Created: 4/30/1957

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office of thi DfJtfCTOJt



SUBJECT: Progress Report on the Inplemeutation of Recommendationf the Report to the President by the President's Eoard of Consultants oo Foreign Intelligence Activities

he President, after consideration of agency concents thereon, has directed action as indicated below, on the following recommendation of the President's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities:


insure the proper functioning of the Intelligence Community and to guarantee proper coordination with the military in times of war, we suggestealistic appraisal of the Cnrr^inlty's organization and responsibilities be undertaken at once. This should Imdirectly by the Director of Central Intelligence, and he should report his appraisal and recommendations to the Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities."

"Approve, and refer to the Director of Central Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense for


approving tbe above action, the President has directedrogress report on the implementation thereof be submitted to him

2. In order to avoid overlap with other studies recommended by the Board, it will be desirable to cross-reference this study thoroughly with those undertaken under Recommendations No.o. k, and No. 9. The organization of tbe Intelligence Community ln time of var or peace depends on the collection of directives issued to it by the National Security Council. Those directives are now under detailed review in compliance with Recommendation No. 9- The organization of the Community will depend heavily ba the outcome of the Recommendation No.tudy with respect to "stroog centralized direction." ery large part of the Intelligence Community's work in wartime will be in theaters of operation; thus, any consideration of organization will necessarily require the resolution of problems of war planning overseas (Recommendation


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3- Onhe Intelligence Advisory Committeeeport of an ad hoc Working Croup on Emergency Plans in which the following conclusion was reached:

"Our conclusion is that the impact of war will have little If any effect oa the responsibilities of the IAC, subject to further clarification of the role of tbe NSC in wartime."

I find no reason to disagree with this conclusion now. After the studies mentioned inbove are completed, we will beetter position to discuss any changes in organization of the Community in response to new responsibilities not now identified.

4. The subcommittee structure of the Intelligence Advisory Committee has successfully dealt with the problems of staffing the Community on most of the major intelligence problems confronting us- uspect that we shall find that Intensification of this technique will be called for in wartime. The military intelligence components will be concerned primarily with support for military operations while the National Security Council will be requiring integrated political, economic, scientific, and military Intelligence to support its over-all responsibility to advise the President on national security policies. stimate that the National Security Council will require evaluations of:

(aj potentials, exploitable vulnerabilities, and intentions of the enemy and eneay-coomltted countries, all three to include the type of integrated intelligence mentioned above;

the probable courses of action of uncommitted countries;

the capabilities and requirements of allied and/or uncommitted economies; and

probable post-war economic and political situations in of the world.

In addition to these priority subjects for the National Security Council, the Community itself willonsumer of integrated intelligence produced by the substantive subcommittees of the Intelligence Advisory Committee for operational and planning purposes.

5- The Intelligence Advisory Committee conclusion of6 did not include and does aot apply to the wartime conduct of clandestine operations overseas. The substantial adjustments which will be required in such activitiesubject for consideration primarily underNo. 3. However, those adjustments will have some effects on the Intelligence Advisory Committee mechanism. These effects will be considered in subsequent report under Recommendation No. 2.

p. if*

o. Some of the problems which we ore particularly examining into

the relationship of the Intelligence Advisory Committee to the Joint Chiefs of Staff aad the ailitary commanders in the field;

the types of intelligence estimating required and by whom performed;

the role of the National Indications Center in wartime;

the current intelligence reporting function bothational and departmental point of view;

the emergoacy distribution and dissemination ofstrategic Intelligence (the National Intelligence Surveys);

the disposition of research type specializedend

the physical locations of certain key personnel and communications between them in wartime.

7- In summary, the final report to the President in response to Recommendationf the Board's Report to the President will discuss the organization of the Intelligence Community in the context of the revised National Security Council Intelligence Directives (Reccxxaendatloo No.s Its basic charter, and with full recognition of the conclusions reached in the studies of war planning (Recommendation No.nd the integration and centralized direction of the Community (Recommendation

H. Director

Original document.

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