Created: 3/11/2003

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A to xs- isto aft ato aa abla A* ma vcold xaaatra acaa jaft aot ncaioaabla to tba roxid applyo or TufeK* part.

x* imlnltHoai of tba XK lo pnaaThlany oa to Ml aad It also ia oattaan It la adirlnbla onar to aaet. bafacaotstrata fay rcOa or fan) as Hatfar pTuniandcoald Itbo tbat of tba Job of on (aaa*lttr) lt aoaU ba altbar nay or to an* tba nil lag orSaba ylaea* jam aoaU aatarlaTy Halt tba boara daring ftl eft tba btaanlf ao aa to aa at mnthai laaattaa.

alaas aad al^alaa batter nra tba coBtaat to ba aadaobbyaartnan butldlaa*nanm, ^Olaxj, or library. Still otbar oaaaa of loaaaxflonlna adgbft am uara tba laiaTingaaAaaraajt, bar, or atom* Of coaraa, aonrlatloaa could ba

tao batbarsabxla ban*.

nd otbar* ablcb aayto =dni, it Oataat raanaiil3 lt alao la aaaaaaaP iaaatify A. And ana aanar of kaorlaE tbat tba tba identification.

problm baa ao any mriatiooa it La obnow tiat tbara aaat ba dlffaraBt nam of ldntlflcatlm tmiiafcla to net tba liferent

abrioaarioa aay ba aalladla tba atttooboU feebnlqn". aaturolly,oncaclara waald raralr ba mtabla bat it aaeapliflaa tba ^nllflaatitanlanallns Jattoa aboold han. loaar la tba bactanbolaot at all uauaiat proctlM of aaa evaryvbara. Saccsd, it aaa ba aaaa laataatly. 3Hrd, lt baa color aad oolor attrasta attaatlco. An altemta to oolor la differentiation la alaa. aryaaatbaaoa oartaialy la Larsar tbea

nnwroorta, at ttaalfrearingloeer ie BeaatinTariT (aYaajiai, la tba aaaa of floaara, atar raaalfla flaw leeka tk* baaia aaettflaatloa of availability eujetaue aad at aar ininn of tbe year.)

dlrlda aatboda for aiaaallng lata tao to ba aaafltataaaWI aad tboaa foretted ealefc aooara to tfrla writer for kj abaaaaor aloea an tee, tbaraaabar of aloat-ap atttahubtlety tbat aakaa tbaa adolxeble for tbla aad tbay eouldider mat of aaaa tbaataiwo t

Far Urtaaca irt gaoling (otbar tbaa aaaahl) are variation la attire, faaaa aaat ba botao aa aot to attract ettaatlai aad rat clearly vielbletlaaawna to tba kaorlar, tiaanai. arl-mliaafl. faataarat bead laeviee. lank raatbaia ara vary tba rlelbla bet aot aaMaaaaaa dlatiaotlaa aceld ba of colore and.acatla aaaa of anaerialtaabtaatioa of laiwia. colore, eight beie (altbar foredabaad or boa) eltb aa eaaanl kmaa aaaaaoaaaa bet oaa be eaad iU,oaavlat la a

la eeelly aaaa by aayoaa loofcdag far lt aad la oallkely to bo

by asm olaa. free earn lt la aotlaad lt la aaerlbed to

error ratbar tbaa lneavt. Verlaeioae la tba bowat bead elao ara oaay to eeka aad Mil paaa irorttlnod by acyirje notnoting, for It* Bara again, boeaver, tba irbaaaa la tba boa caanct be aaaareat dlataaoe.

anel atzLeb la, to aaa tba retail atom's tan, "girt enaoad" oaa ba aaaaletaace. Tba apaalal paper, aad/or tbe color of tba rlbaoB or atrlag oaa be aaaa at aaletaaae. ntarally, tba rltaatina wouM baea to be nek thatift eoeld be aataral aad tbara aoald baaa toift la tba paokaen oaa aaa tbat lt voald ba opened. Xaataad of gift erapplng tba paraal, ordinary paper aoald be eaad aad tba paper bald eloead by aaearal vlda eolored rabbai beade. Or tba neater banda aaald be pat aroaad tba packageraaarlbod aanear. Taateadock algbt ba oaad aad ball aloeed by tba rabbar banda. Aaotber aay ofook eoeld ba to aave It sneeredaper aa la soaaanly dm ritb aebool booke.

Aa aaa aanttcoia la ear Her pagee, tbe oae of lak (larlalble aaaaajk vbea apeclal eolored gin aaaara eaad) oaook wrappers, or baaaaja labala eea ba eeenletanae. Tba apaolal vein of aucb


tar* acu la 4rog aad baaunfl. asta far tha tool.

x* aaaaa frt altala flftaaa tm or

aaothar, atea lavas aaaa am corn art algnaung devloa. servant. aaya la ahlah laoaa caa ba aaad ml no oaa ofanrlaad proridad tea laoaa ara hull! nfU liallj ta

toaa. jlrat la paabnt tha inatarp, and half la traataaaaattw tearotmd

tha aaaa aad oac* by ooa of tha ayalata* (te muatra-la laaa* la tha aoraal any. for oaa ate tay tha ooahia laoa la aaay to dlatlnguialu it aaaa ay aaa not partlonlarly loomat for it la attteat laaaoa except torohaa lace ta ba ajamtnaj.

aaaaaat ahoa laeaa arala ateaa la tarae ataadard weya deviation of theae aaya baeoaaa oaefaltna> on otter ara llxastrntloaa of tha ataadard aaya of laaliai ahoaala ahica abaaa ooald ha laoad hot oarer ara* of alternate aeye mill attract ttaatlm yet aaaa la varj obvloaaooking forlaxeo.

ladag pastaraa larenar* any to aooh ^attarna, added loforaatloa aotfu ba given by tha cftcdoe of pattern aaad. ave

elloe joar laasracttone. " ave brought ba sail la not far thia writer ta

aeraly tha aaaaa to aa- ih.

alteration of taalui (aaeh aa alth tha ahoa laeaa) la alana* aa or aa artanttra ettraotor, to tha paraoa looklak for it, aa la color, toother deaian varies* la ualas ona difftraat buttonhirt . lalle tha bnttoaa ao aaad nay ba oolite tte otter vlnlble la arnnlvara, tha aaaattoa of ilfraraa*

ia probably tba aaat variation aed. ipwi'ilt/ottoa la aaaaar to ebtela. the aottce should aattla larger (or eealler) tbaa tba otbar biattoaa. Sbachirt,ta la aarn, tba tie ant ba oaa vhlch doea act oorar at leartbuttons. Tba difference ta alaa le kacea by etatparl-ae. aa oataldar to aotiee aa odd olaedblcb ta aoat aalifcaly -ba aoald think tbat tba eaaror aerely did aotot chine bat ton ta replace oaa ba bad teat.

Jaat aaana a, ao aaay aaa aaar tbaa, aonld baength to hide tba aboalacea aaaa tba paraoa la steading, ao can tba oecnpa-tieaal aaa ta? aa aarea btda veet battona. anther of tbaaa si^aa caa ba aaad on all oaaaalona bat both ara vary good at aaeb tinea aa tbay

kaatbartnler, veriatloa la the nee of one rroaaat in one baekl* bolaelt which doea net have aacb aetal protection la any of tbe otbar belee.

ba eU aeaool bay otaat ofbaab taok ia tba heel or eight elae ba useful oa aoaa oeeeaieea. It la which eould be aeoalredleaad to avoid tbe poaeQnllty of an luairei avert thtaab teak being in tba beel of the wrong parses tba tack aaad for tbaaboald be atuekpaalfiad loaakiaa cn tba rlgbfc heal. Toaskarticular spot, la tba right heel, aadarttcalar day, aadertain place aad tine,araon would be eating too aank aaaa of

a aataed of atUaatlag attaotioe end lone for tbat obrioaa purpcee la /ailing. rr any soak eaJJ le lone for tbe obriaaa purpose of geatlag tba attention of tba oat called. If taa cellar etaadenev toec

ttoee-auerter riav to tba pereca eboae attention bocctoally elaoee to attraot rather tbaa tba laaglaary Pete tba yell trill errve Ite purpcee aad without vtoaaartlag tba tea people, feturally, aa aaaa aa tba call la aaaa tba cellar aboaldreeting to tba -aagiaary Pete aad aatTTrally tbara baa to ba aaveral aaa la that direction aa aa oaa earn fcaoe of Pate'a non art it aaaa. Bd* aeaaa cf attractlas

ronl, ana. a.aSry atatlen, but If the eroad bo large enoogb it eould bo tba only ouick aay. Tba bbbb aaad aboald be oaa foand la aoaa fora la all langoaA* ^Ilka tbaante" call clrcna people oaa

of recognition la aoat laparteot, for atberrlee aeltbar paraoa could be oartala of the otbar baring noticed hie alaenj

further. It would he wafert nn theof retxxjptltion alao infayaWatfl. Mara tola done aaaa parson would ba eartala ot tbaaaraaaaa of Ma praaaaaa.

ba act of niilifia; tba baafc of taa aaci eadar taa ooUar aaa ba aaaa eueOy. It ajjiaia taaat nataral sat aad dcaa aot attract sftantlm rataa atdeh aXaoat never ia daaa. lata tbat lt la aot asratcadag tba back of tba aaok but rubbing It vith tba belle of tba finger* aad oltk tba fingare straight.

bort Ttsfwrajar drlafclng signals, aigb* veil bs aaad for artaraflMgaant. It sight ba baat to algaal

eaare tba aoataotataauu vol tar aad patron, or clerk and oaaaoaar, tba aatnrarlalaaarii aoald ba bp tba patron aaklag for aaa*-tbiag aaaaaal aat aot too odd* Of tkaark couldarrioa. or item, that would bo tka signal of acltnowl*1ga-irt. Ia tech laaaaaaa tba algaal aoald ba verbal bat would ba without special aaenlag casept to tba paraoa TlHaalag for lt*

Or tka aokaeeladauant eonU be touaktag tba apaelal button, dip, ekeeleee, eta. by tba oaa aao baa tba original algaal. aafcaaaOeBgyaaal -xrarger variety of natural aatboda tbaa would be feaalhla for tka original alguala. All tbat ia raanlred la tbat tbay ba Blapla, onlak, and natural.

^ with aa apa, afflaadbaak.

Thee* atttca* aeastlly ara'aada ofTaataa'elhboagft^ waara'a apparel, tka battoa ttaalf la aad* of wood. Poedan buttons aeuaily ara covered with cloth foraa but tbay ara aold uaeeverad. Of iu aat years thia style battoa alao baa been aade of plaetio.

utton aaa ba aaad at tba battoa hole of the coatord la tied to tbe button aad the cord roe* doaa to the breae* poaket of tka eoet. Oa tba otbar aad of tba cord should beetch, key, gOaaaea oaea, or aay otbar ob>e* which should be aaey to art at and wouldiaedvairf age to lta cener were It lost. utton l* aot at all unlike those aaderiaaei TiiTy for Just each

A button, such aa ona of theae, oaa bo aaaaair distance and ara therefore aaaful fur Identification purpeeea. iling or

am of these baKoa* added izfarmticn amy be givwu oo aantaar pas*')

atoal buttona can ba left vita tha fintsa (anally braaa or ohrcae) given than ah tha factory or they aaa ba oolorad vlth enpaint. Wcoien bcttCTis hocod, retalaed or painted. FUatlo battoa* oaa ba ponhaaadairly -la variety of colore.

Tha atsa of the battoa. lta oolor, aad Ite aaalca all oaa be oaed for eyepmyiuaea for tha oaa looking.

Sana bettoaa, too, eaa be aaad by voaaa for idaatlfleetloa porpoaea.

Oaa Mthod vould ba to eaar the battoa aalane of

ribboa coald be polled throng* the aye and tho astlreaad boa* pinned froa the otberalde of tho elothafety pin. In arterialooao aea-a, the thraada of the oloth oaa be pushedaoaah for the aye to co through tha eloth vlthou* dolBg anyeaia tha batten (thia tine atana ribbon) aoold be bald la placeafkty pin. The battoa either of ehtay natal ornltabla oolor, oaa ba aa attractive pleee of jieleaa niiaaar* Tbe button aleo eaa ba peekedendbag and oaadtringoorhe beaten aoold be oa tha oaOedde of the bag.

Sfbaoa bora (vttaooa the battoa) oaa be aaad for perpoaee ofirraifna (aa veil aa idantifieetlou) by ataara. Bona oftea axe wore at the neckline,* aJest baler the shoulder, for thia specialtae bor ahonld be of ribbonertain color, or eolora, aad tied la aa obearvahly differant nay. (See aiatrnim of tae aeeh aaya to tie ribbon.)rtot band of ribbon aleo aay be aaad. aare, tea, the color or colors of tha ribboa and tha aay the knot ia aaee ara the Tirana of identification, oreah oare anat be taken vhen ribbon Identification la vaaadoaaa that tha aaa knoaa vbat be la Icokiag for. Zf thiaoaaa to roeaa eerting thia difficulty doae bp* exist, lhat d* ao*oable bear (or any other aara tptloa. Bar de acat aaa have any Idea ofrea tha aaaea of the eolora by vhlchIdentify then. The kneeled^ of aaa generally la regard to ealera la lialtad largely to the eolore of traffle ligfate, their aohool eolora, and those they don't Ilka, aa Ladles, help aa.

aide robber banda aroaad avreppad parcel, ora book, can be aaaalstarve ofact. Tha pastern aada by the master of band* aad tha aay they are pat around tbe object can give additional infaraatlon. e aketcfaea.) Itbe noted that the book jeed (la wrapped) can ao* ba of aoolor, oredge.

that aa rehear teal* tooon lBrlsfbla. TJtua tyos of peskogs nay alao ta carriedaa thoughaa it Bj*sht, thsoah 1ft ia aollkoiy, ta noticed taoaoae lt Isaiftbmatato doactoigB.

aotxt plaster sadape aogEsatsd far oaa tor asm oaa to aad By raata by oaklas& bead aid aoat ba aaadr took of tend. loataed of taps an tbscsaa aa nee texaty spota. Ifa aaad tbara sortefiaita QBdarscsBdlag of ttolr (or lta) losatlcB. It algat aa vail alao tojarlfla alas aad design alas lac Had apoa. Unastg&fc ba aa oval rathert stasia notatterfly, or bears, or otbar pattern vatea baasuaa of Its design vottld attract ettsatloa*

a aaobcr ce? taa Ideas rasaaated for ess by aaa also oaa ba aaad by vsaasw Max? aaxaot. csaa aoald ba certain of betas oancticodaba to rob tba tack of baraa ooald sash Ms bat to tba tookMs bead to aakaoaXadsa tarda*laaaX. Aad cock aatloaaa vould pass treottnarl far It la salts oxtaral.oaaa topaak bar aat ta taa task of tar bead would ta so fsatastla aatbat aaarjqaa voold look*

Tartasseklaoo, or bracelet, aa taa otbar Mad, Is*aaag, adadlar to tbaaa thraally for tbaaa vill do aatnrslly tbara araoonter ?oxtaoaaa aay aatsrelly do. But, It baa to ta hrptt la mini, fear cf tteaa aotdons ara irkwtlflwl ,

Id attsapt aboald ta sods ta kaoa> aad look far. all tte varices ajskala aad ao&es aaaaaatad la tbasaVbat boa been aat ore coir aaggttftlom. 3cne aay ta Eheaate, to be aseasls aa slvaa. aosa aay ta sdwpftad aad aad* of oaa, sosa aay ta of aas eolely asread of thnaah* tovsrd vsaaklaaa polaft la taa* vlvttsvex in aaad west be flfeolded apoa loss before It ever Is needed. Sway detail tbaa has to tasad folly understood, ay evaajcaa uho aver vay ta aallsd aaaa to use tte aathod. say seated vMck la aaajoaaerfal Is goal, soeesas vUl dvpead npoa people aad vtaa one of tbe alasnatsarses tbara caa ta ao certainty of aaeesaa oaleaa that ?ersca taa foil Xaoaladaa aad iBstarvtaadlag* aa eaa te assored ta baa aeek snoOedss and oadarataallBS ookH ta has actually trlsd oat the netted to Ms astls-faetioa aad under este ciraanttaacea. ZB aseual aaa than are too aanyto try ta rvoall anseagrixed details*


Original document.

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