Created: 11/13/1956

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The inability of the Kadar regime to demonstrate authority or influence has become increasingly apparent ln Hungary. Scattered rebel groupsto resist Soviet forces andsecurity police. Thein Budapest had not yet returned to work onovember. Food la scarce, and the Soviet forces continue to keep Budapest Isolated in anattempt to end all resistance by starvation.

The US legation reports that themood of the crowds in Budapest ls sullen, and that they may eventually turn against the US representatives.

Khrushchev told the Swedish ambassadorovember that the Soviet government hadreed to support Nagy and had decided to use troops inonly when It became apparent that Nagy had lost control and was in the handsfascist" counterrevolutionary group. Khrushchev denied that the entire Hungarian peopleainst the USSR and Insisted that It would not have used troops if this were so. He stated that ln addition "fascist bands" were murdering "our people" and It was quite impossible for the Soviet army to withdraw ln the face of hostile fire.

Khrushchev asserted that if the present government of Hungary asked for the withdrawal of Soviet troops and the acceptance of neutrality, the Soviet government would favorably consider both requests. He addedthat Soviet policy was still based on the decisions ofh party congress and the principles of thectoberconcerning relations with Socialist states.

Nov 56

Intelligence Bulletin



Original document.

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