Created: 4/10/1958

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


Jordanian and Iraqi leaders continue to moveeisurely pace in organizing their Arab Union. The lengthy preparations afford Nasir's propagandists more opportunity to assert theof serious differencesKing Husayn and King Fay-sal over their future roles. The earliest possible date for the new structure to be formally inaugurated now seems to be sometime in June. The Iraqis ln particular are probably still considering ways by which Kuwait with its oil income might be brought into their federation; the recent visit of an Iraqi emissary to Saudi Arabia may have been to seek Saudi reaction to such an attempt.

The Jordanians mayrop failure if April rains do not materialize, and are seeking American and Iraqi assistance against this eventuality. Minister Rlfai has that he is somewhatto seek such aid from Iraq, since an Iraqi grant might increase opposition to the Arab Union on the part of thosewho argue that Jordan is merely an economic and political liability. The Iraqis haverefused to guarantee an IBRD loan to Jordan.



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Original document.

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