Created: 10/31/1999

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w. DULLES was bom fity-nine years ago. Hocareeriplomat. Later, with bis brother, he becameIn the legal office of "Sullivan andallfork. He is an extremely calmanewefficient sneaker, slow and thoughtful. One of bin daughters is

:- to cn Austrian editor. His only sonoldier in Korna, is at nreornt gravely wounded and (has been) recoveringiJitcry hospital in Japan.

For the last Tew years Mr. DULLES has been suffering,rave Torn ol' arthritis, which strikes him periodically but does act prevent him from carrying on his work. He drinks very littlo,ot,ractically indefatigable worker. norganizer is his principal characteristic. Heood psychologist and caoable of properly evaluating his men. Ifo is cor.side red (and rixhtly so) asrparvicus to any form of corruption either direct or indirect*

His appointment as Chief of CIA is not the resultern of {nepotism (as one could be brought to believe, since his brother hao boon named Sec re tori' of State). General Dedell SMITH clearly indicated that regardlesso Adninistrntionc uwId havo nu'-xestcd that Mr. DULLES take over CIA.

Ji. I'or Uie last couple of years, llr. DULLES was Deputy Chief of CIAspite of diplomatichas without any doubt turned that Agency into the rest efficient espionage andinstrument available to the Western warld. (Let the Dritish be patient!) CIA at present has the capacity for collection, selecting, snd evaluating informationegree winch is probably even superior to the similar capacity of Soviet services. One can argue ovor tho methods which arosed, but not over the results-i'r. DULLES is the author of "Directivehich anticipated by uvcro than two years the political-strategical facts (translator's note: cic).

5. Typical of Kr. DULLES' method is that ofoubleovering the intelligence gathering by exposing to outsidoetwork under nominal cover and doubling iteal network under deep cover. The CIA section "or covert pctivities" (translator's note: in English, in the original) was organised directly by Kr. DULLES.



ha3eviction that the spiritual always material. (In feet, thiologan of Ms).

hat Europe can only, save itself by eliminating its inferiority complex. He also beiioveo that the keyrope's salvation-whan the crisis will come-lies in the rebirth of the spirit of European collectivity.

PMitMi'Berne he headed the OSS office for

"ri^wn;Lrfj!JT*was concerned

r-riHaniy with Italyhe German armies fightinG in that

Cl'e" UlQ tntcrnal

r Ult tiBC' he'" convinced Calvinlst, had the great foreszght to rceopnisc immediately that the Catholic Church aimed fhr. fln^1ROfll *ichcoincided with his: preventing^ the spreading of Communism in Italy. He immediately recognized* the damage, which the Western allies ffi have suffered from the indiscrirunate beating of iialustrtal

nS Scry

L^ii'Z.CMC3 fcl"lo- this sense: he

ravnr of"diplomatic- means whenever he feltr tofeedfl were not indispensable.

andJ'T*1Natives (SS General WOLFFS Colonel DOLLHJuV) go back to the Fallh. stQrv nf

that gran.

tWta^ rreai thsaj are very well known. It is not known, instead

Stalin sent violent protests to ROOSEVELTersonal tele-

Hah UiA" aidthus ableInn "Udltyoffor- it Si.r

he would have succeeded in carrying out his planonse!

is .mown. It is very interesting to note, however; that lir .DULLES^

never agreed idth the theory of unconditional surrender. The facts have proven hin right, Were he to haveree hand, pgwdbdb and company would haveromise of quite diffcreit conditions. One nust not forget that onong the best collaborators of Kr. BLANKlank, Bonn) one finds Generals SPTDEL and HEOSINOEt known and esteemed by Kr. DULLES. At any rate, the American policy in the postwar period as regards Germany has been directly and deeply influenced by Hr. DULLES. Hereator trust in the Germans than he has, for instance, in the French and in the Italians.

Original document.

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