge shop is equipped withon hammer andon hammers, forge shafts, and other parts for mining machinery. J_

* One furnaceiven time.

2- Steel Foundry.

Equipment is installed lor making ingots for forgingi and castings for use in manufacturing mining machinery. /

3. Iron Foundry. /

Production of total steel and finished steel {in thousand metric tons) at the Raychikhinsk Mining Equipment Repair Shop4 was as follows:



Steel Castings Forgings Steel Steel


of Products.

All of the steel produced is used within the plant in the repair and manufacture of mining equipment./

Theremployees on each of three shifts

* Basedield ofercent from poured steel to finished castings.



Production and Capacity of Ihe Amurstal Metallurgical Works

Thousand Metric Tons

Metallurgical coke

Pig ironsteel production

Two open-hearth

Rolling and finishing capacities


Medium plate

Light plate0





Ironsteel production




Totalplant capacity a/ 0 kw

a. The capacity of thc Komsomol'sk City Power Plant0 kw.





Methods used to derive the production estimates shown in various tables throughout this report were as follows:

1. Cast Iron.

When the diameterupola is known, its capacity can bc estimated on the basis of US standards a3 follows;

Cupola Diameter Iron Melted Per


For example, since Magadanupola that isentimeters in diameter, its production is estimated toounds per hour of operation.

2. Steel.

To determine the yearly production of steel produced by the open-hearth and electric processes, the following formula was used: Capacity of furnace (metric tons) x'mimbcr of heats perumber of working days per year r. annual production in metric tons.

The average number of working days per yearteel-producing facility in the USSR is estimated to.

The specific methods used, in most instances, are described at that point in the report where they were employed.





Coefficients of utilization were not available for any of the open-hearth furnaces located in Economic Region XII. -

In most cases, specific recent data, such as hearth areas of open-hearth furnaces and daily, weekly, or annual tonnages of total steel and finished steel, were lacking. This was particularly true of information on the smaller installations and to some extent on the Amurstal Plant

There were pronounced gaps in intelligence regarding the capacities of finishing mills, requirements, and amounts and sources of raw material inputs.

Information on quantities of steel shipped to specific industries was sparse.




j were of considerable value in preparingoi raw materials, rolled 3teel production, plant investments and costs and.esser degree, in providing information on the distribution of products, insofar as tho Amurstal plant is concerned.

provided little information of value on thc smallerin Economic Region XII.

reports were often inaccurate and misleading. Unimportant aeiaiis such as the type of roofuilding and thc height and materialence were emphasized.

Periodicals and newspapers were fair. Frequently they quoted percentages and relationships which were not of much value.

Evaluations, following the classification entry and designatedave lhe following significance:


of Information


Confirmed by other sources



Probably true



Possibly true





usually reliable

Probably false



Cannot be-judged


be judged

refers to original documents of foreignand organizations; copies or translations of such documentstaff officer; or information extracted from such documentstaff officer, all of which may carry thc field evaluation "Docu-me ntary. "

Evaluations not otherwise designated are those appearing ondocument; those designated "RR" are by the author of this No "RR" evaluation is given when thc author agrees withon thc cited

In the following list of sources

ah sources for

which no classification is given arc TOP SECRE)


. 6.


13. Metallurgiya stah martenovskiy protscss (Marten Process of SteeleUlLurgiT.dat..


Original document.

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