Baseball stats

Players fielding stats for: National League in year: 2003

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Players fielding stats
Burba Dave17213057001
Clark Brady1051384038347101062.657
Clayton Royce141137365319339614760.84
Conti Jason2014568582602.926
Crudale Mike902801001
Cruz Enrique1373031029132.18
Davis Doug8815733001
DeJean Mike580194712021
de los Santos Valerio450144112111
Durocher Jayson602202001
Estrella Leo580198814111
Ford Matt25413125111
Foster John2306311001
Franklin Wayne3634584824021
Ginter Keith538623851281818423.035
Hall Bill183287572959251.546
Hammonds Jeffrey1020492340000.8
Helms Wes13013034138823619200.751
Jenkins Geoff123244653044422020.9
Kieschnick Brooks4263151211221.429
Kinney Matt33315721322141
Kolb Danny37012424001
Leskanic Curt2608022001
Manning David222001000.5
Martinez Luis444903001
Nance Shane2607343110.8
Obermueller Wes12111971312011
Osik Keith787118914794455621391820.941
Perez Eddie1029124656133266836611911
Podsednik Scott139260714669010621.809
Quevedo Ruben9812828001
Ritchie Todd558515101
Rusch Glendon3219370316011
Sanchez Alex367218601986220.895
Sexson Richie16216243561362130111310.826
Sheets Ben34346622219200.952
Smith Mark1526648480201.87
Vander Wal John8917442483538641.826
Vizcaino Luis75018656001
Weeks Rickie426311100.25
Young Eric9996248419725015550.808
Zoccolillo Pete714342320001.917
Stats shortcuts
CSCaught Stealing
DPDouble Plays
GSGames Started
IOTime played in the field expressed as outs
PBPassed Balls
SBStolen Bases
WPWild Pitches
ZRZone Rating

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