Baseball stats

Bill (William Henry) Watkins

Birthday: May 05, 1858 Brantford () CAN

Day of death: June 09, 1937 Port Huron (Michigan) USA

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Managed teams
Year Team League Matches Wins Lose
1899Pittsburgh Pirates NL 24 7 15
1898Pittsburgh Pirates NL 151 72 76
1893St. Louis Browns NL 135 57 75
1889Kansas City Cowboys AA 139 55 82
1888Detroit Wolverines NL 94 49 44
1888Kansas City Cowboys AA 25 8 17
1887Detroit Wolverines NL 127 79 45
1886Detroit Wolverines NL 126 87 36
1885Detroit Wolverines NL 70 34 36
1884Indianapolis Hoosiers AA 23 4 18