Created: 11/5/1956

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

Asian official and public opinion, some of which had previously been inclined to view events ln Hungary as an internal Soviet-bloc matter, is taking an increasingly condemnatory view of Soviet actions.

India, which abstained on the USovenber, reportedly delivered to Moscow "during theote expressing India's "concern and distress" over events in Hungary. Nehru also told the opening meeting of the UNESCO conference ln New Delhiovember that "What we are seeing today ln Egypt and Hungary are both freedom and dignity outraged, and forces of modern arms used to suppress peoples." This statement, India's first official comaent on the Hungarian situation, may have been stiaulated by appeals addressed to Nehru to intervene on Hungary's behalf.

Tbe Philippines, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia supported thaoveaber resolution. The Thaiof public relations branded tbe use of Soviet troops in Hungary as intervention and Prince Sihanouk hasan extraordinary commission of inquiry to examine the Egyptian and Hungarian conflicts.

Though Burma and Indonesia abstained on theBurmese Price Minister Ba Swe has accused the USSR of helping to "scuttle the United Nations" and Indonesian political leaders have charged the USSR with aggression. The Indonesian government has not yet adopted an official stand, however. Afghanistan, whose prime minister has just returnedisit to the USSR, Is also reportedly ln sympathy with the Hungarians.

5* eading Japanese newspaper says the Soviet attack shows the USSR is unwilling to permit the existenceovernment displeasing to It. Japan will probably nottrong stand against tho USSR, however.

Assistant Director, Current Intelligence

6. The seni-officlal radio in South Korea has Issued the only call to date for the dispatchN police force to Hungary.


Original document.

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