Baseball stats

Ned (Edward Hugh) Hanlon

Birthday: August 22, 1857 Montville (Connecticut) USA

Day of death: April 14, 1937 Baltimore (Maryland) USA

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Managed teams
Year Team League Matches Wins Lose
1907Cincinnati Reds NL 156 66 87
1906Cincinnati Reds NL 155 64 87
1905Brooklyn Superbas NL 155 48 104
1904Brooklyn Superbas NL 154 56 97
1903Brooklyn Superbas NL 139 70 66
1902Brooklyn Superbas NL 141 75 63
1901Brooklyn Superbas NL 137 79 57
1900Brooklyn Superbas NL 142 82 54
1899Brooklyn Superbas NL 150 101 47
1898Baltimore Orioles NL 154 96 53
1897Baltimore Orioles NL 136 90 40
1896Baltimore Orioles NL 132 90 39
1895Baltimore Orioles NL 132 87 43
1894Baltimore Orioles NL 129 89 39
1893Baltimore Orioles NL 130 60 70
1892Baltimore Orioles NL 133 43 85
1891Pittsburgh Pirates NL 78 31 47
1890Pittsburgh Burghers PL 131 60 68
1889Pittsburg Alleghenys NL 46 26 18