Created: 4/23/1955

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Office Memorandumunited states government

WJJ ; 5

r prcj-ct *

1. The attached report le In responseequestonharvests, as well ss theof agriculture elmoe3 ia northeastinformation ls presented per written Instructions

The subject of the memorandumfrom

Cropoviet CentralJf Stle1haf bMa this report toSituation in Hortheasto^the following reasons,

lySu harvest, in particular, wascrop failure".

area of interest as defined in detailmemorandum is northeast Kazakhstan (part

of Economic Region la) rather than our definition of Central Asia (Economic Region Ih).



Situation Ir. itorthoaat KaEakhatan

The oblaste In northeastern Isaakutan had favorable weather condition* - b orop lessonltaat good orop yield*. In. -average yields characterised all tatwheat btlt axteaolaa; lata West Siberia and th* northern obUat* of. Th* alx oblaatsavlodar,ad raldy-Kurgam) tn

a til*f prim* interest, defined a* east oflongitude and north of lake taiknshj all reportad la th* laat bslf

tj A

ofU. that they had fulfilled the state plaa for grain procurement ahead of achedule. All tlx oblast* reported grain cellv arise to th* *tat* to bo groaUr than

Considerably Isaa Information lo avallabla concerning3 crop produotloa


in the area. Thla lack of laforaatloa la oonparlaoab, probablyueombination ofach BJ nodioare orop production end, hence, leea


Inolinatlon to boast concerning successes, aa well a* the feet tbat1

uai, aa veil as

Undo* Program for grain expansion la kaht Siberia and northern piaVhstan,-

It* aoocmpaaylng publicity, wa* not announced until rabrnarysi$5b* Baeed on arailable laforaatloa, it la eatlmated'tbat crop production3 in wrtheeetern

Uukhetan uae near average, bat certainly below tbe level attalaedb.


A* noted above, these oblaots la northeastern Kazakhstan lie within the

area of grain acreage expansion as outlined by theIn theirlands" pro gram for the mastering ofJe lands daring thsoae Irndtvr brought under1 end farther expaajloaplanned during56 orop

Little detailed inforaatlon la available oo nothe livestock Indue try inblaeta of northeastern raaakhaUn. the favorablegrowing seasonhave pernitted satisfactory Bunaer greslng and Bade possible the harvesting of fodder supplies for this part. There ware the usual reports, however, concerning lags end inafflflleiyg' on ths part ef the collective faros in setting up adequate feed reserves for the idstar Booths. In general, hovevar, nothing has been noted ooncarning any txiraordlnary failures or eucoessas In the livestock industry of this region.

Original document.

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