Created: 1/31/1956

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No. 15


current support memorandum




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One of the principal goals of the Soviet Sixth Five-Year Plan is the constructionigh-voltage transmission network to connect the power systems of Btrropean USSR and the Urals. During this time, construction will continue on an extensivenetwork in Siberia. Eventually these "two systems will be joined. These networks will provide greater flexibility and reliability (in the electric power supply of vital industrial centers. They will allow large amounts of relatively low-cost hydroelectric power generated at very large Kuibyshev, Stalingrad, and Bratsk hydroelectric stations to be transmitted to distant industrial centers, and thus provide the centers connected by this systemecondary source of power supply in the eventocal power plant is rendered inoperative.

The European USSR-Urals network, according to G. H. Malenkov and A. S. Pavlenko, Minister and Deputy Minister of Electric Power Stations, s scheduled to be in operation by the end0onnected generating capacity ofillion kilowatts, an amount equal to the USSR's total capacity at the endlthough it is unlikely that this network will be completed by the endome of the lines will be in operation. The first link, to be completed the Kuibyshev-Moscow.line, originally planned to be in operation by tho end/ This entire network will operateilovolts, the highestvoltage in the world.

During the Sixth Five Year Plan, work- will progress on the constructionest Siberian network. 3/ It will connect power plants in Ust Kamenogorsk, Omsk, Barnaul, and Krasnoyarsk with the Kuzbas power system including Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo and Stallnsk. easonal interchange of power can occur over this system between the hydroelectric plants at Novosibirsk and in the Ust Kamenogorsk area, and the thermal electric plants in the Kuzbas. It is believed that the north-south (Ust-Kamenogorsk-Novosibirsk) line will operateilovolts, whereas the east-west lines which form the link from the Urals to East Siberia along the Transiberian railroad will probably be operatedilovolts.

In East Siberia, the Bratsk hydroelectricbe the largest in the worldapacityillionis planned to be in partial operation by the end/ Four hundred (or more) kilovolt transmission lines will befrom Bratsk to Industrial centers at Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk, and will comprise the backbone of an East Siberian The Bratsk-Irkutsk line, now under construction, willsupply power for the construction of Bratsk station from the new Irkutsk hydroelectric station which is expected to go into operation/

Near Krasnoyarsk on the Yenisey, still another superstationillionequal in size to that atbe started under the Sixth Five Year Plan. This plantydroelectric station to be built on the Ob at Kamonskilowattwill be connected to the East Siberian network ins under the Seventh or Eighth Five Year Plan.

The connecting link between the Siberian and European USSR-Urale networks probably willine from Omsk to Chelyabinsk. It will probably operatollovolts and will be one of tho last transmission lines completed:.

After the interconnection of the networks, it should not be Inferred that power plants in Moscow, toypothetical case, could then directly supply power toistancem. The transmission losses involved overistance would be prohibitive. Rather, power could conceivably be made available over such distancesdisplacement" process. That is, Moscow could increase its local power plants' production so that Kuibyshev hydroelectric station could reduce its supply to Moscow and Increase Its supply to Chelyabinsk. Chelyabinsk could in turn release additional power for transmission to Omsk,o that Irkutsk could conceivably receive additional power from the networkeries of "displacement" actions originated from Moscow.

The design and construction ofilovolt transmission system willoteworthy engineering achievement. Some aid was obtained from Gorman and Swedish experience along this line, but tho design of this system to transmit electricity over what has heretofore been considered uneconomic distances isussian accomplishment.



Transmission Lines of the Planned USSR High-Voltage Network

USSR and Urals

Network. Originally planned for completion. Planned toillion kwh annually to Moscow after fullof Kuibyshev GES.



Originally plannedlanned toillion kwh annually to Moscowillion kwh annually to points along the route, after full completion of Stalingrad GES.


known Will effect tie between

Moscow-Gorkiy and Leningrad power systems.

not known Possibly planned, baaed on unconfirmed report.


fill probably terminate in Stalino area, it may possibly be extended as far as Zaporozh'ye. Mayv direct current,

ot known

not known Possibly planned. Vould connect Transcaucasus power system to network at Stalingrad, orto Stalino area ln Donbas.


known Vould connect thesection of Uralssystem at Molotov, near Kama hydroelectric station, with network at Kuibyshev.


No. 7, ".

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Original document.

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