Created: 11/1/1999

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IA Publication:

Communtst Student Groups Plan Anti-Nixon Demonstr;

Communist student groups are preparing to derdfistrate against Vice President Nixon duringhour vjfc to Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela which end onJpVJMay. Communist influence with student groups is particularlyIn Ecuador and Venezuela, while chroniRiiolence in Colombia Increases the possibility of outbreaja there. In all three countries. Communists are prcpaafbg leaflets urging anti-Nixon demonstrations.

Venezuelan Communists are emphasizing thatyouths should not let theho staged hostile but nonviolent demonstrationsixon visit in late April--outdo them in makinghe violent outbreak In Peruay, however,against Communist plans, since the governments of ac three countries still to be visited will probably seek tolfemonstrate orderly rule. In Quito, the two major newspapers voluntarily suppressed news of the Lima Incident lerf'publication encourageleftists. '


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While the demonstrations appear to have been organized nod led by Communists,fihe success of these efforts was acilitated by the economic difficulties between the US and Latin American countries. (SFptWIiTIirj

Original document.

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