Created: 1/26/2002

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Suspect* in Assassination

Former Lebanese Forces (Lf) commander Elie Hobeika, murdered this week, had many enemies. Possible culprits include fellow Christiana. other members of the Lebanese elite. Palestinians, and Israelis.

Accordingestern newsreviously unknown anti-Syrian group. "Lebaneseree and Independentas claimed responsibility. The claim may be associated with rightwing Maronile Christians, whorudge against Hobeika because he betrayednd the Israelis by switching allegiance to the Syrians in the. Hobeika also was active in Christian infighting during Lebanon's civil war.

Palestinians despise Hobeika because he allegedly directedofalestinians in theofSibra and Shatillan Israeli commissionaccused Hobeika of carrying out the massacre and heldMinister Ariel Sharon indirectly responsible foe

Many Ubanese suspect Israeli involvement because Hobeika had said he would testify against Sharon If the Belgians went forwardrial accusing Sharon of genocide and crimes against humanity for his role in Sabra andelgian court next month will rule onudicial investigation into Sharon's role can proceed.

President Lahud claims Hobeika was killed to stop him from testifying, according to pressentiment echoed by other government officials.

There is no direct evidence of Israeli involvement in the assassination, but highlighting an Israeli connection could help the Lebanese avoid lhe internal friction that would ariseebanese group were blamed. I


Original document.

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